" ... bler144! She isn't only a witch, she's our Head-Witch! We totally all followed her! I swear to God against whom I have sinned! Kill me, if you must, but kill her too or all will be for naught!" "Fine with me." says the Judge. "The more, the merrier. Grab her, guys." The guard grab bler, who fights back and screams that there was no vote, no majority. Just the mad ravings of one spiteful woman. But in vain. They string her up on the oak branch right next to flubbucket. And while flubbucket stops struggling quickly and suffocates like a normal woman, bler's tenacity is conciderable. Shadows collect around her and keep her alive. The rope even snaps! ... But in that moment the guards, who were prepared when they saw her struggling, open fire. Hit by a dozen bullet, she goes down and is quickly hung again, before she recovers. The priest says his prayers and douses her with holy water and the Judge himself takes up a pistol and puts a bullet in her head, for good measure. Then she finally is still and is quickly burned. A scream rises from the pyre and some kind of shadow, like fog, dances in the flames. Writhes and then evaporates under the noon sun. Voices of all the dead witches are heard for a moment - and then fade. And for the first time in weeks, nay, months, Salem feels free again. The curse of the witches has been lifted! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
flubbucket is dead. She was Martha Carrier, Vengeful Townie
bler144 is dead. She was Alice Parker, Witch Vanilla Cop -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The game is over and Town and the neutral Lyncher have won! You may now all post in this thread again!
The Witche's Coven (Scumchat):
https://www.quicktopic.com/52/H/eLCJfx8hYnswN Observer Thread:
https://www.quicktopic.com/52/H/etQbWRnbgwHzy And votes/action tracking sheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RYdDDNlMv8hLyNixcVfIaihFYzHtk-sRd8zVidAR73I/edit#gid=1406656867 Upon reflection, I wouldn't do the double-lynch mechanic again. That turned out to be difficult to balance. But I do like the late-day vote incentive in the form of the two phases. The Lyncher was also difficult to balance, but in the end everything turned out to be quite balanced and up to the very end both sides had a chance to win. The game was very fascinating to watch.
Thank you all for playing!
Oh, by the way. Muddy was Town, of course. Sarah Wildes, Vanilla Townie, to be precise.
Nice game, muddy!