Posted November 07, 2018

2. There is a solution... regard it with suspicion each and every time so he can't use it as an out!
1. Ok, then, but wouldn't you concede the point that in that case you chose that opener (as either alignment) precisely because it was a cover vs. trying to make a legit play and screwing up? And in general (certainly exceptions exist) isn't non-town more likely to need cover than town?
2. I mean, it sounds good, but it's the flub dilemma in a nutshell. There's no guarantee that penalizing the behavior would actually lead to change, and if ZFR is town and you (or anyone else piling on) is Maf, it makes easy cover to say "I'm voting him because he always does this even though it's NAI!" etc. Could blabber on but...

He's a coward. He should be lynched. I'm amused that you find that suspicious.
I'd also like clarification on the ">randwolf RVS" phrase. RVS I think I remember. "randwolf"? Terminology that I haven't heard before?
2. Ohhh. Well...I confess I'm still not a fan but I can see where it made sense to you. Which is...something.
3. To be fair to you, it's non-gog lingo so it was a bit lazy of me to use in a game where cristi's probably the only player who would be familiar with that type of short-hand. I should probably be more cognizant of who is playing.
It just means that, for the standards of judging RVS, voting for a non-player (moreso with a nonsensical reason) is more likely than random to be non-town, for similar reasons as voting randomly. Could give a lecture but see response to SPF above.
Could town do the same? Sure. The same as town could use to vote. Or a townie could flip out and claim to be wolf (I've seen it). But all things being equal, it's cover-seeking behavior vs. making an in-game play risking attention from someone actually in the game.
If I'd understood that you were making a reference to an interaction in the sign-up thread, I probably would have voted HSL instead of the two of you, but you voting wyrm at all still would have merited an eyebrow.
He is always town.

Still I disagree it doesn't matter if the Cop eventually gets killed after 2-3 nights if he can provide information through breadcrumbs. Getting the cop into the last round would be ideal, but unlikely. The most important thing is the info he can provide.
Looking at your post as a whole you make way too many assumptions, esp for a newish player. Whether that's confused town, or a dodge, IDK. It's still problematic.
On the first, I was prepared to acknowledge that perhaps I'd missed something, but going back and re-reading what you seem to be referring to

"That is suspicious because xyz! Why did you do that?" is questioning ZFR. Great. Nice work.
"I find that suspicious!" is at least making a statement you can be held to later if it's relevant. Of some value.
While technically, yes, you have "asked a question" in that line, you're not questioning ZFR, at best you are making a fuzzy bid to throw shade without actually having to commit to anything.
So, no, no points for that even if ZFR were to flip non-town later on.
FWIW, you also didn't respond to flub's direct question of you as far as I observed.
As for the cop thing, a) your proposition is at best a maybe, because it depends on what info the cop has relative to the gamestate, which could range from awesome to literally nothing of use, and b) it sounds awesome in principal, but the average townie has to try and observe and sort all the players at the table for the entirety of the game and is more likely to miss breadcrumbing unless it's super clear. Maf, again, are typically cop-hunting, and have a smaller array of players to sort. They also know some info on what is true and what is not. So breadcrumbs that are clear and unambiguous raise the cop's risk profile significantly.
So yes, the IDEAL is that the cop breadcrumbs info that will help solve the game after they're gone. The rub is doing it in a way that's clear enough to be useful to town while subtle enough that maf won't see it and end them sooner. And again, there's no standard cop, so why are you wasting text on this?
If you're town, please pull it together. If not, swell.
vote scene