Posted October 04, 2019

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 04, 2019

One of them is lying. Town almost always don't lie. None of them are newbies; they both know this. I tend to think agent is the liar.
Anyway if all scum were flipped likely they flipped with vanilla townies. Not sure a scum cop or a ninja townie would make sense. Now I do remember that Joe's last game had an element of bastardness to it so I can imagine the flip of the whole gang. So if agent is telling the truth then why is trent denying it. Except if he finds the info game breaking. Ok, going to sleep now, maybe I have better thoughts in the morning
@off topic
I just watched The Joker movie earlier, I hope I don't dream about it :S

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 04, 2019

Only one of them can be telling the truth, if we lynch one and they turn out town then we lynch the other. I'm in favour of lynching agentcarr first as if trent was and still is scum, he could very easily have agreed with agentcarr's story and claimed to be town now.
Thing is I have non proof trent is telling the truth either, and if his target turns out to be town he;d be next on my sights for voting.
Agreed that if one turns out to be town we should probably lynch the other for various reasons.
Or so trent claims.

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted October 04, 2019
Did it? Was fairly Normal to me. A hidden modifier or two, but nothing to make it Bastard.
Good question. One of them is lying. By lying they'd draw attention to themselves.
a) Why would trent draw attention to himself?
b) Why would agent draw attention to himself?
a) I don't know. I've never seen trent lie in such a way.
b) As some sort of gambit. Because I've seen trent lie in such a brazen way: in Lift's Witches of Salem game.
The above is why I'm inclined to believe trent of the two.
The other option of course is that Joe messed up and send a wrong PM to someone or something. Or is a Bastard Squared by purposely lying to someone in their PM. I don't think it's the latter. He may be a bastard, but not Bastard Squared.
Yes, but if trent is lying then trent is scum, then he's not suspicious of agent.
Good question. One of them is lying. By lying they'd draw attention to themselves.
a) Why would trent draw attention to himself?
b) Why would agent draw attention to himself?
a) I don't know. I've never seen trent lie in such a way.
b) As some sort of gambit. Because I've seen trent lie in such a brazen way: in Lift's Witches of Salem game.
The above is why I'm inclined to believe trent of the two.
The other option of course is that Joe messed up and send a wrong PM to someone or something. Or is a Bastard Squared by purposely lying to someone in their PM. I don't think it's the latter. He may be a bastard, but not Bastard Squared.
Yes, but if trent is lying then trent is scum, then he's not suspicious of agent.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A
Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted October 04, 2019
I'm pretty sure at this stage already that GameRager is town. He's much more open in the way he's playing this game as opposed to his lacklustre performance in the last one, where he did turn out to be scum.
I'll come back in the next 24 hours with my scum list. I was pretty much spot on last time out!
I'll come back in the next 24 hours with my scum list. I was pretty much spot on last time out!

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted October 04, 2019

1. Either Dedoporno or Microfish had to be scum or Joe wouldn’t have had to change the game
2. Anyone who was town with a Power Role stayed town with said power role and anyone who was scum stayed scum.
3. The only people who can be a possible choice to have replaced Dedo or Micro started the game as vanilla town.
Why is this how it has to be? If the game was just completely rolled again for scum and town and roles handed out it would be broken as someone who had a Power Role before and not after the game was rolled again would know a specific role was in play giving them an unfair advantage. If someone was Town before with a power role but were now scum they would know a role town has and the same goes in reverse. Could also be a town player had a power role and stayed town without a role, but again would have the advantage of knowing a role town has. Now it’s possible there’s a vanilla scum that you would think could have been rolled again as town, but since scum probably have at least one or two roles (it’s possible they have none but very unlikely) anyone who was scum would stay scum as you are typically told who your scum buddies are before the game starts.
So unless Joe made new roles for scum and town and rolled alignments again then whoever started the game as town with a power role is still town with a power role and whoever started as scum is still scum. That’s the only way the game wouldn’t be broken, and that’s why I wanted all talk of the setup to stop. Now we know whoever had to move to scum started as a vanilla townie so anyone who claims vanilla town will be looked at with even more suspicion.

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A
Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 04, 2019

I'll come back in the next 24 hours with my scum list. I was pretty much spot on last time out!
*Grumbles incoherently*
(This post is in goodn fun, case anyone thinks i'm actually mad at someone:))

2. Anyone who was town with a Power Role stayed town with said power role and anyone who was scum stayed scum.
3. The only people who can be a possible choice to have replaced Dedo or Micro started the game as vanilla town.
Why is this how it has to be? If the game was just completely rolled again for scum and town and roles handed out it would be broken as someone who had a Power Role before and not after the game was rolled again would know a specific role was in play giving them an unfair advantage. If someone was Town before with a power role but were now scum they would know a role town has and the same goes in reverse. Could also be a town player had a power role and stayed town without a role, but again would have the advantage of knowing a role town has. Now it’s possible there’s a vanilla scum that you would think could have been rolled again as town, but since scum probably have at least one or two roles (it’s possible they have none but very unlikely) anyone who was scum would stay scum as you are typically told who your scum buddies are before the game starts.
So unless Joe made new roles for scum and town and rolled alignments again then whoever started the game as town with a power role is still town with a power role and whoever started as scum is still scum. That’s the only way the game wouldn’t be broken, and that’s why I wanted all talk of the setup to stop. Now we know whoever had to move to scum started as a vanilla townie so anyone who claims vanilla town will be looked at with even more suspicion.
I think I will err that you are town for now.....and might possibly join you in voting agent if I am further convinced.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 04, 2019
Can't sleep, on the phone and battery low so a few quickies:
@zfr: scum had a loud ninja... Bastard enough if you ask me
@trent: exactly what I wrote above.
@zfr: scum had a loud ninja... Bastard enough if you ask me
@trent: exactly what I wrote above.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A
Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted October 05, 2019

I rolled scum to start the game, but got switched when dedoporno and Microfish_1 left the game. Dedo was Scum with me, as was trentonlf. I don't know why he decided to reroll when he could have just done what ZFR suggested (turn a town into a scum).
Funny story. I misread my original PM, didn't realize that I was scum, and outed myself in my first post.
"Me Baka, Watcher of Kalunga."
Watcher of Kalunga is the second REDACTED bit in the OP, and he redacted it because of me.

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 05, 2019

I rolled scum to start the game, but got switched when dedoporno and Microfish_1 left the game. Dedo was Scum with me, as was trentonlf. I don't know why he decided to reroll when he could have just done what ZFR suggested (turn a town into a scum).
Funny story. I misread my original PM, didn't realize that I was scum, and outed myself in my first post.
"Me Baka, Watcher of Kalunga."
Watcher of Kalunga is the second REDACTED bit in the OP, and he redacted it because of me.

Vote AgentCarr16