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HypersomniacLive: If that status remained, one of the three would be randomly lynched.
muddysneakers: This would seem to indict scene only as without scene at 2 votes both ZFR and SPF would be lynched. So scene at 2 is actually better odds for ZFR and SPF survival. As I've said before I'm not convinced scene is scum yet. Perhaps scene was a convenient wagon that never quite took off.

However if you think it starts off with agent voting scene then you have.

Agent votes scene (scene at 2 bler, agent)
flub votes Joe (joe at 1 flub)
ZFR votes Joe (joe at 2 flub, ZFR)
Ixam votes joe (joe at 3, flub, ZFR, Ixam)
bler and agent both lament scene wagon not talking off and vote joe to 5 instead

Viewed like this is seems like joe's joking posting style gets him some attention from flub, ZFR, and Ixam and then bler and agent hop on the new wagon.

Possible but I think its probably a little too transparent for 2 scum to be the only players on someone's wagon even someone as polarizing as scene.

I'm not sold on bler one way or the other.
Agent feels a little scummy to me. I haven't liked the non answers regarding flub. There was something else that I don't quite remember but then he mentioned some meta tactics in post 176 that I had in the back of my mind and I started leaning a little town on him. Not the scum sniping part but the fact that town can lynch each other all day without scum involvement due to not needing an absolute majority.
No there wouldn't be 2 Scum on my wagon. There could be town and scum, town and town or neutral lyncher and scum.

But I think Agent could be Scum. And there are reasons Scum would get on my wagon after Bler started it so forcefully. Buddying upto the most aggressive Scum Hunter, knowing it'd be a misslynch while looking analytical. But has Agent analysed other players? I don't recall him doing so, other than Joe who looked most likely to be lynched. So he guarantees a lynch of Joe, In which case no one else OMGUS him

I think Joe is neutral

So I will change my vote to VOTE AGENTCAR16 And if Joe turns out not to be Scum because it looks like he will be lynched I think I will keep that vote on day 2 because it backs up this theory.

bler144: lly feel in that moment the day was at any risk of ending with the leading wagon having 2 votes?

supplementscene: OK, well I was all set to change my vote from Bler, which no one is getting on, to Joe who was my next in line. No one agrees with my Bler tunnel, so maybe I over analysed, I'm not sure
bler144: Just as feedback, your argument was like 95% OMGUS, so even people who might agree with bits of it are going to tend to discount the whole, and they probably have other things pinging them more, or want to see your theory tested in other ways/connections first.

And the reality is, statistically, at least most of the people who end up voting for you will be town. Town has both the numbers, and less info, thus lots of mistakes in the aggregate.

So you can't start with the assumption that anyone accusing you - esp D1 - is scum. Ask questions - challenge their assumptions, but if YOU are town in that scenario it has to be from the standpoint of solving/sorting whether they believe what they are saying (right or not), and whether the arguments could hold water or whether there are wolfy features - not jumping immediately to locked in killing it with fire.
I had to google, OMGUS.....But yea when you're wrongly accused you have to analyse whether the reasoning for the accusation makes sense or if it's an aggressive misslynch. The person with the most to gain from that is a Neutral Lyncher. Hence my theory. But in reality the Neutral Lyncher may well be sitting back playing a more conservative waiting game. You may well be town scumhunting.

supplementscene: Christi hasn't given much analysis.
bler144: Are you suggesting there's not much analysis period? Or that what's passing for analysis is her echoing others' analysis? (I confess I haven't looked closely at that latter, but there's definitely some significant analysis and clear stances there, esp. compared to a number of others) I would disagree with the former, she's just concise/efficient and less verbose than some of us.

That said, this is just how she plays D1 of any alignment, so...
No she hasn't from my recollection (and this is lazy because I'm not re-reading right now). The only person I recall her reading as scum is Agent because of his first post. If you wanted to point a finger at someone for giving information but not analysis and not willing to offend Christi would rank high up the list. Like you say that maybe playing style and holding back judgement as she gets a foothold.

Oh wait I see she's just done some reads after you replied to this..........and everyone is town ;)

HypersomniacLive: Here's something that drew my attention:

Lifthrasil: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- --

Corrected vote count:

scene 1 - bler (91)
agent 1 - cristi (65)
ZFR 2 - P1na (19), SirP (122)
P1na 1 - HSL (24)
SirP 2 - ZFR (83), Joe (106)
bler 1 - scene (96)
cristi 1 - muddy (30)

not voting: agent, Ixam, flubb
ZFR and SirP are leading at L-5
HypersomniacLive: muddysneakers vote is wrong (they'd had voted No-Lynch in post #112), but that doesn't affect things.

Lifthrasil mentions the imminent Decision Bell In the same post. If that status remained unchanged, both ZFR and SirPrimalform would be lynched. That's post #124.

In post #127, agentcarr16, with a lot of theatrics, votes supplementscene, changing the vote count to:

scene 2 - bler (91), agent (127)
agent 1 - cristi (65)
ZFR 2 - P1na (19), SirP (122)
P1na 1 - HSL (24)
SirP 2 - ZFR (83), Joe (106)
bler 1 - scene (96)
No-Lynch 1 - muddy (112)

not voting: Ixam, flubb
ZFR, SirP and scene are leading at L-5
HypersomniacLive: If that status remained, one of the three would be randomly lynched.

flubbucket restarts the JoeSapphire wagon in post #129:

scene 2 - bler (91), agent (127)
agent 1 - cristi (65)
ZFR 2 - P1na (19), SirP (122)
P1na 1 - HSL (24)
SirP 2 - ZFR (83), Joe (106)
bler 1 - scene (96)
Joe 1 - flubb (129)
No-Lynch 1 - muddy (112)

not voting: Ixam
ZFR, SirP and scene are leading at L-5
HypersomniacLive: JoeSapphire, after a another round of "whoops", moves away from SirPrimalform and casts a vote on P1na with no decent reason in post #149, shifting the vote standing:

scene 2 - bler (91), agent (127)
agent 1 - cristi (65)
ZFR 2 - P1na (19), SirP (122)
P1na 2 - HSL (24), Joe (149)
SirP 1 - ZFR (83)
bler 1 - scene (96)
Joe 1 - flubb (129)
No-Lynch 1 - muddy (112)

not voting: Ixam
ZFR, scene and P1na are leading at L-5
HypersomniacLive: And shortly afterwards, ZFR also moves away from SirPrimalform (and poof goes his wagon) and votes JoeSapphire in post #152, adding him to the pool of players for the random lynch:

scene 2 - bler (91), agent (127)
agent 1 - cristi (65)
ZFR 2 - P1na (19), SirP (122)
P1na 2 - HSL (24), Joe (149)
bler 1 - scene (96)
Joe 2 - flubb (129), ZFR (152)
No-Lynch 1 - muddy (112)
SirP 0

not voting: Ixam
ZFR, scene, P1na and JoeSapphire are leading at L-5
HypersomniacLive: Was all this vote-shifting genuine? Or was someone manipulating the ties in anticipation of Phase 2, trying to protect someone? If yes, who and whom?

I was watching to see how things developed from there, and hoping for a pace that might have allowed for (some) dots to be connected, but JoeSapphire's wagon gained quite the steam in a rather short time-span, with Ixamyakxim, bler144, and agentcarr16 - three votes in the span of 22 posts, with a forth one (ZFR's/post #197) 20 posts later.
While supplementscene's wagon dissolved completely, and ZFR's one gained a little bit more steam with muddysneakers' vote (post #160). Steam that's artificial, as P1na's vote was a joke RVS one, and he's already stated that he's going to move it off of him, yet enough (at least for the moment) for ZFR to return back on JoeSapphire claiming "risk of getting co-lynched".

Perhaps I'm reading too much into all of this, as it happened fairly early in Phase 2. But every time I return to it, I get a funny feeling that something (more) was going on here. So, keeping it in mind for later.
And while I see enough wrong with JoeSapphire's play, his wagon went to L-2 quite quickly. Which is usually an indication that it's a convenient one for one or more of those on it (and off it). More so with the absolute majority hammer still in play.
It's an interesting analysis and my simplistic take from it is the question of whether SPF and ZFR are scum buddies creating early distance or a genuine OMGUS reaction? Do ZFR/SPF genuinely typically play in a OMGUS fashion when Town?
Part III

In the interest of time and because I can't keep my eyes open, here is the short and sweet:

ZFR - ZFR seems to be genuinely scum hunting and trying to solved the game. Lean town.

Scene - Scene could be mafia. Parts of his play could easily be read as scummy. However, I think it's more likely a clash of play styles and differing levels of reasoning about the game.

Joe - I think Joe was right about the original reasons he ended in my bottom pile. Mostly lack of participation, although he expressed opinions from the get go. I'm not sure why he got so much flak for the TRUFAX line, that seemed obvious to me. But there were other parts of his posts where it seemed like he was sticking his foot in his mouth. And for better or worse, the rest of his posts were defending against those perceived slips, lack of attention to the game or honest mistakes. Which makes it feel like he's been on the defensive from the get go. They could be poor word choices or mis-thoughts or simply being rushed but his play presents the most suspicions (except scene which I've already explained). When I look at my POE list, Joe is at bottom.

I am finally going to bed. Joe needs a chance to claim. I will check back in when I'm conscious.
supplementscene: So I will change my vote to VOTE AGENTCAR16
Please bold the vote keyword too, if you want it to count!

As explained in post 169, that's the keyword I'm looking for. After missing two votes already, I crosscheck now with adalia's script for the bolded keyword 'vote' (not case sensitive)

To make that perfectly clear some examples:

vote Vitek - doesn't count
vote Vitek - doesn't count
vote Vitek - doesn't count
VOTE VITEK!!1!!! - doesn't count.
vote Vitek - counts
VOTE Vitek - counts
VOTE VITEK - counts
VoTe ViTeK - counts
cristigale: @P1na - I didn't see your post before I submitted. What kind of hat does a pineapple where?
In my head.

Also, if you're still in doubt, I'm struggling town. I recently bought an appartment and I'm paying my mortgage, and yet there were some mandatory accesibility reforms that set me back thousands of € at a time when I had just sunk my savings buying the place, so for the last year I haven't been able to wander around like my forum title says. You don't get struggling townier than that.
HypersomniacLive: for ZFR to return back on JoeSapphire claiming "risk of getting co-lynched".
Love those air quotes. I made the return vote on Joe Friday night after seeing the current vote count and realizing that with Saturday starting, the Day could end any moment and I was essentially at L-1. Yup. Very suspicious indeed.

SirPrimalform: All that aside, it's an interesting point. I find ZFR's hopping around to be particularly interesting.
Indeed. Switching votes between the two players I find most suspicious. Who would do that???

X-Files music plays...

ZFR: Why?

By this reasoning one lynch is "bad idea on Day 1" because "We have very little information and the best (worst?) statistical odds of hitting town."

A lynch is Town's weapon. Why not use it twice if given the opportunity? We get info from 2 wagons instead of one.
muddysneakers: ZFR, are you serious about this D1? I'm with agent on this, could be a possibility later but this early when everyone is flailing in the dark seems really bad.
Serious that I think it should be at discussed and not dismissed outright? Absolutely.

bler me realize that wagons could be shallow, which is a good point. A 3-3 tied wagons don't give twice the info as a single absolute majority wagon.

I still stand by my assertion that a double lynch could, in general, be a plausible idea even on Day. Though not in this game.

cristigale: What kind of hat does a pineapple where?
Where? Here, there and everywhere.
ZFR: Indeed. Switching votes between the two players I find most suspicious. Who would do that???

X-Files music plays...
Feels more like you're torn between pushing my wagon or seeing Joe's lynch as inevitable and wondering whether to bus him. If Joe gets lynched and flips scum then you'll look better if you were on his wagon...
cristigale: .............

@flubb - has any of the discussion today swayed your view on Joe?

My view has swayed a bit because Joe's post #193 & 195 were thoughtful and concise. However, I can't see changing the lynch target at this juncture as pro-town.

HypersomniacLive: And while I see enough wrong with JoeSapphire's play, his wagon went to L-2 quite quickly. Which is usually an indication that it's a convenient one for one or more of those on it (and off it). More so with the absolute majority hammer still in play.
I actually started the questioning of Joe first and went quite strongly after him but never voted partly because and partly because I liked one of his subsequent posts, which seemed helpful to Town and harmful to Scum.

Now I'm Bler and Agent's number 1 pick, they both say so. Yet they follow my reasoning and both jump wagon to Joe as soon as he goes to 3 votes. I still have both of their votes prior to this. So I'm Scum but they accept my Joe Analysis? They both throwaway their number 1 pick. Does that make sense? Me running over a scum buddy in Joe when I'm looking precariously close to being lynched myself? Why not lobby Joe to move his vote back to Scene to bring it 3 for me and 3 for Joe if you think I am scum?

For the record Bler was the first to move wagon and take Joe up to 3 votes. Back then either of the other wagons of 2 votes could have caught Joe up, now they can not. Bler finishes his Vote for Joe post with this as if to say 'this isn't my real vote, don't blame me when he shows up town/neutral':

bler144: Would vote. I have half the group blocked off as safe D1 non-votes, so...if we're not voting scene anything else is a compromise vote anyway.

Argument against is he is a goofball so this could all be NAI, and I do enjoy having him in-game. But compared to P1na or ZFR given what's on the table, yeah, he gets the vote for sure 10 times out of 10.

vote Joe
supplementscene: This below bothers me from Bler though. I have already had a discussion with Bler where he said 'why didn't you reply to Flub's question' to which I replied I had responded to it and now he's made the following incorrect observation again after being corrected:

Hmm hasn't it already been pointed out that this question was answered in post 63 by myself?
bler144: The redundancy suggests you pro....bably edited this post after writing it, fwiw. Or were just thinking it really hard, perhaps. But it's a totally fair question otherwise. Let me pull in agent/HSL commenting on same:

HypersomniacLive: Why are we back to this, when it's been pointed out to you thrice now that said player did answer that question?
bler144: et tu, Eyete?

So ok, 2 mea culpas:
1) Agent is half right and half wrong. I was actually trying to focus on flub, not scene at all, so the editorial comment was both uncalled for personally, and served to apparently distract everyone from actually talking about flub. I tried to make a post about flub, and here we are wasting spacetime rehashing a tete-a-tete.

I was not suggesting scene had not answered the question.

This is one reason why me continuing to play is a distraction. I'm not totally surprised scene read it that way, but HSL reading it that way either is eyebrow worthy, or suggests it's just beyond salvageable. I'm not sure I'm objective enough right now to assess which.

I'd actually been trying to make it work over this last 24 hours after cooling off. But it's apparently just a planetoid that now has its own gravity.

2) Having re-read a bit of scene this evening, I was factually wrong (maybe) as well. I had been reading scene at that point to still be confused about the roles of lyncher vs. vengeful. The post flub is responding to of scene's (#48), which I did read before making my comment, so it seemed to me flub was possibly role fishing, or trying to lure a confused player into a trap. So, I guess I was ...not intentionally...slighting scene's experience, sort of.

I was trying to get at why flub asked the question, full stop, considering it was his first activity in the game (other than two questions for Lift) that appeared to be serious and have some purpose, however oblique.

Going back over a few other posts tonight, i can see that scene did say in one line in the middle of #42 that he was clear on what vengeful does. So I'm wondering now if what flub was doing was testing scene in a more circumspect fashion. I certainly haven't tested it, but I don't see any value at this point.

So I apologize for bringing it up. I literally thought that flub was asking a player who still didn't understand the role whether they would use that role and found it curious.

If I had caught that line I missed in #42 earlier, I still <might> have asked flub what his goal was there, but if I had could have chosen my words to not involve scene at all in the equation. Or perhaps I would have had time to focus on it and figured out a theory of what flub was doing. Or asked him why Joe was delicious instead, IDK.

Some of his posts here suggest purpose imo, so I think it's worth at least trying to analyze or prod what that is, rather than just writing it off as perma-flub.

Sure, he has a core operating range (the "lynch me!" bit, e.g), and this isn't dramatically outside it, but there's still 50 shades of flub, seemingly depending on the game and the role. Lyncher flub maybe. Might explain the early rush to Joe. Or maybe he's town and it's a legit scumread, IDK. Nothing pinging me with him, though, but I still think he's worth poking at.

Anyway, sorry all.
Surely you're not taking offense and leaving the game because you've been asked why you're posting incorrect assumptions about my post after being corrected?

And no there was not an edit, I occasionally repost and get merged before 10 minutes and I know I shouldn't.

For the record I've never been confused in the roles other than the small details. I accidentally used the word 'vengeful' to refer to neutral lyncher a few times as ZFR picked up on because the neutral lyncher is seeking revenge for his sister, which confuses the matter in terms of labeling. Flub obviously thought I was referring to Vengeful Lynchee because of this, when I wasn't.

I have never really meant to discuss Vengeful Lynchee other than replying to Flub.
ZFR: Indeed. Switching votes between the two players I find most suspicious. Who would do that???

X-Files music plays...
SirPrimalform: Feels more like you're torn between pushing my wagon or seeing Joe's lynch as inevitable and wondering whether to bus him. If Joe gets lynched and flips scum then you'll look better if you were on his wagon...
Push your 0-vote wagon that I switched to?

Let me get this straight. You're claiming Joe is my buddy. I vote my buddy and give metareads against him when he had 1 other vote and it was early. Then at stage 2, decided to "save" him and push your wagon (0 votes) only to change my mind 2 hours later and vote my buddy again.

SirPrimalform: Feels more like you're torn between pushing my wagon or seeing Joe's lynch as inevitable and wondering whether to bus him. If Joe gets lynched and flips scum then you'll look better if you were on his wagon...
ZFR: Push your 0-vote wagon that I switched to?

Let me get this straight. You're claiming Joe is my buddy. I vote my buddy and give metareads against him when he had 1 other vote and it was early. Then at stage 2, decided to "save" him and push your wagon (0 votes) only to change my mind 2 hours later and vote my buddy again.

Looks weird to me anyway. Hopefully for you I'm alone in that!
HypersomniacLive: "Hrm" what about that vote count?

And why unvote supplementscene, at least why before doing those re-reads?
Hrm us reaching Phase 2 with four different players at 2 votes each.

I unvoted because I decided that I needed to change my vote. There was no indication that anyone but bler144 and I were interested in supplementscene and I don't want us to lynch to people. Therefore I needed to make a decision.

HypersomniacLive: Define "non-scum"?
Neutral or Town. Which, now that I think about it, isn't quite accurate for what I meant.

muddysneakers: Agent, I still have no idea what you're talking about in regards to flub.
It was this:
flubbucket: Vote: JoeSapphire

Why?? Because he's suspiciously delicious.
I think he twigged to some scumtells from JoeSaphire before the rest of us. That vote seemed to be exactly what a Town flubbucket would do.

bler144: Is it? /eyebrow
Scum generally don't pay quite as close attention to the thread as they already have quite a lot of information. That's the stereotype, at least.

bler144: Agent is half right and half wrong.

supplementscene: But I think Agent could be Scum. And there are reasons Scum would get on my wagon after Bler started it so forcefully. Buddying upto the most aggressive Scum Hunter, knowing it'd be a misslynch while looking analytical. But has Agent analysed other players? I don't recall him doing so, other than Joe who looked most likely to be lynched. So he guarantees a lynch of Joe, In which case no one else OMGUS him
I mean, sure... I've given reads on all the players but haven't in-depth analyzed every player. Though if you look back at post 176, I think you'll see that I also analyzed SirPrimalform and ZFR, just not as deeply. I haven't analyzed everyone because I'm in school and I only have so much time to play this game.

supplementscene: Now I'm Bler and Agent's number 1 pick, they both say so. Yet they follow my reasoning and both jump wagon to Joe as soon as he goes to 3 votes. I still have both of their votes prior to this. So I'm Scum but they accept my Joe Analysis?

Switching my vote means I'm accepting your analysis?!? Well heck, guess I can't vote for anyone except myself, otherwise I'd be unduly influenced by hypothetical non-town. /s

supplementscene: They both throwaway their number 1 pick. Does that make sense?
Ummm... Yes. Yes, it does make sense. Because town needs to lynch and not double lynch. This game would be mind-numbingly boring if players didn't change their vote.

I love how tensions are running so high already.
HypersomniacLive: "Hrm" what about that vote count?

And why unvote supplementscene, at least why before doing those re-reads?
agentcarr16: Hrm us reaching Phase 2 with four different players at 2 votes each.

I unvoted because I decided that I needed to change my vote. There was no indication that anyone but bler144 and I were interested in supplementscene and I don't want us to lynch to people. Therefore I needed to make a decision.

HypersomniacLive: Define "non-scum"?
agentcarr16: Neutral or Town. Which, now that I think about it, isn't quite accurate for what I meant.

muddysneakers: Agent, I still have no idea what you're talking about in regards to flub.
agentcarr16: It was this:
flubbucket: Vote: JoeSapphire

Why?? Because he's suspiciously delicious.
agentcarr16: I think he twigged to some scumtells from JoeSaphire before the rest of us. That vote seemed to be exactly what a Town flubbucket would do.

bler144: Is it? /eyebrow
agentcarr16: Scum generally don't pay quite as close attention to the thread as they already have quite a lot of information. That's the stereotype, at least.

bler144: Agent is half right and half wrong.
agentcarr16: Heh.

supplementscene: But I think Agent could be Scum. And there are reasons Scum would get on my wagon after Bler started it so forcefully. Buddying upto the most aggressive Scum Hunter, knowing it'd be a misslynch while looking analytical. But has Agent analysed other players? I don't recall him doing so, other than Joe who looked most likely to be lynched. So he guarantees a lynch of Joe, In which case no one else OMGUS him
agentcarr16: I mean, sure... I've given reads on all the players but haven't in-depth analyzed every player. Though if you look back at post 176, I think you'll see that I also analyzed SirPrimalform and ZFR, just not as deeply. I haven't analyzed everyone because I'm in school and I only have so much time to play this game.

supplementscene: Now I'm Bler and Agent's number 1 pick, they both say so. Yet they follow my reasoning and both jump wagon to Joe as soon as he goes to 3 votes. I still have both of their votes prior to this. So I'm Scum but they accept my Joe Analysis?
agentcarr16: ????

Switching my vote means I'm accepting your analysis?!? Well heck, guess I can't vote for anyone except myself, otherwise I'd be unduly influenced by hypothetical non-town. /s

supplementscene: They both throwaway their number 1 pick. Does that make sense?
agentcarr16: Ummm... Yes. Yes, it does make sense. Because town needs to lynch and not double lynch. This game would be mind-numbingly boring if players didn't change their vote.

I love how tensions are running so high already.
We get a lynch or double lynch regardless of whether a majority is achieved. But the end of Phase 2 was way off when Bler moved his vote. I can't see the exact time but it was 4 posts after 2 days ago. So his post must have been close to 48 hours prior to Phase 2 ending. So all that time left, some posters still hadn't voted and there was only 3 votes on Joe and 2 votes on Scene. He still could potentially have fought hard to get his strongest Scum Read if it genuinely was a read and he was committed to towns cause.

We were in no danger of getting a double lynch at 48 hours to the end of Phase 2. The rest of Town wouldn't have allowed a double lynch anyway, even if he lost internet access.

So think logically. You assume I'm Scum, yes? I make a very good case for lynching Joe before anyone else when my own wagon was hot. So is it likely that I as Scum would throw a Scum buddy under the bus? Especially given I have a wagon going that has had 3 votes on it at different times from Bler, Agent and Joe? Therefore believing in both a Scene and Joe are Scum doesn't make much sense and you have to be suspect of a player supposedly believing that chain of thought.

Bler moved his vote too soon given his information had not changed and you moved very shortly after. You both wanted my lynch but joined a more popular wagon.

I considered moving my vote to Joe various times but haven't moved away from the principle off going off my strongest reads. Bare in mind I could have self preserved and moved my vote to Joe much earlier. I also don't know why you felt the need to put Joe at L2, slightly risking an early hammer. He was already leading with 4 votes.

Having said all of that I do think Joe is probably neutral but maybe Scum. I'm not going to hammer him before end of day though.
So closing hours of the day and it is very quiet.

Is anyone considering shifting wagons or is Joe everyones second favourite lynch? I've adjusted Lift's numbers, from vote changes since then:

agent 2 - cristi (65) Scene
ZFR 3 - P1na (19), SirP (122), muddy (160)
Joe 5 - flubb (129), Ixam (156), bler (165), agent (178), ZFR
P1na 2 - HSL (24), Joe (149)

For me it's Bler, Agent and then Joe. Not willing to goto P1na or ZFR over Joe right now.
supplementscene: So closing hours of the day and it is very quiet.

Is anyone considering shifting wagons or is Joe everyones second favourite lynch? I've adjusted Lift's numbers, from vote changes since then:

agent 2 - cristi (65) Scene
ZFR 3 - P1na (19), SirP (122), muddy (160)
Joe 5 - flubb (129), Ixam (156), bler (165), agent (178), ZFR
P1na 2 - HSL (24), Joe (149)

For me it's Bler, Agent and then Joe. Not willing to goto P1na or ZFR over Joe right now.
P1na is voting for Joe.
cristigale: @P1na - I didn't see your post before I submitted. What kind of hat does a pineapple where?
P1na: In my head.
Thank you, i needed that laugh. I was sour when I left/returned.

cristigale: What kind of hat does a pineapple where?
ZFR: Where? Here, there and everywhere.
Lol, I stared at that a good minute before that clicked. Touche! Was too tired.

cristigale: .............

@flubb - has any of the discussion today swayed your view on Joe?

flubbucket: My view has swayed a bit because Joe's post #193 & 195 were thoughtful and concise. However, I can't see changing the lynch target at this juncture as pro-town.

Anyone have a sense whether Joe will be able to return before EOD? I guess I see no reason to end the day early if it prevents Joe from sharing any closing remarks.