dedoporno: Scene actually helped me here! His flip showed me that we were in case 1 as I'm also VT.
dedoporno: But if he was Vanilla he would have known the setup doesn't include full Vig, only a 1-shot Vig who is now also Vanilla.
How would a VT have known there is no full vig in the setup?
As far as I can tell, only mafia can have this knowledge.
Do I reveal your flawed thinking to you? Again?
What does it mean that you make this mistake twice?
Meh, I'll just let you respond to this, and see how much we all believe it.
dedoporno: Based on the latest publicly available knowledge we knew that we either started with 4 or 6 power roles.
DICE ROLLS. Not PRs! For some PRs, you need two dice rolls to only get one PR.
We could be in DDBVTTT, which is Doctor + 1-shot Doctor + roleblocker + 1-shot vig.
But we could also be in DDBV??T, which is Doctor + 1-shot Doctor + roleblocker + ??
Options could be:
DDBVDDT (Doctor + 1-shot Doctor + roleblocker + 1-shot vig + doctor)
DDBVVBT (Doctor + 1-shot Doctor + roleblocker + full vig + 1-shot roleblocker)
DDBVBBT (Doctor + 1-shot Doctor + roleblocker + 1-shot vig + full roleblocker)
DDBVVVT (Doctor + 1-shot Doctor + roleblocker + 1-shot vig + full vig)