supplementscene: Vote on you remains.
I'm happy to be Day 2 Lynch if you don't show up as Scum or Neutral Lyncher, that's how confident I am in my read at the moment.
I'm sorry. I don't know if you're non-town who resorts to bludgeoning where logic fails (which I despise: see my prior refusal to play with hijack for an extended period, though I'll give him full credit - he was good last time he played) or town who just really doesn't understand the game.
If your premise here is that you're town who will happily eat a lynch if another townie dies, then no, that's just terrible strategy. The more townies who die (esp. in a game with realistically 6-9 townies) the next one standing is all the more precious.
If it's a bluff, then...ok? I mean, you're still technically wrong.
Now, Joe may recall that, in our last game together I said if cristi got lynched and flipped mafia I was happy to be next in line for defending her. But that premise was different - a trade of 1 scum for 1 town is almost always a good thing (that part of scene's overall theory is correct, even if the investigative maneuver/directing is still wrong), and besides, I knew I was town cop for the umpteenth time who was inclined to reveal the next day anyway, and that I felt I could potentially spin out of it by finding other maf if she did flip red, so I lost next to nothing by suggesting it.
But agreeing to get lynched next in any game if X flips town never helps town unless you're not town. In a potentially very short game, just no. Please don't. It's either a fake distraction or it's earnest but wrong.
muddysneakers: Scene vs bler is eerily similar to last game but it feels off somehow. Maybe Scene is mafia again and learned from last game but I'm not buying it based on this exchange. Likewise bler as mafia isn't quite doing it for me either but possibly a neutral at this point.
[game 100% off]
I didn't watch the last game but I saw this before logging off yesterday and I've been thinking hard about this.
I think the ultimate problem here from my perspective, and probably why it feels strange to others, is that - despite the trappings - this discussion between scene and I long ago started diverging from playing mafia under the standard rules, customs, and etiquette of gog mafia, into arguing politics/religion on the internet.
I'm not sure where scene's starting point is in terms of alignment, but (to mix metaphors) he's insistent on cycling different tactics that all amount to "playing for an inside straight is the best move and anyone who disagrees is suspect!"
And I got caught up in the frustration of arguing that, no, umpteen versions of "filling an inside straight because I'm sure it will hit! is bad strategy" despite the fact that when it comes to religion, or politics, I have a strict policy of not discussing them online anymore, especially with people who clearly don't even have basic facts straight.
At the breaking point, I was willing to pause the game, try to explain - no shade, full benefit of the doubt - that playing to fill an inside straight is simply not the best strategy, period.
And he still just rejects that premise cold, and based on this post has pivoted hard back into believe he knows and understands the game best when he clearly does not. I don't even care if he is confused town or non-town acting at this point.
He doesn't even understand, or is feigning to repeatedly not understand, how the roles work despite repeated clarification from the mod and other players.
I know that makes me a jerk for pointing it out, and I'm sorry about that. My goal is really not to insult him or make him feel bad personally. We need more people who want to play, and more good players here. I don't want to discourage that
IF he can learn and grow.
But I'm serious. Personally I've never enjoyed playing with that style, and esp right now my life just doesn't have space to be carrying tension/anger out into IRL. I worked on it for a long time both in-game and 1-1 with _____ because at his best he was very talented and active and I thought it could the areas it wasn't a fit could improve. I was reasonably close to ____ out-of-game, whereas with scene I'm not so he doesn't get the same starting grace from me.
I was a cocky young player who thought I knew best when I started, and I still think I was right on a few things that run counter to consensus, (mud's No lynch vote doesn't make me bat an eye, e.g.) but I know not to argue about them because it's an unnecessary distraction. And other people knew better than me on a lot of things, and I had to learn that both for myself and for the group's sake. I was wrong, a lot.
Vitek and yogs can both tell you I had way too much confidence (even as cop in both of my first two games) that I knew best and was trying to win the game single-handed instead of sharing information, listening to other views.
The arc of this argument made me irrationally mad. That's my fault.
I pull that anger/frustration out into RL, which just can't happen - it's not good for the game and all of you who are investing your time and effort to be here to have people who scream at each other, and it's not good for my life which I will have to keep living (hopefully) after the game has ended with people I love and care about and have responsibility for.
Though certainly I love HSL and cristi and some of the other folks who play here as much as I love any internet stranger as well. No disrespect to them, but I know they understand.
Scanning the room quickly, there appears insufficient interest in lynching either me, or him D1. In the bigger picture, that probably is good. I'm not blaming anybody - I appreciate everyone that's tried to calm things down or just back away and talk about other things.
If I'm not NKed N1 (I can't realistically fathom scene is ever NKed given the current gamestate ) I'm going to ask for a sub.
In the meantime I'll have to figure out how to regroup and be present to play out D1, or if I decide I can't do that I'll go ahead and ask for a sub immediately as soon as I've figured out how I can play completely ignoring what to me is the bright red elephant in the room.
I'm not trying to emotionally blackmail anyone, I'm just trying to clear the air, and also apologize to everyone and acknowledge I think I overreacted in responding to someone I should have just ignored as soon as it started becoming an issue.
If Lift, as mod, has a sub ready to go, and he believes from his authority that the best course for the group is to sub one/both of us immediately because we're incompatible and the game shouldn't suffer for that, then I 100% respect that decision. thanks all, and again, I'm sorry for my part here.