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bler144: ............

Given the unusual voting structure (not unlike MU), combined with the ambiguous deadline (unlike MU), I think the more immediate question is how claims should get handled. For once I ask the question with no clear opinion.
Agree with this.

Waiting until L-1 and the last minute, as we usually do, is less than strategic.

Claiming at L-1 is still viable as long as we have active voters/players aware of exactly where things are.
EBWOP, also I'm maybe just not a very good mafia player.

bler144: Given the unusual voting structure (not unlike MU), combined with the ambiguous deadline (unlike MU), I think the more immediate question is how claims should get handled. For once I ask the question with no clear opinion.
Claiming at L-1 should be a given, but I think when we're getting towards the end of phase 2, a leading wagon should perhaps claim anyway at their discretion.
Does anyone think Scum have voted for each other already to create distance? Or is a D1 misslynch more tempting?

Lifthrasil: Wait. Here's a big misunderstanding. I thought you had asked whether the target of the Lyncher (if there is one in the game) would be revealed when the Lyncher dies. And to that I replied no.

When the hypothetical Lyncher achieves his goal, Town (and Witches) would of course get to know that! Read the win-con of the Lyncher role. The Lyncher leaves the game after lynching his target successfully!
agentcarr16: Does this change any of your reasoning?
Yes and no. This in itself doesn't because if Bler is Neutral Lyncher and I am his unknowing enemy he may jump on any opportunity to misslynch me if it presents itself. But having reflected on it I alongside maybe Joe, who I read as Neutral, are the only 2 who read Bler as non-town. Taking such an action he did against me is very risky for non-town. In retrospect it was overly bullish to say I'm sure he's not town, because he might be.

This below bothers me from Bler though. I have already had a discussion with Bler where he said 'why didn't you reply to Flub's question' to which I replied I had responded to it and now he's made the following incorrect observation again after being corrected:

bler144: EBWOP:

That was actually unfair of me - I was going off my impression of flub.

He's probably going to hate this, but re-reading him now I actually think he is actively doing something here, even if I'm not entirely clear what it is. He made a valid question in #50, albeit of a player who probably wasn't prepared to answer it..
Hmm hasn't it already been pointed out that this question was answered in post 63 by myself?
bler144: ............

Given the unusual voting structure (not unlike MU), combined with the ambiguous deadline (unlike MU), I think the more immediate question is how claims should get handled. For once I ask the question with no clear opinion.
flubbucket: Agree with this.

Waiting until L-1 and the last minute, as we usually do, is less than strategic.

Claiming at L-1 is still viable as long as we have active voters/players aware of exactly where things are.
SirPrimalform: Claiming at L-1 should be a given, but I think when we're getting towards the end of phase 2, a leading wagon should perhaps claim anyway at their discretion.
This is a good question. The ambiguous deadline is a bit of a pain. I will likely be able to log on early tomorrow morning (my time), but I probably won't be around for the actual deadline.

SirPrimalform has a good point in discretionary claiming. There may be extenuating circumstances around a particular claim. I'd suggest claiming sooner rather than later, since people will be less intentional in showing up for a deadline if they don't know when it is.

supplementscene: Does anyone think Scum have voted for each other already to create distance? Or is a D1 misslynch more tempting?
I mean, they're both possible. Thing is, the WIFOM is so deep the question is almost useless.

supplementscene: Hmm hasn't it already been pointed out that this question was answered in post 63 by myself?
I inclined to think he's making a jab at your lack of experience rather than an incorrect observation, but it's a good point. @bler144?
ZFR: @Lift:

Is this still correct: "Neutral roles random."

Does it mean either of the Neutral roles may or may not exist?
cough... cough

P1na: [...] Bler, I really don't enjoy your walls of text, [...]
P1na: [...] HSL posts are rather short for my taste. [...]
I'd "heh" here, if it weren't for:

P1na: [...] Flubbucket's posts also show a general lack of content, although I'm not exactly the one to start throwing rocks.

I think I'd go for one of the two at the moment, should I see people find deeper reasons for either. [...]
That's his reply to cristigale's question about his top suspects.

agentcarr16: [...] ZFR: 4

[...] His current vote is publicly based on a gut feeling about previous games, which I don't like. [...]
cough... cough

Perhaps next time, any time you've got on your hands is better spent on actually reading the thread than doing reads? Or is it a problem only when others fail to read the thread carefully, and even then, is it a problem only when some fail but not when some others do?

Equally, if not more, interesting is that ZFR himself basically concedes in post #134 that his reason for his vote wasn't public until that point.

Lifthrasil: Wait. Here's a big misunderstanding. I thought you had asked whether the target of the Lyncher (if there is one in the game) would be revealed when the Lyncher dies. And to that I replied no. [...]
That's also how I understood his question, hence my inquiry in post #94. I wonder now why he didn't bother to reply, and clarify this wasn't what he was asking.

So, @supplementscene, care to answer my question from post #94 now?
agentcarr16: [...] ZFR: 4

[...] His current vote is publicly based on a gut feeling about previous games, which I don't like. [...]
HypersomniacLive: cough... cough

Perhaps next time, any time you've got on your hands is better spent on actually reading the thread than doing reads? Or is it a problem only when others fail to read the thread carefully, and even then, is it a problem only when some fail but not when some others do?

Equally, if not more, interesting is that ZFR himself basically concedes in post #134 that his reason for his vote wasn't public until that point.
Funny how you bring that up. I missed that sentence while reading the thread, focusing instead on the first sentence in the post. My bad. I know I miss stuff, make of it what you will. I point it out whenever I see it. I was also interested in seeing ZFR's reaction after I noticed my mistake.

HypersomniacLive: So, @supplementscene, care to answer my question from post #94 now?
Mmmm... Care to specify which question?
HypersomniacLive: Equally, if not more, interesting is that ZFR himself basically concedes in post #134 that his reason for his vote wasn't public until that point.
agentcarr16: I was also interested in seeing ZFR's reaction after I noticed my mistake.
What's interesting? I noticed your post, thought maybe I wasn't clear in my post hence you missed it, and clarified.
agentcarr16: I was also interested in seeing ZFR's reaction after I noticed my mistake.
ZFR: What's interesting? I noticed your post, thought maybe I wasn't clear in my post hence you missed it, and clarified.
I'm more used to people sarcastically coughing at me to bring my attention to a missed point. Your clarification is appreciated.
supplementscene: [...] But you're reading HSL as none town on the basis of him making a joke [...]
HypersomniacLive: I did? Where?

supplementscene: [...] @Lift do you reveal who the enemy is when they are lynched? [...]
HypersomniacLive: By lynched, are you referring to the Neutral Lyncher? If so, why does it matter who their target was once the Lyncher is dead?
Sorry I missed this at the time

Re-reading you didn't and I hate to see this but I believe I mistook HSL for the other 3 lettered SPF, who did joke, which I know is very poor on my part.

I was referring to Neutral Lyncher and I actually meant if we know if the enemy is dead. Lift informed us we do and the Neutral Lyncher leaves the game on a win.
*casts Joe summoning spell*
SirPrimalform: *casts Joe summoning spell*
Witch! Wiiiitch!!!
JoeSapphire: [...] Then get out of my dad's house so he can go to bed. [...]
So your father's afraid to go to sleep while you're in the house...

JoeSapphire: [...] I just want to clarify the sequence of events [...]
Let me see if I got your sequence of events right:

JoeSapphire: [...] 1 - sit down to read, see "first deadline will be tomorrow" think "argh" and panick RV supplementscene. [...]
You show up way late in the game state, see Lift's post #15, and your panicked reaction was... to cast an RVS vote on supplementscene. Instead of checking what the current (at the time) game state was. Apparently, having an RVS vote on record was important enough at the time that you thought of casting one in your panic. And I suppose the fact that you didn't bold that vote was to demonstrate it was made in panic.

JoeSapphire: [...] 2 - read game, construct second post. [...]
Then you read the thread, and made post #104. The content of which shows that bler144 stood out to you, so much that he got a prominent spot in your TRUFAX - Mafia.
Apparently not enough to vote him, however, even though you wanted to change your vote:

JoeSapphire: [...] 4 - change vote and reply to you, killing to birds with one stone. [...]
Instead you changed your vote to SirPrimalform as:

JoeSapphire: [...] a more genuine vote. [...]
That was a more genuine one (does this mean that your initial vote on supplementscene was also genuine and not panic RVS as you said earlier?), because as you replied to muddysneakers:

JoeSapphire: [...] Because I like the idea that this is him showing a bit of support for a fellow mafia (bler). [...]
Because you liked the idea of post #78 being him supporting his mafia-buddy...

JoeSapphire: [...] AND yes, that means I voted without looking at where the current votes were standing [...]
... wait, didn't you say just above [emphasis added]:

JoeSapphire: [...] 2 - read game, construct second post. [...]
JoeSapphire: [...] I'd actually read everything after Lifthrasil's 'decision bell' alert, and given a more genuine vote. [...]
So everything... except for the at the time vote standing, even though the most recent count vote was in post #99, i.e. just two posts before your #101, your point of being caught up back then.

A day later, you change your vote again:

JoeSapphire: [...] vote P1na

I can't give a decent reason now, [...]
In contrast to the decent reason for your previous genuine vote, apparently.

JoeSapphire: [...] but I'd hardly expect decent reasons from anybody at this stage.
Do you think the reasons behind the votes you've gotten aren't decent? If so, which ones, and why?
JoeSapphire: come at me swinging with an argument that I don't think is entirely fair.
agentcarr16: I mean, are you ever going to admit that an argument to lynch you is a fair one?
Yes: Here is a fair argument -

bler144: 1) he's made two references to the prior game (RVS voting scene redux, albeit without caps), and the "HEYWAITAMINUTE" bit, that feel ...tingly. Might be NAI and just bragging about prior success. Might also be mafia replaying greatest hits because of the WIFOM that surely he wouldn't draw maf and do exactly that same thing twice?
It's wrong, but it's fair.

Here are some unfair arguments:

bler144: The misalignment with reads list and votes is notable. At various points he has Ix teamed with both scene and myself (I think everyone universally can agree, if nothing else, that scene and I are not w/w) and yet votes for P1na for...I can't be sure because "I can't give a decent reason now, but I'd hardly expect decent reasons from anybody at this stage." This after saying it is "definitely bler/Ix and...maybe SPF" and immediately voting SPF. Which, hey, I get that's at least partially just staking claim and not real.

But read on Ix is "not much to go on, I think. He suspects me?" so...I'm not clear where that earlier stake came from. The read on me in that moment I get, maybe, though if it's based on my tete-a-tete with scene as it appears to be, Joe presumably knows the game well enough to know which of the two of us was correct and which was not.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I made a connection between Ixamyakxim and supplementscene?
At the time I declared bler, sprim and ixam to be a team, ixam had made a single post, and I hadn't mentioned him. The declaration was preceeded by the word 'trufax', which, I agree is misleading, but does not mean facts that are true, but tends, rather, to mean wild speculation. Which is just what it was. Not dissimilar to RVS, but it's a fun excercise that me and zfr have enjoyed the last few games (and now he snakes me out over it. :( )

It's unrelated, but I have reservations about the suggestion in the final line, that somebody who is factually inaccurate is more likely to be mafia. A very wise man once said "Anybody can be wrong" (and then twaddled on a bit, slightly undermining the majesty of the statement)

PRE-EDIT - apologies, I did link ixam and scene - it's because scene stated that he didn't have any read on ixam because he'd not posted much, which piqued my interest as I'd only posted thrice and scene was all over me. HOWEVER, I was assuming that ixam had posted at least thrice, which he had not. So it was a fair point of scene's and I retract my very-tentative-connection-provided-that-scene-is-scum-which-i-don't-think-he-is.

Ixamyakxim: Vote JoeSapphire

I really have no formed opinion on flubb or ZFR yet and Joe sketched me out by "knowing" the scum team... on Day One. I don't like people that "know" things that early - always smells to me like painting people as scummy.
Firstly, that meddlesome 'trufax' misunderstanding again. Please don't think that I had any faith that bler, ixam and sprim will turn put to be the scumteam. I just want to be able to go "see??" if they do. The misunderstanding is my own fault, though.

Secondly, the idea that having three people on two votes means that you are limited to lynch those three people. Hmm, I guess is Ixamyakxim has limited time then the dreadful decision toll would mean that he has to join a wagon... maybe it's not fair of me to call it unfair.

bler144: But compared to P1na or ZFR given what's on the table, yeah, he gets the vote for sure 10 times out of 10.
This one I can argue with - bler surely has more time for mafia than ixam. Why are you restricted only to the players with two or three votes? vote for someone with one vote, and then they are open to consideration by others. If everybody restricts themselves so we create the dreaded False Trichotomy of Lynchees (FTOL)

agentcarr16: Reasons: lack of reasoning for mafia predictions, playing for the crowd, pushing double lynch, and posting IIoA.
Lack of reasoning for mafia predictions - if referring to TRUFAX, see above. If referring to my list, meh.

Playing for the crowd - fair. Although I tend to piss as many people of as I amuse, so maybe it should read 'playing for A crowd'.

Pushing double lynch - Calling it 'pushing' is a bit harsh. I suggested it twice in one post, and haven't posted since. You're the only person who has mentioned any problem with it, and ZFR seemed skeptical of that problem. (incidentally it occured to me that we'd have two lynches but less votes on each, so theoretically mafia have greater control over two lynches, so maybe that's a problem) (tell a lie! bler mentioned that a shorter game makes parity cop much weaker, but took an overall neutral stance on it) ANYWAY I'm sure if I said that I'd gone off the idea now somebody would say "as soon as you got criticism for it you changed your mind", but in fact, I haven't gone off the idea. Bler's summary; If we want a high risk high tension game we should do it; makes me want to do it all the more.

Posting IIoA - I stated the players that I thought were town, and the players that I would be willing to vote for. I would call that sorting players. I'll admit that my reads aren't much, but I don't think much of anybody's reads so far.

Alright, that's enough attempting to defend myself.

I'll post this, and continue trying to address questions and etcetera.
If I don't take too long doing that I might have some time to do scum hunting. Maybe I'm prioritising the game wrong and I should just ignore the things people say to me...
JoeSapphire: Not dissimilar to RVS, but it's a fun excercise that me and zfr have enjoyed the last few games (and now he snakes me out over it. :( )
But, but... I only make it when I'm about to die anyway and it's a team I really believe to be scum... Not at the beginning as an RVS.

Dude, sorry :(

I still think you're scum (or also likely a gogtrialless neutral), but I'm sorry for appearing to snake you over that.
muddysneakers: 1. didn't want to leave it on cristi
Right now I need to take a closer look at the SPF, ZFR, Joe interactions
why is cristi less safe a vote that spaff, zephyr or joe?

JoeSapphire: P1na - I enjoy everything about p1na, and I would vote to lynch him.
vote P1na

I can't give a decent reason now, but I'd hardly expect decent reasons from anybody at this stage.
agentcarr16: Care to explain this?
Hum. P1na's being likeable and not drawing much attention to himself. Generally people seem to be focusing on the ones doing the most shouting (FOR EXAMPLE MEEEEE!!!!). I think a lot of the more visible people are town (bler, supplementscene, agent) so I picked someone who I reckoned could be playing mafia.

It's just occured to me that P1na's been going on about commonly not making it to night 2, so it may be that he gets this a lot. Maybe he;s just an easy target. Hm.

I'll try and read more game.

bler144: I also don't follow at all why that particular post from SPF he cited to justify his early SPF vote would represent "support for a teammate".

JoeSapphire: Because I like the idea that this is him showing a bit of support for a fellow mafia (bler).

I've completely gone off the idea in the cold light of day. That is sprimal behaving true to type.
bler144: Here's what SPF said in that post:

"You mean the vote? I wouldn't say that's especially AI considering ZFR also did it and was town.
Hmm, now I'm wondering if ZFR only did it in this game for consistency because he has something to hide."

Uh...unless I'm just not following, how is that supporting me or any other teammate? SPF is disagreeing with me. The only thing that post does is set the stage for going at ZFR. @Joe - Please explain.
You were giving ZFR evil eye for vote, Sprimal says "You're wrong! although maybe you're right..."

Right, I've just read it again and that's not what it says. Hm. I totally misremembered everything even as I was reading it, is how I got myself into this position. I did have over 100 posts to catch up on in a shot time.

bler144: I swear this wasn't a setup, but his read of flub suggests he didn't read flub closely either and just assigned a default "flub is flub" assessment.

Why would you vote cristi, exactly?

What's with the "free pass" for ZFR? And does that still hold if you two start to emerge as the primary wagons down the stretch?
Yup, I absolutely did. For the moment I'll trust you that flub's behaving contrary to his subtitle.

Because she's not given me a reason to not vote for her. Would you not vote for her?

Free pass for zfr because I think he deserves to have me play in a game with him where I don't spend the first day going for him. Bad tactically but whatcanyoudo. You're asking me to hypothetically challenge my own integrity, and I haven't the courage to do so. Make zfr a challenging wagon and we'll see ;p

JoeSapphire: Hay, it occurred to me on my walk back from work that we should absolutely be abusing the two-people-tied-for-a-lynch-both-die rule! Double the ratio of lynches to nightkills please!
uhhhh... how do we go about organising that? I'll let the boffins take over.
agentcarr16: Bad idea on Day 1. We have very little information and the best (worst?) statistical odds of hitting town. It's a possibility later in the game, but I think it's a horrible idea for Day 1.
Oh I should have put this with the other post, but... Hm. I disagree. likely we would get two towns, but I reckon it's worth the risk. But you seem sure of yourself and no-one else seems to care and I can't imagine trying to organise such a thing now.

ZFR: Dude, sorry :(

I still think you're scum (or also likely a gogtrialless neutral), but I'm sorry for appearing to snake you over that.
I wouldn't have it any other way ;) If you're gonna snake me, better make it in a game of forum mafia.

JoeSapphire: [...] Then get out of my dad's house so he can go to bed. [...]
HypersomniacLive: So your father's afraid to go to sleep while you're in the house...
Wouldn't you be? ;)

HypersomniacLive: You show up way late in the game state, see Lift's post #15, and your panicked reaction was... to cast an RVS vote on supplementscene. Instead of checking what the current (at the time) game state was. Apparently, having an RVS vote on record was important enough at the time that you thought of casting one in your panic. And I suppose the fact that you didn't bold that vote was to demonstrate it was made in panic.
Hm. When you put it that way, it does sound pretty bad. You're starting to convince me I AM mafia.

JoeSapphire: [...] 2 - read game, construct second post. [...]
HypersomniacLive: Then you read the thread, and made post #104. The content of which shows that bler144 stood out to you, so much that he got a prominent spot in your TRUFAX - Mafia.
Apparently not enough to vote him, however, even though you wanted to change your vote:

JoeSapphire: [...] 4 - change vote and reply to you, killing to birds with one stone. [...]
HypersomniacLive: Instead you changed your vote to SirPrimalform as:

JoeSapphire: [...] a more genuine vote. [...]
HypersomniacLive: That was a more genuine one (does this mean that your initial vote on supplementscene was also genuine and not panic RVS as you said earlier?), because as you replied to muddysneakers:
I didn't vote bler, because I only have one vote. It was sprimal that did the thing that turns out I was totally wrong about and it really shouldn't be an issue. My fault. It doesn't mean that my supplementscene was also genuine. Something that is genuine is more genuine than something that is not at all genuine.

JoeSapphire: [...] Because I like the idea that this is him showing a bit of support for a fellow mafia (bler). [...]
HypersomniacLive: Because you liked the idea of post #78 being him supporting his mafia-buddy...

JoeSapphire: [...] AND yes, that means I voted without looking at where the current votes were standing [...]
HypersomniacLive: ... wait, didn't you say just above [emphasis added]:

JoeSapphire: [...] I'd actually read everything after Lifthrasil's 'decision bell' alert, and given a more genuine vote. [...]
HypersomniacLive: So everything... except for the at the time vote standing, even though the most recent count vote was in post #99, i.e. just two posts before your #101, your point of being caught up back then.
Uhh, yeah I didn't look at the last page, I started at the top.

HypersomniacLive: A day later, you change your vote again:

JoeSapphire: [...] vote P1na

I can't give a decent reason now, [...]
HypersomniacLive: In contrast to the decent reason for your previous genuine vote, apparently.
I didn't intend to draw a comparison with anything.

JoeSapphire: [...] but I'd hardly expect decent reasons from anybody at this stage.
HypersomniacLive: Do you think the reasons behind the votes you've gotten aren't decent? If so, which ones, and why?
See my previous post.

HypersomniacLive has thouroughly explored the idea that I am a total dimwit. I'm not sure if that was ever in question however.


I'm too tired.