supplementscene: This seems like a huge deflection because you don't want to be investigated alongside myself to expose our alignments. Yet if you were Town it would almost certainly confirm you.
Ok, last chance. You're trying...sorta. Let's posit you are town to remove that from argument.
The reality is, with roughly zero exceptions, that no player of any alignment should ever WANT to be investigated. It doesn't even necessarily beat eating a mislynch, because investigations in GoG games are generally precious since almost all our games are small and we like our vigs, etc. Mislynches will happen nearly every game, often driven by other town, and if you do them well, you can still help your team.
If you're maf, then duh. Obvious.
But even as town the fact that a cop felt compelled to spend a night on you may be "helping" you personally, but it's hurting your team. Ideally, you want investigators spending time on anti-town, not clearing townies.
Set you and I aside (to try and get past your pre-judgement here). Pretend you have A/B/C mafia, D/E neutral, and F-whatever town. The ideal play for a parity cop is N0 A, N1 B, N2 C. Would you not agree? Yes/no?
Any time elsewhere is, marginally speaking, lost time, especially because this is by design going to average to be a shorter game, so likely fewer results period, and neutrals really muck things up. Even if they go D N0, the ideal sequence is back to A-B-C, not to F.
Take player F, who really, really, really wants to be confirmed as town (and with a parity cop, potentially over-estimating the possibility of even BEING confirmed) and asks to be investigated, or plays anti-town/curiously enough they draw one anyway. That time spent on F is a net negative for town compared to ideal play. It just is. It's not shade. It's not whatever you think it is. It's fact.
If parity cop in particular goes A-F-B-D then all the parity cop knows is not much depending on who if any of those have flipped. F flips, but both A&B could either be scum or neutral. You still have more flips you need, and may not have that luxury if approaching LYLO/MYLO.
F-G-H is something because 'same' is generally more valuable than different in this setup, but still of limited use (example in point, see my last game) in most gamestates.
Things that are good for town player F in the short are often in conflict with what is good for town in the long run, and ultimately you/win lose with your team. Being town, F is uninformed about anything besides their alignment, so even their assumptions about player G or D or B are just that - assumptions.
Play well enough that your play helps sort you at least more often than not. Period.
As for the role stuff, I don't believe I said you "claimed" it - my view is you've pretty clearly implied either you aren't those roles, or perhaps you are but just didn't read your PM and chose to ask Lift about both roles in-game rather than clarifying in private chat for heaven knows what reason. I mean, that is possible.
But all that's whatever.
Setting the game completely aside:
We're all going to make mistakes in this game. I'm well aware my game has a range of flaws, and certain strengths. I try to play to those. When I fuck up (which I do) I try to acknowledge, apologize if called for, and move on.
And yes, we will sometimes make assumptions that are incorrect. it happens. How do you respond? If your default is to assume that anybody calling you out on something is scum seeking your's going to be very hard to grow as a player. Like any game/sport, listening to veterans (who yes, sometimes may be trying to get one over on you but often are generally trying to guide) who've seen it, or even made those mistakes themselves, will only help you grow as a player for the next game.
If you think this post is anything other than a genuine attempt to try and explain to you in purely 100% neutral terms - if you think this is me being arrogant or condescending or just trying to misrep you - then by all means, please say so and in that eventuality I'm happy ask to be replaced, and all I will say is that you should have an open conversation with others, perhaps the GOGfather post-game, because this can't continue.