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GameRager: Dude, I say this with good intent and from a good place: You need to not take what people say too seriously in these such games....this isn't like normal forum posting/ thing people do in these games(as you likely somewhat know) is to get a bit more "wild" in posting/ is not meant to be taken seriously or to heart, what people say(if it sounds bad, I mean).

That said, I hope you won't get burnt out due to the last few pages of posts and their wording and will be able to enjoy the rest of the game.
No worries I'm all burnt out now.
cristigale: I'm not sure I fully followed what happened in the exchange between you and SPF yet.
Have you now / will you in future?
cristigale: But can you explain how that would derp clear you?
I would not. I expect you may have other questions, so ask away.

cristigale: @scene - when you posted only two in your list had not voted

Small thought but would like to hear scene's reaction first.
Cadaver747: OK, 10 minutes passed, no bump request from you. Who are the non voters again?
So you want scene's reaction for your post, have you seen my post#64 by chance?
Are you *fake* scum hunting here?

Since you are a pro, is cristigale *fake* scum hunting here?
And another question: when Carradice expressed the possibility that Lonzi was *mafioso begging for time to coordinate* was it a *fake* scum hunting too?
Also I asked you to look up my posts and determine if it was the ONLY instance of my scum hunting back then (post #84), have you?
Some things I liked in recent posts:

Cadaver747: I have revealed a few already. More will come in due time.
lonzi: I mean, were you talking about the ones you already revealed? Is everyone who doesn't see the same oddities as you suspicious, or is there a specific reason why you think she should have seen them? Are you waiting to see if she has similar thoughts to you that you're keeping to yourself for the time being or do you mean that more will come in time as people make more posts? Or something else?
I liked this line of questions. Feels townie.

Cadaver747: In other words you have no idea, right? But you're willing to put your vote for one of three names based on what, on your mood?
Also do you know what "Slim" nickname actually means?
SirPrimalform: Oho, this is interesting! You surely see that I said I had no reads and then pulled some names out of the air, even saying that they were random. You may also see that I am not voting for any of you. The whole thing has been a joke until now...

But this reaction seems a bit too defensive.

Vote Cadaver
Liked this vote. I initially read Cadaver's reaction as overly defensive. And then things kind of exploded from there. I am still not sure what to make of it.

(Refreshed and saw Cadaver's response, will pick up from there)
cristigale: I liked this line of questions. Feels townie.
And my line of answers?.. Why haven't you analyzed them yet?

cristigale: Liked this vote. I initially read Cadaver's reaction as overly defensive. And then things kind of exploded from there. I am still not sure what to make of it.
Curious how you completely ignored my response just 1 post above but start to like that vote.

cristigale: (Refreshed and saw Cadaver's response, will pick up from there)
Oh I see now. That's how it goes: you did not refresh the pages. Good.
cristigale: I'm not sure I fully followed what happened in the exchange between you and SPF yet.
Cadaver747: Have you now / will you in future?
cristigale: But can you explain how that would derp clear you?
Cadaver747: I would not. I expect you may have other questions, so ask away.
I been re-reading through it. Perhaps it gets lost in translation, but I don't get the level of hostility I hear in your posts.
At times it sounds like your role-playing, at other times it sounds like you're genuinely mad.

I am familiar with bragging rights (ZFR did a good job explaining). I tried to go back and look at it from the perspective of someone who knows nothing about it and still don't understand why you reacted so strongly. That seems like a scum response.

If you bump, I'll get to your next questions.
cristigale: If you bump, I'll get to your next questions.
And if I not?
cristigale: If you bump, I'll get to your next questions.
Cadaver747: And if I not?
What? Do you want to have this conversation or not?

I am going back to your earlier question.
Cadaver747: And if I not?
cristigale: What? Do you want to have this conversation or not?

I am going back to your earlier question.
I wanted to know why to put it that way.

Yes, please proceed with my other questions.
cristigale: I liked this line of questions. Feels townie.
Cadaver747: And my line of answers?.. Why haven't you analyzed them yet?
I read your answer, it was elusive, but not awful.

cristigale: Liked this vote. I initially read Cadaver's reaction as overly defensive. And then things kind of exploded from there. I am still not sure what to make of it.
Cadaver747: Curious how you completely ignored my response just 1 post above but start to like that vote.
One post above what?

cristigale: (Refreshed and saw Cadaver's response, will pick up from there)
Cadaver747: Oh I see now. That's how it goes: you did not refresh the pages. Good.
Never mind I think we crossed each other.
That's ALL your answers???
I see two different things from you:

On one side, I see someone who is asking a lot of questions. Poking people. I can see this as genuine. Trying to dig at what is often the insignificant things early on, that helps drive the game forward. Some scum can do that, but not a lot do it well.

On the other side, starting with that interaction with SPF, it felt like a over reaction. Town doesn't have a reason to get out of shape when someone flippantly indicates they may be scum. If you are genuinely mad and not putting on an act, i am trying to understand it.

I play this game to have fun. When I first started playing, I took notes, analyzed things to death....and really didn't have very much fun cause I took it too seriously. My main goal during D1 now is to start to get a feel for a few people I think are town. That is what I was doing with the "these are things I like". I play from a POE perspective. Find the people the believe most to be town and vote for those outside of that.
Looked at post #64, yes I saw it. I saw micro-fish also point out that he already voted. That's why I went back to double check who had voted by then.

Did you have a question in that?

Not that it means much, but no I am not fake scum hunting. I don't really try to scum hunt D1. Most D1's scum typically sit back and let town lynch themselves. Rarely, in the games I've played, have many scum stuck out D1. That is why I am trying to understand you, you are not sitting back. I don't want to suspect you for a misunderstanding when you may be a try-hard town.
cristigale: I see two different things from you:

On one side, I see someone who is asking a lot of questions. Poking people. I can see this as genuine. Trying to dig at what is often the insignificant things early on, that helps drive the game forward. Some scum can do that, but not a lot do it well.

On the other side, starting with that interaction with SPF, it felt like a over reaction. Town doesn't have a reason to get out of shape when someone flippantly indicates they may be scum. If you are genuinely mad and not putting on an act, i am trying to understand it.

I play this game to have fun. When I first started playing, I took notes, analyzed things to death....and really didn't have very much fun cause I took it too seriously. My main goal during D1 now is to start to get a feel for a few people I think are town. That is what I was doing with the "these are things I like". I play from a POE perspective. Find the people the believe most to be town and vote for those outside of that.
That is not exactly what I was asking but thank you for your clarification. It seems genuine and answered a lot of possible questions prematurely regarding your approach.
Town doesn't have a reason to get out of shape you say. In other words Mafia have ALL the reasons to do it. Hardly it's true. But I'm okay with your viewing of thinks, we all have different perspectives after all.

I play this game to have fun as well, however I want to win and preferably without me dying, that would be awesome. In my first game I was killed and I've waited for guests each night I was so happy to see one coming but it was the last thing I saw that Night. I've mentioned at least 2 times that it was both: roleplaying and IRL reaction ("genuinely mad" if you like to put it like that) and still said: "At times it sounds like your role-playing, at other times it sounds like you're genuinely mad.". My reason my real like outrage is based on ridiculous claims "a bit too defensive" as a reason to a vote on innocent. Yes, you already stated how you "liked" that vote, so you find the reason to be a solid one. But I can't and you can trace my overreaction back to Mafia#65 game, I was accused because I put my own words in my own round brackets, I was accused because I directly expressed how I wanted to *sound* exactly when addressed to SPF. Ask Miss Pookie if you like, she (he) should remember my reaction well enough. I'm the same me, I react and overreact also the same and I can't prove it more than it is now.

Lastly it's nice of you to *get a feel* for the people you think are Town. However I can't comprehend the reason of derp'ing Lonzi and giving her your precious Town points/reads. No one asked you to, no one accused her, she is not in danger. What's the point?

And you have completely ignored my remark/question about scene's list of non-voters, you even mentioned that it's actual -2 players. Why have you done this? Haven't you seen my post (asking for a second time now).

My answers to Lonzi were not elusive but direct. I'm not sure I like how you stated them not to be "awful". It's the worst thing I could expect.

And no, we have not "crossed each other" it was 12 minutes difference and even if you haven't refreshed your page, you could not have not seen the big purple reply notification. I mean you could of course, I just don't find it natural (see attached).
I also suspect you of wanting to start bandwagon me, but you're afraid you put your vote before some other 3rd person do it first (I have 2 votes at the moment).

In other words you seem like a good guy, but I don't believe you.
12mins.jpg (134 Kb)
Thank you for that answer. I appreciate it.

When you posted #122, I was working on #123. I didn't refresh until I had a stopping place. I obviously didn't know it was your post until I refreshed. I don't see the problem there.

The "crossed each other post" was in reference to my second comment in post #129.

If you are town, I can see your suspicion about the bandwagon. I am not a win at all cost type of person. If someone is truly upset, I am not going to rub salt-in-wound. I played a couple of games on another site and quit due to the toxicity.
I'm getting town vibes from Cadaver, as he has an excellent point about being misinterpreted in exactly the same way last game as he is now.

I also, from a very laid back position, can see SPF as town, and this being a case of townies fighting each other. There is nothing yet here that I would vote on. Lift, on the other hand, I haven't liked. I cannot put my finger on exactly what seemed off about him, but something was.

If, after a reread, I still see him as being fishy, I currently intend to switch my vote to Lift, even though ZFR also feels wrong.


Also, I'll claim now, even though it might get me into hot water. Ba-da-dum! The Streak Continues! Yes, you read that right! I am (how boringly) town. Again. This enables me to have an unblemished team-record (though it as of yet does nothing about my personal rate of survival.)

This is my 7th town mafia game (I counted). (I had to be subbed out of one, due to surgery, but I still count that one!) (Make it 8 if you count the SH game, and 9 if you also include the Sultan game.)
Now, compare that to my record of 0 scum games. (well, one on discord, but that doesn't count.) Last game, I even asked Lift to make me mafia. He cryptically replied, "we'll see," and then made me town. This is proof that I can't draw mafia even when i try. I must be immune to that team?

And I am still town. This means that at this rate you'll never see my scum game (unlike lift, who smells a bit atm).

Why am i crowing? I honestly do not know. Maybe to mix things up a bit in case i ever do get to be scum? But a vote on me is a wasted vote. I'm nothing more nor less in this game than plain old boring Mike the Fish, sitting over here and smelling of tuna. (yeah, i know nothing about Boston fish, other than lobster, and i don't care for the thought of it.)

(No, this is not a role claim, it is merely a team claim.) (If we stake our claims early, can we dredge the harbor for gold dust? and beat the others back to the bank?)

Have we ever had a gold-rush themed game?