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Quick Vote Count

Ixam 2 - flubb (391), SirP (370)
ZFR 1 - bler (380)
flubb 1 - P1na (257)
SirP 3 - ZFR (258), cristi (342), muddy (403)
HSL 3 - Ixam (347), agent (388), HSL (self)

SirP and HSL are closest to lynch. Deadline ist some time today
bler144: To me it seems you're dismissing any analysis of the REASON he gives for voting and just assume that the vote stands on its own, mechanically. 1+1 = town!!!!
I really don't understand this sentence.

What did the original question mean? Analyze P1na's reason and compare and contrast to my own reasons? I wrote my thoughts on P1na's reasons in 383 and since my reasons were mostly self-preservation they are obviously different. I'm a bit clueless on what you expected/wanted me to answer.
Ixamyakxim: ...
*poke, poke*

It's close to Nightfall. Don't go missing now and please return to the game!
bler144: [...] Will vote Ix as well in two scenarios. Would like to see his response to my earlier question. [...]
HypersomniacLive: What do you make of his explanation in post #371 as to what his

Ixamyakxim: [...] Slipping it out there just in case. [...]
HypersomniacLive: was all about?

Same question to cristigale.
I don't think it makes sense as town. Say you are town: you see another player apparently bread crumbing a PR role. You obviously don't want to vote there. So you choose to 'slip it out there' you are not voting there because of said breadcrumb....when no one else has made any mention of it. I could see a new player making an honest mistake. ixam should know better.

I tend to agree with SPF's suggestion. It makes more sense if Ixam is ZFR's scum-buddy and attempting to draw attention away from SPF.

I also thought it was odd that he indicated flub was somehow role-fishing and questioned you about repeating it.

Vote Ixam

I still need to address my ZFR read.

I tend to agree with SPF's suggestion. It makes more sense if Ixam is ZFR's scum-buddy and attempting to draw attention away from ZFR.

I re-read ZFR. I still think the Ixam/ZFR scenario makes a lot of sense. I'd like to say that I have some new insight, but I really don't. I can see the potential for arguing to look busy. If there is enough support to vote ZFR instead of Ixam, I would make a more comprehensive list but right now I'm too tired.

Here's where am:

Town ---- would not vote today

Lean town ---- would not vote today

agent - mostly has not changed, others have moved around him

Low Neutral
Hyper - Hyper has only made one vote this game. His RVS vote on P1na, which apparently was where he wanted his vote yesterday. No votes today. Hyper is known as the Reluctant Voter but has long passed the day when he was THAT reluctant to vote.
@Hyper - I don't know (other than assuming) where you stand on anyone. It's one thing to hold your cards close to your chest, it's another to never play a card.

Lean Scum

I will be back in approx. 6-7 hours.
P1na: [...] I think I'll stick with my vote for the time being, as I don't feel the situation changed much on that front. [...]
HypersomniacLive: Why exactly are you voting flubbucket?
Because I felt he was kinda not serious about things. I do like to play like that, true, but hypocritical as it may be, I've come to expect different from people who have been playing for a long time and I get the impression he's not really trying. I mean, he's still going off about the existance of neutrals. Does he think he is Zapp Brannigan?

And now, looking at the vote count, I see I get to choose between SPF and HSL. I'm honestly, seriously tempted to vote HSL just to get him killed because our history, but I wouldn't be much of a team player if I did. So I'm going to wait a bit, but since I'm not comfortable with a double lynch at this point, I'll wait a few hours I switch my vote.

That way I have some time to find a reasonable excuse... I mean objectively valid reason to lynch that zombie who refuses to admit its lack of life.
P1na: And now, looking at the vote count, I see I get to choose between SPF and HSL.
Dude, Speaking of not really trying...

cristi changed from SPF to Ixam only one post later. And one of HSL's votes is self which will change. Come on...
P1na: And now, looking at the vote count, I see I get to choose between SPF and HSL.
ZFR: Dude, Speaking of not really trying...

cristi changed from SPF to Ixam only one post later. And one of HSL's votes is self which will change. Come on...
WIthout an unvote, and with that posts declaring she read SPF as town and wouldn't vote today, it didn't register that she was one of the voters. And that would now leave me to choose between ixam and HSL, and just now I noticed that HSL is one of the voters of HSL, meaning he hasn't voted yet. So ixam is on the fast track to getting lynched.

Still, you do have a point about me not trying, in that last week's Saturday morning I spent 2 hours reading through the thread and making my mind up. I'm not up for that this week.

So, the way I see it ixam is on the lead with HSL and SirPF as close seconds. I made a quick check of ixam's posts and there aren't that many, I might have voted for him like I do flub (for similar reasons) yet as always I feel the difference between voting at the start of the day and nailing the coffin of someone. Basically, I wouldn't lynch ixam for those posts, but I don't see a reason to go out of my way to save him either.

Still, I don't want a double lynch, and with nightfall due anytime and a technical tie, I'm going to...

vote HypersomniacLive

Because it would be hilarious if he's lynched with his own vote. Plus I pettily want to see him dead.

He can easily turn the situation around switching his vote though. And I'll try to check the site again in a couple hours to make sure he hasn't voted for anyone but ixam and caused a new tie, as mentioned I don't want a double lynch.
P1na: I don't want a double lynch.
I want.

Vote Ixam
Catching up first:

muddysneakers: Other than scene surviving the night is there a result that makes you think bler isn't town?
Mmmm... cristigale flipping scum might influence me. But other than that, punts on his part are most likely.

muddysneakers: Ok agent's questioning of ZFR and SPF about pushing two lynches toDay is a little alarming.

bler144: Regardless of how they flip?
Regardless of how they flip. Obviously we'll be able to get something, but it won't be as much as from more active players.

bler144: Holy shit - that's an amazing strategy! We should try that.
It's my own invention.

bler144: Errrrr...ZFR I can buy. He was the main secondary D1 wagon. He's been in the middle of a lot.

With HSL is his vast array of votes and players who've voted him your starting point for analysis? If HSL flips town, what do you think agent's motivation for voting him was?
I'll get to that.

P1na: And now, looking at the vote count, I see I get to choose between SPF and HSL. I'm honestly, seriously tempted to vote HSL just to get him killed because our history, but I wouldn't be much of a team player if I did.

P1na: That way I have some time to find a reasonable excuse... I mean objectively valid reason to lynch that zombie who refuses to admit its lack of life.

P1na: Because it would be hilarious if he's lynched with his own vote. Plus I pettily want to see him dead.

Now going back to answer HypersomniacLive's questions.
HypersomniacLive: Please lay out in detail what content I've contributed that hindsight reading could be very strong, and how you read it assuming I'm Town, Neutral or mafia.
You want it, you got it.

First off, we get to look at your wagon and your not-wagon.

Possibility 1: You flip Mafia.

:thumbsup: We hit Mafia.

In addition, we get to see who has avoided interacting with you and who you've avoided interacting with. I'd go through and actually point these out, but I don't have time.

We get your "reads," which will be WIFOMy, but still interesting. We get confirmation of the reads of others, which will help with accuracy.

Possibility 2: You flip Neutral

:thumbsup: We didn't lynch Town.

We get confirmation of the existence of Neutrals in the game.

We get confirmation that your early wagon analysis was... well-intentioned? That's not quite the word I'm looking for. But you weren't doing it to draw attention away from something else.

Possibility 3: You flip Town


However, we get confirmation that your early wagon analysis was well-intentioned and is probably accurate to some degree. We get to look at who you've pushed on most as true reads.

Unfortunately, that's all I really have time for. I won't be back online until after the deadline.

I still tend to think HypersomniacLive or ZFR give us the most information, and I want one of the two lynched. I really don't like ZFR's pushing for double lynch. I'm still inclined to think it's bad for Town. Because I don't have strong feelings about the scumminess of one over the other, I'm going to go ahead and

Vote ZFR.

Vote SPF

And this, Lift, is why simple majority lynch is a bad idea. It changes this from a TBS to an RTS.
Argh, I've lost track of what's what. I tried to do an unofficial vote count, does this look right?

Ixam 3 - flubb, SirP, cristi
ZFR 2 - bler, agent
SirP 2 - ZFR, muddy
HSL 3 - Ixam, HSL, P1na

Any glaring errors?

Looks like at the moment we'll have a double lynch. I could move my vote back to ZFR but that just means HSL+ZFR instead of HSL+Ix. I'm assuming that if HSL comes back before the deadline he'll move his vote.

ZFR, can you explain why town!ZFR wants a double lynch so badly?
SirPrimalform: Argh, I've lost track of what's what. I tried to do an unofficial vote count, does this look right?

Ixam 3 - flubb, SirP, cristi
ZFR 2 - bler, agent
SirP 2 - ZFR, muddy
HSL 3 - Ixam, HSL, P1na

Any glaring errors?

Looks like at the moment we'll have a double lynch. I could move my vote back to ZFR but that just means HSL+ZFR instead of HSL+Ix. I'm assuming that if HSL comes back before the deadline he'll move his vote.

ZFR, can you explain why town!ZFR wants a double lynch so badly?
I'm here preparing my post(s) after having caught up. But I see that ZFR is trying really hard to get a double lynch I'm part of. So, I have to change the order of doing things.

Vote ZFR

Reasons will become clear in my posts to come.
SirPrimalform: ZFR, can you explain why town!ZFR wants a double lynch so badly?
Town!ZFR believes that getting two scum is better than one.