Posted October 11, 2019

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other

Grog'tial | half-dwarf, dual-bolt crossbow
Registered: Dec 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 11, 2019

(Compare with how I defended you in game #59, or how I (wrongly) defended Pooka in the same.)
"The sky could be possibly maybe be considered by some to be potentially be red due to lack of anything and this one vague thing which someone else said, but then again it could be blue as well."

Also, I hate to break it to you, but you were receiving plenty of suspicion before my post.

Also, what are your thoughts on GameRager? Is he defending you because he truly believes you to be town, or because he *knows* you to be town? What about his willingness to vote you regardless?

Do you consider it likely that trent won't get lynched without your participation?
The point of these questions was to get information from trent, though, not from you.
Also, speaking of analysis, you started D2 with saying that the D1 votes and ZFR's posts should be analyzed. Did you do so, and if so, did you gain any insights from it?
That is a good question. My current thinking is that you're too well aware that you always get suspected, so at the beginning of the day, you didn't think you could ride things out till the end by yourself, and then found yourself somewhat "stuck" in an untenable position.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 11, 2019

(Compare with how I defended you in game #59, or how I (wrongly) defended Pooka in the same.)
If trent flips town(as I suspect) then we can also analyze the wagon, and especially those that most fervently pushed for the wagon.

Also, I hate to break it to you, but you were receiving plenty of suspicion before my post.
That combined with the fact I didn't know your posting style*until now) made me think as I did.

Do you consider it likely that trent won't get lynched without your participation?
The point of these questions was to get information from trent, though, not from you.
Also, speaking of analysis, you started D2 with saying that the D1 votes and ZFR's posts should be analyzed. Did you do so, and if so, did you gain any insights from it?

Seeing as I get suspected at some point and never last a game regardless, playing 'smart'(If I were scum) likely wouldn't be of much help.

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Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted October 11, 2019
Hey, I'm trying to contribute as much as I can, but at the moment I can't really add much, as my thoughts seem generally well aligned with the majority. I would absolutely love it if my prediction of agent, trent and SPF came true, as that would be the second game in a row that I have correctly predicted the scum team! Alas, SPF seems less likely than GameRager at this stage in time.
I'm almost 100% sure that trent is scum, but I'd like to hear more from the lurkers before I add my vote to the trent wagon. Information is power, so I'm in no rush to end the day early.
I'm almost 100% sure that trent is scum, but I'd like to hear more from the lurkers before I add my vote to the trent wagon. Information is power, so I'm in no rush to end the day early.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 11, 2019
EBWOP: In the above post 333's 3rd part/reply I forgot to answer the other here it is:
To Gogtrial: I think trent will either get lynched regardless(by those who think him scum or who want to go to the next 'day' and analyze posts and wagons), or if a nolynch happens then he might survive. But who knows, really.
Also I said for everyone(iirc) to analyze ZFR's posts and the old wagon, including me, but I am lazy and forgetful(irl as I have memory issues sometimes) so I didn't do much of that yet.
Well most have replied and we aren't doing much but going in circles, so:
Vote Trent
Now to all you others who were saying we should go to the next day/might vote trent: Put your money where your mouth is and finish this "day" already so we can analyze the wagons.
(Or don't and I will take that hesitation by such as a possible scum tell)
To Gogtrial: I think trent will either get lynched regardless(by those who think him scum or who want to go to the next 'day' and analyze posts and wagons), or if a nolynch happens then he might survive. But who knows, really.
Also I said for everyone(iirc) to analyze ZFR's posts and the old wagon, including me, but I am lazy and forgetful(irl as I have memory issues sometimes) so I didn't do much of that yet.
Well most have replied and we aren't doing much but going in circles, so:
Vote Trent
Now to all you others who were saying we should go to the next day/might vote trent: Put your money where your mouth is and finish this "day" already so we can analyze the wagons.
(Or don't and I will take that hesitation by such as a possible scum tell)

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 11, 2019

Unless, of course, you are the last scum Tomorrow. Then, by all means, please do self-hammer!
2.) And again I will explain: out of fear. If agent outed the entire initial scum-team and trent is scum, then the (new) third scum would see danger of the loss of his two buddies in two consecutive nights. I can very well imagine Scum!GameRager losing his cool and trying to save his buddie, out of fear to be on the path to losing the entire game quickly. Of course you then realized that that was a mistake and rowed back a bit, saying that you are willing to lynch trent after all. Actually it fits very well to a not so experienced scum player. And your statement 'If I were scum I wouldn't play this way' is something I would totally expect you to say as scum. In other words, it is pure WIFOM.
Of course, as I stated before, there are also possible innocent explanations for your defense of trent. We'll just have to see how trent flips.
However, what I find interesting is the way you fight against the implication that your defense of trent makes you scummy if he flips scum. That looks as if you would already know that he WILL flip scum. Because if you really would believe that he is Town, then you would expect to be exonerated tomorrow.
Might be anti-town, and the rest of town players couldn't analyze the hammer much, but they could still analyze the rest of the wagon and the posts concerning me made by others.
2nd bit: That sounds plausible, but please refer to the clip I posted to gogtrial above via a yt link.
3rd bit: True, and now that hammer is all that's left we will see who votes and who does not.
4th bit: A town will always try to defend themselves(or should) when seen as scum to save themselves and keep town from losing a town member.
Also it is likely even if he flips town some will try to frame me as scum regardless.

We live in a society
Registered: May 2019
From United States
Posted October 12, 2019

And trying to post on mobile... is terrible.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 12, 2019

I also suspect slightly those who are fervently on the trent wagon if he flips town(as I think he will). If he flips scum then I might possibly have to rethink it a bit.
Tbh I mostly play to have fun with fellow forum goers, even if I mostly suck at it/don't really keep lists and track posts like some do/like I should. As such, I often get labelled as scum and lynched early on, or scum take me out as an easy target.
But even so, I mainly play to have fun. I want my side to win, of course, but if I lose I consider it more important(just a bit more) if I had fun playing rather than if I got lynched or not.
Also as I said I am vanilla town so town wouldn't be hurt too bad if I did get lynched....still, I will take what you said/posted to heart and try a bit more if/when I can.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 12, 2019
*Forgot to add: Going offline again for the day in 5 min....will be back to answer any replies/posts made to/about others/etc and see what's up with the game in around 17+ hours or so. Have fun, all*

Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted October 12, 2019
OK, NOW I have missed a hell ton.
GameRager: You didn't miss out on much, tbh....a good amount of 1 page is me and SPF debating about the merits of lynching trent or not. Though when taken from gogtrial's lenses, it appears not that bad of an idea to lynch one of you or trent for the flip, or at the very least have a power role check on you.
Not exactly. For all you know, I might quit.
GameRager: As for game dev: What kind of game/what are you working on, if I may be so bold as to ask? I ask also as I once made a small game via AGS of my own(well 2 if one counts it's short prequel) and am into such. Can't reveal what it'll be about, but I'm thinking of a platformer with a very simple metroidvania element, with the unique point being the twist of the game itself.
GameRager: I would be looking at whoever voted or pushed the vote of trent, as well as all who voted for him(naturally). As to who the final scumbuddy could be....korotan could be a possible suspect due to their not posting much and that odd post someone brought up earlier, but then again it could be someone else entirely. Given the developments that have happened so far, who would be your next suspects if you were lynched instead? What do you think of your korotan theory now that gogtrial has taken his place and is already proving to be the strong town player that he is?
nmillar: I've been wondering about this. Do we rush the trent lynch, or do we spend some more time figuring out who could be the remaining scum buddy? I'm leaning towards the latter. Until Joe sets a deadline, then I'm going to hold off adding my vote, to allow as much time as possible for everyone to contribute. You said this two days ago. Do you think GameRager is trent's scumbuddy, or do you have other thoughts?
Now quickly rereading...
Haha, "quickly rereading," I said. What a joke.
Anyways, I'm not feeling well about GameRager insisting that gogtrial cleared his name (by clearing the player in the slot before him, korotan) THEN turned the attention to GameRager. I just don't think of it that way. The attention was always on GameRager this D2, and the korotan suspicion wouldn't have done much to placate or strengthen it.
Seeing GameRager, I'm in favor of lynching him (less likely) or trent (more likely) and figuring out if we nailed the scumteam.

Not exactly. For all you know, I might quit.

Now quickly rereading...
Haha, "quickly rereading," I said. What a joke.
Anyways, I'm not feeling well about GameRager insisting that gogtrial cleared his name (by clearing the player in the slot before him, korotan) THEN turned the attention to GameRager. I just don't think of it that way. The attention was always on GameRager this D2, and the korotan suspicion wouldn't have done much to placate or strengthen it.
Seeing GameRager, I'm in favor of lynching him (less likely) or trent (more likely) and figuring out if we nailed the scumteam.

Laughing At You
Registered: Sep 2019
From United States
Posted October 12, 2019
oh my. I'll read all these post and try to make sense of everything tomorow.

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Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom

Grog'tial | half-dwarf, dual-bolt crossbow
Registered: Dec 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 12, 2019
Do you still have specific pieces of information you're hoping to gain? If so, I suggest you work at acquiring them posthaste. Sitting back looking pretty is not going to gain you much information, and I think all other active conversations are starting to repeat themselves now.
Please do. I think your reactions are the only thing I personally would still like to see more of before ending the day.
Please do. I think your reactions are the only thing I personally would still like to see more of before ending the day.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 12, 2019
If trent is scum, I don't think his buddy would try to defend him. I certainly wouldn't.