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Good grief I suck!

Unvote: SirPrimalform

Vote: muddysneakers
[i]This Day becomes starts out a bit more dynamic than the last ones. After some morning discussions, Ixamyakxim suddenly bursts out: "I have a good feeling for who works well together and who doesn't! And muddy is totally not playing in the same team as some of the others!" This triggered quite some discussion and the Day becomes lively. Fittingly, outside a storm is brewing and the two bodies on the village oak sway in the freshening wind.


The 'yes, votes in quotes don't count' Vote Count:

muddy 2 - bler 520, flubb 526
P1na 1 - agent 521

Not voting: Ixam, muddy, P1na, SirP, cristi
It takes 5 votes to lynch

Lifthrasil: The 'yes, votes in quotes don't count' Vote Count:
Maybe not, but what's wrong with the one right above? :P
Lifthrasil: The 'yes, votes in quotes don't count' Vote Count:
SirPrimalform: Maybe not, but what's wrong with the one right above? :P
Nothing. That's why it counts. The vote count had just been written before flubb corrected his mistake. So I had to correct the count as well, but I left the title.
SirPrimalform: Maybe not, but what's wrong with the one right above? :P
Lifthrasil: Nothing. That's why it counts. The vote count had just been written before flubb corrected his mistake. So I had to correct the count as well, but I left the title.
Yeah, I realised that as soon as I posted. Just a brain fart, for some reason thought you'd missed Flub's post even though it's right there in the count. I'm tired. :<
SirPrimalform: ............. I'm tired. :<
I'm town.
SirPrimalform: ............. I'm tired. :<
flubbucket: I'm town.
Well shucks, pleased to meet you town. Can I take your coat, what's your alignment and would you like a drink?
flubbucket: I'm town.
SirPrimalform: Well shucks, pleased to meet you town. Can I take your coat, what's your alignment and would you like a drink?
Yes you may take my coat.

My alignment is slightly off center and I'll take a glass of anything......neat.
P1na: snip
bler144: Can you link the post(s) or #s you're responding to, here? HSL may know what you're talking about, but I assume I'm not the only living player who could use a little more orientation as to what you're saying here and why.
My bad. I usually try to reply directly so the person knows I did, but since he had tragically passed away I didn't this time. I was responding to this.

agentcarr16: But assuming that he is legitimately Neutral, there are two or three Scum in flubbucket, P1na, SirPrimalform, and bler144 (LAMIST!!!). That's... pretty good odds.

@Ixamyakxim - Why ZFR on N1?

I'm still high on flubbucket-is-Town and I still think the bler144-supplementscene interaction was Town-on-Town violence, hence P1na and SirPrimalform are Scum...?

I've been feel less good about P1na for a while now, so I'll

Vote P1na
Well, regardless of your feelings, my alignment hasn't changed lately. You can't blame me for my mafia buddies being too busy this weekend to give me an amazing opener.

Personally, from your list, a little bird told me P1na is town. I've been voting for flub and made that know, and I decided early on to count Bler as town. As for SPF, have I made my dislike of his double face* known? I thought it was better than his previous lack of face, but now he seems... duplicitous?

*: talking about his avatar there, not really serious. Or am I?
agentcarr16: But assuming that he is legitimately Neutral, there are two or three Scum in flubbucket, P1na, SirPrimalform, and bler144 (LAMIST!!!). That's... pretty good odds.

@Ixamyakxim - Why ZFR on N1?

I'm still high on flubbucket-is-Town and I still think the bler144-supplementscene interaction was Town-on-Town violence, hence P1na and SirPrimalform are Scum...?

I've been feel less good about P1na for a while now, so I'll

Vote P1na
P1na: Well, regardless of your feelings, my alignment hasn't changed lately. You can't blame me for my mafia buddies being too busy this weekend to give me an amazing opener.

Personally, from your list, a little bird told me P1na is town. I've been voting for flub and made that know, and I decided early on to count Bler as town. As for SPF, have I made my dislike of his double face* known? I thought it was better than his previous lack of face, but now he seems... duplicitous?

*: talking about his avatar there, not really serious. Or am I?
Fair enough, but I haven't heard from said little bird and I have to work with what I know. What are your thoughts on muddysneakers?
So here's what I think.

Ixam- lying about me and my role. Not sure if that makes him mafia or neutral lyncher and the distinction is important at this stage. Also not sure what to make of cristi now but she's probably town lock now. Otherwise she'd be objecting as well. Or she's scum with Ixam. I'm guessing he had to concoct this plan after I pushed back on his attempted lynch of me. If all this was true why did he wait ~15 hours before springing this? Maybe he didn't have all the info already fabricated. Replay of scene's fake claim from last game perhaps?

There's this from 484:

Like I said this initial read is more fear of your game so far - it's a nice "hiding" place. Wagon (or lack thereof) might lend credence to your being scum, or town and me just being way off base.

So is it a read or do you actually know?

bler- little disappointed with bler's kneejerk vote on me. Feels like he should have waited for me to respond unless he is also mafia which I have considered.

Flubb-last four votes on ZFR wagon. This was after he started his erratic voting behavior. You can't think all those players are scum (obvious HSL was tricked into it) so you have to consider that some town could be there as well.

cristi/bler-yes the voting history for cristi as town. Either that or deep mafia.

Personally I think we should be very cautious with our votes here.

As I think about it more Ixam's claim I'm wondering the order of investigation. Myself or cristi had to be last night because ZFR was already dead. So a closer look makes it sound like cristi, then ZFR, then me.

Then there is this from Ixam in 517

Okay I hope this isn't a bad time... I was breadcrumbing a power role. And trying to protect ZFR.

Why are you trying to protect ZFR when he is acting very very weird and he hasn't flipped yet and you have no idea what alignment he is except 'same as cristi'. Very very scummy.
@ Agent

I never claimed neutral. I said if I flip neutral it is bad for town (game-ending even if there are 3 mafia) in response to Ixam's desire to hunt neutral today instead of scum. Town cannot go into voting today trying to find neutral.

If you think I'm mafia but then also suspect SPF then why do I come out today trying to get SPF lynched as my primary target?

If you think I'm neutral, I don't think you can afford to vote for me as town. If you're neutral, you could possibly vote for me because it might end the game and you'd survive.

And yes VT meant vengeful townie.

If you're wondering my list in order of scum as of last night was SPF, Ixam, agent-bler tied, flubb, and cristi. I've got nothing on P1na.

Now my read is Ixam, lots and lots of space, SPF, bler, flubb, agent, cristi. And still nothing on P1na.
The more I think about it the more I think this is a ploy by Ixam and mafia to get me lynched and win the game or get the parity cop to counterclaim and get a good nightkill. The only people who can dispute this claim are myself and the parity cop. I'm more and more convinced cristi is town.
muddysneakers: The more I think about it the more I think this is a ploy by Ixam and mafia to get me lynched and win the game or get the parity cop to counterclaim and get a good nightkill. The only people who can dispute this claim are myself and the parity cop. I'm more and more convinced cristi is town.
That would be a good plan. If - and I'm not convinced - Ixam is mafia, then it could indeed be a ploy to draw the cop out by CC. Certainly his claim coming out defensively for being called out on strange behaviour is a little suspect.

If there is someone out there thinking of CCing, pick your moment carefully.

Or y'know, Ix is telling the truth and you're not town.
Vote Ixam

Its kinda convenient that one of the larger wagons from yesterday can hand wave all of his scummy actions with I am parity cop.