ZFR: Except that Lift specifically said random. I take random to mean random.org. [...]
Well, you also take an exclusively anti-every_other_faction lovers pair to be a regular pair of tragic lovers, and call one town and the other mafia, so there's that.
From post #2:
Phase 1 will be approximately 3 days. Phase 2 will be approximately 2 days. Both will be +/- half a day, exact length will be random.
This reads like the length of each Phase over the course of the game won't be exactly the same every Day, not that he'd necessarily use random.org.
I have a couple of more thoughts on the matter, but no point in debating this further, we can't know until post game. But you can have the last word if you feel so inclined. /shrug
ZFR: [...] You waited till
3pm of deadline (Lift's time. 2pm UCT). How on earth is
that good Town strategy? [...]
Funny how
your strategy is of the good Town sort, but others isn't. I explained my strategy, and it paid off; sorry, not sorry, if you don't like the implications and result.
ZFR: [...] No, I don't feel bad using mafia's self vote to secure his lynch. I'd do it again. [...]
And here is that certainty once more.
ZFR: [...] Remember D1 of Poppy's game?
Yes. I also remember your game. Do you? How does that one fit your narrative?
ZFR: Also not that it matters but you got Ixam wrong. I voted him.
Do you mean it doesn't matter because it isn't an official vote count?
ZFR: [...] because
his was made on D1 with a clearly random . [...]
No doubt using random.org.
ZFR: [...] Stop with the "allegedly". This is mafia. All we say is alleged. [...]
You're clearly missing the tone and point of my use of the term.
ZFR: [...] Good luck, Town.
cristigale: [...] And yes, ZFR's vote is on Ixam, not HSL. So ZFR has 5 votes, Ixam and Hyper both with 2 votes.
And you probably made a typo - flubbucket voted Ixamyakxim in post #301, not #391.
It'd seem that we're just waiting on the mod to close the Day? I think I'm going to call it a night; wrestling with my heating system took its toll, and my eyes have gotten heavy.