SirPrimalform: 1. Are we extraordinarily lucky or just underpowered?
2. Why did ZFR refuse to claim? It occurred to me that it might have been because he thought it would cause chaos if people unvoted him at the last second. But given that he supported literally all the other wagons and would increase the possibility of a double lynch, that doesn't make sense.
3. I suppose a good question would be: Why HSL?
1. Well, if we were lucky they would have killed neutral instead of VT. If we were extraordinarily lucky they would have offed themselves.
This is weird statement you make.
2. Well, in retrospect it seems pretty clear that he was a bit peeved given his flip combined with his response to HSL. I didn't expect him to flip town given ...well, most of D2, but in fairness to him, if I were town and people were lining up to not just vote me but tell me I was anti-town, I probably wouldn't feel super gracious either.
3. What makes that a good question?
flubbucket: Your LAMIST is rather potent.
Vote: SirPrimalform Good point.
It feels like so long ago since we last ran someone out of town for opening the day with a LAMIST post. I can't remember when it was, but I feel like it turned out well and we definitely hit maf or something.
flubbucket: No. Just wondering.
Still wandering, as well?
Ixamyakxim: And I'll be honest, the way the numbers are lining up (there are A LOT of dead vanilla townies) I sort of am not sure if I should focus on "actual scum" hunting today. I sort of want to maybe start thinking about those nasty neutrals, ESPECIALLY the lyncher now that the numbers are dwindling.
And I think at this point, even if we "mislynch" when hunting a neutral, we still have a pretty damn good shot of getting scum.
Uhhhh...what now?
muddysneakers: Any more experienced players want to weigh in on this? Also if this is true is this statement scummy as I think it is or just extremely misguided town?
It's weird.
Is it wolfy? Well, IDK. Normally I'd say no, since it's based on a premise pretty much no one else is likely to buy. But I don't think I've ever understood him.
That said, I recall maf!Ix having more of an edge and this just feels...
muddysneakers: It made scene in my head. Let me try again. It is far too easy to manipulate the votes to prevent the double lynch. Basically I don't think you're going to get the double lynch unless its the double lynch mafia wants.
Well, that depends. The point several of us were making is that a double wagon last in phase 2 is easily manipulated.
In theory you could plan a double wagon in phase 1 that would be much harder to manipulate. But you'd need a clear motive for that particular double wagon that everyone bought into, and you'd need to force both lynchees somehow to be locked onto the other so that they couldn't pile on late to swing it.
So practically I'm not holding a lot of hope we could pull it off even if we somehow settled on two.
Ixamyakxim: That seems sort of... off to me.
Also "being at 3v3 tomorrow" ? Are you speculating or do you know that? That feels *almost* but not quite like a slip. I admit I hadn't considered 3 scum reading the first page - I thought goon, cop.
He did say "possibly." As for the rest...
Sigh. If that's all an's cleverly done.
muddysneakers: Also if you successfully lynch me and I flip neutral, that is bad for town. Full stop.
If you assume 3 mafia, it's certainly not great. Beats lynching VT or PC though.
If there are 2 mafia and mult neutral, it has decent value. Though mulling over the voting and the roles (always dangerous, certainly) I tend to agree 3 mafia is more likely than 2.