PookaMustard: GameRager and blotunga, are you sure both of you fully read your PMs? Every single letter in it?
Yes, as I said the rest is just flavor text/fluff and mentions the other person's/mason's name & the win conditions & thus likely useless to town. Now let us move on to finding scum.
SirPrimalform: Errr... you shouldn't be PMing other players about the game, even if it's a technical question. Always PM the mod.
I wasn't asking about the game....I stupidly thought that we could as one player here said masons chatted/could chat and I assumed without checking. I stopped after the one PM.
SirPrimalform: I share your uncertainty. Given that we probably have time (i.e. we got two scum in two Days), I'd actually be up for lynching one to confirm the other.
It just occurred to me that there is a way that Joe might have included 4 scum. What if they were mafia lovers? That might weaken them enough to keep it balanced and I wouldn't put it past Joe to do something like that.
If them being masons is in fact a falseclaim it would explain Blotunga's reluctance to give details as well as GR's "misclaim" that he had no PR and why he was taking Blotunga's lead.
Why does this seem like scum play/trying to get town lynched play to me?
Think about it(if you are indeed town): If masons can be opposing alignments(sometimes) as some said here than lynching one of us necessarily wouldn't be enough for some and some would likely then want to lynch the other as well.
Also I don't think joe would have made a 4 scum team as that seems a tad much.
SirPrimalform: Wow, totally not the response I was expecting from you! I think maybe I'll wait for some opinions from the people whose alignment I'm not currently questioning.
blotunga: You know what, I'm starting to get pissed off by all this questioning. Maybe you're the scum trying to eliminate some town, to have less headaches.
vote SirPrimalform I think SPF is acting a bit suspicious as well, but I will hold off for now. I don't think the final scum would make themselves such a target/so visible.
blotunga: Btw. Going back ot the votes and behavior I think Redfire stuck out the most.
unvote spf
vote redfiregaming
If i don't get NKed I'm more than happy to be lynched tomorrow. Why RF, if I may ask? Is it because of the reasons listed by SPF in post 480 or something else?