Posted November 10, 2018

However if you think it starts off with agent voting scene then you have.
Agent votes scene (scene at 2 bler, agent)
flub votes Joe (joe at 1 flub)
ZFR votes Joe (joe at 2 flub, ZFR)
Ixam votes joe (joe at 3, flub, ZFR, Ixam)
bler and agent both lament scene wagon not talking off and vote joe to 5 instead
Viewed like this is seems like joe's joking posting style gets him some attention from flub, ZFR, and Ixam and then bler and agent hop on the new wagon.
Possible but I think its probably a little too transparent for 2 scum to be the only players on someone's wagon even someone as polarizing as scene.
I'm not sold on bler one way or the other.
Agent feels a little scummy to me. I haven't liked the non answers regarding flub. There was something else that I don't quite remember but then he mentioned some meta tactics in post 176 that I had in the back of my mind and I started leaning a little town on him. Not the scum sniping part but the fact that town can lynch each other all day without scum involvement due to not needing an absolute majority.
But I think Agent could be Scum. And there are reasons Scum would get on my wagon after Bler started it so forcefully. Buddying upto the most aggressive Scum Hunter, knowing it'd be a misslynch while looking analytical. But has Agent analysed other players? I don't recall him doing so, other than Joe who looked most likely to be lynched. So he guarantees a lynch of Joe, In which case no one else OMGUS him
I think Joe is neutral
So I will change my vote to VOTE AGENTCAR16 And if Joe turns out not to be Scum because it looks like he will be lynched I think I will keep that vote on day 2 because it backs up this theory.

And the reality is, statistically, at least most of the people who end up voting for you will be town. Town has both the numbers, and less info, thus lots of mistakes in the aggregate.
So you can't start with the assumption that anyone accusing you - esp D1 - is scum. Ask questions - challenge their assumptions, but if YOU are town in that scenario it has to be from the standpoint of solving/sorting whether they believe what they are saying (right or not), and whether the arguments could hold water or whether there are wolfy features - not jumping immediately to locked in killing it with fire.

That said, this is just how she plays D1 of any alignment, so...
Oh wait I see she's just done some reads after you replied to this..........and everyone is town ;)

Corrected vote count:
scene 1 - bler (91)
agent 1 - cristi (65)
ZFR 2 - P1na (19), SirP (122)
P1na 1 - HSL (24)
SirP 2 - ZFR (83), Joe (106)
bler 1 - scene (96)
cristi 1 - muddy (30)
not voting: agent, Ixam, flubb
ZFR and SirP are leading at L-5

Lifthrasil mentions the imminent Decision Bell In the same post. If that status remained unchanged, both ZFR and SirPrimalform would be lynched. That's post #124.
In post #127, agentcarr16, with a lot of theatrics, votes supplementscene, changing the vote count to:
scene 2 - bler (91), agent (127)
agent 1 - cristi (65)
ZFR 2 - P1na (19), SirP (122)
P1na 1 - HSL (24)
SirP 2 - ZFR (83), Joe (106)
bler 1 - scene (96)
No-Lynch 1 - muddy (112)
not voting: Ixam, flubb
ZFR, SirP and scene are leading at L-5

flubbucket restarts the JoeSapphire wagon in post #129:
scene 2 - bler (91), agent (127)
agent 1 - cristi (65)
ZFR 2 - P1na (19), SirP (122)
P1na 1 - HSL (24)
SirP 2 - ZFR (83), Joe (106)
bler 1 - scene (96)
Joe 1 - flubb (129)
No-Lynch 1 - muddy (112)
not voting: Ixam
ZFR, SirP and scene are leading at L-5

scene 2 - bler (91), agent (127)
agent 1 - cristi (65)
ZFR 2 - P1na (19), SirP (122)
P1na 2 - HSL (24), Joe (149)
SirP 1 - ZFR (83)
bler 1 - scene (96)
Joe 1 - flubb (129)
No-Lynch 1 - muddy (112)
not voting: Ixam
ZFR, scene and P1na are leading at L-5

scene 2 - bler (91), agent (127)
agent 1 - cristi (65)
ZFR 2 - P1na (19), SirP (122)
P1na 2 - HSL (24), Joe (149)
bler 1 - scene (96)
Joe 2 - flubb (129), ZFR (152)
No-Lynch 1 - muddy (112)
SirP 0
not voting: Ixam
ZFR, scene, P1na and JoeSapphire are leading at L-5

I was watching to see how things developed from there, and hoping for a pace that might have allowed for (some) dots to be connected, but JoeSapphire's wagon gained quite the steam in a rather short time-span, with Ixamyakxim, bler144, and agentcarr16 - three votes in the span of 22 posts, with a forth one (ZFR's/post #197) 20 posts later.
While supplementscene's wagon dissolved completely, and ZFR's one gained a little bit more steam with muddysneakers' vote (post #160). Steam that's artificial, as P1na's vote was a joke RVS one, and he's already stated that he's going to move it off of him, yet enough (at least for the moment) for ZFR to return back on JoeSapphire claiming "risk of getting co-lynched".
Perhaps I'm reading too much into all of this, as it happened fairly early in Phase 2. But every time I return to it, I get a funny feeling that something (more) was going on here. So, keeping it in mind for later.
And while I see enough wrong with JoeSapphire's play, his wagon went to L-2 quite quickly. Which is usually an indication that it's a convenient one for one or more of those on it (and off it). More so with the absolute majority hammer still in play.