P1na: Yeah, this is killing me. I guess I should have made the question earlier. And I can't deny laziness has had something to do with the decision I'm taking.
But I can answer that question I'm quoting: he's not taking that decision from a town perspective. The thing is I agree to his evaluation, and was playing along those lines. But I also know he's not playing town, and as such I'm going to do exactly the opposite of what he suggests. And I won't wait any longer mulling it over because, as Bler mention, it's best to leave as much time as I can for discussion.
Yup, I'm claiming parity cop too. I've investigated Bler, SPF and HSL, and the result was nobody was on the same team. Since HSL is kinda confirmed town, I know for a fact SPF isn't town. And, unless it just so happens that SPF is technically neutral and Bler is mafia, I feel that Bler has big chances of being town, but I can't 100% guarantee that.
I thought it would be best to keep a low profile till tomorrow, as I had a revealed townie to compare to on N3, but with a confirmed not-town advising for exactly that play, I changed my mind. I'm really sorry if this proves to be a dumb move, but it's the best one I think I should be making.
And once again, I would be lying if I didn't admit that not having to build a case up to frame SPF is a relief. Because it's killing me.

cristigale: And,,,this is what I was waiting for. I was going through the possibilities of who could be PC if scum!Ixam. P1na was the only one that made sense. Unfortunately, it also fits if P1na is scum!muddy's buddy.
@P1na - why did you choose the players you did? Would love to hear those motivations.
BTW, if you are real deal, claiming was the right things to do.
I'll check back after the all the family stuff is done tonight.
Glad to know I made the right choice then, but coming out the closet on the third day felt a bit rushed. Also, not sure if you mean the choices for the players I investigated or for how I played.
If you mean my investagation choices, there's of course no deep meaning. I messed up the N0 action so I chose bler mid D1, right after I decided (due to his advice) that he must be town, so I could use that as benchmark. Then I chose one of the players that I perceived as more experienced and I wouldn't be able to read normally, SPF. Could have been pretty much anyone, really. I thought of voting for him right then when there was a wagon choice between SPF and HSL, but by the time I even posted, ZFR was pointing out that you had switch your vote from SPF to Ixam and I didn't feel confident I could make a SPF wagon, nor was I confident on my hunch of Bler being town and SPF scum for not being in Bler's team. So I was rolling along, but then the voting got crazy at the very end, and I gave up.
I investigated HSL because I felt bad after he called me out and I wanted more info on it, but he turned out dead. Good thing was that him dead and confirmed town, while investigation saying he wasn't on SPF's team, made it easy to target SPF on day 3. Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with a reasonable excuse to vote for him, as this vote was meant to be a serious one. I procrastinated on that, ixam claimed, and I had no idea how to handle things and well, this is how it turned out.
I tried to fish around for info on how the cop should act, because I originally figured I should keep my head down and make sure I had another clean read to compare with HSL confirmed towniness. Honestly, I thought I was pushing my questioning even before I asked Bler right away, and SPF saying that the cop should keep quiet clinched it. I thought that me saying clearly I thought Bler was town and was convinced SPF wasn't would work as clues should I show up dead tomorrow morning.
The second night got me quite concerned about a night kill, because if people vote for me I can claim and leave my finding, my death will show my role and prove it was correct even if I do get lynched, helping the team on the long run. But if I got night killed, nothing would remain... I thought the value of my only investigation wasn't that big and I could take the risk on N2, but I couldn't on this one. In all honesty, I really don't like to have a power role. Too much pressure and responsability, I'd rather be a carefree townie whose loss won't be felt.
Now, I could go a bit more in depth on my reasons, but I think it's too meta. Too much stuff from outside the game and I think it's a bit of a downer for those still playing, so I'd rather write that on the dead thread. But as I don't expect to survive the night, I could make such a goodbye post right here tomorrow, if requested.