(back from lunch, leaving again soon)
mchack: [but since you'll most likely be the one doing the analyzing (what with your fancy spreadsheet and all) it shouldn't matter too much ;P]
Well, a couple things there,
1) If I'm reading the rules on p1 correctly, deadline kill comes only if there's no other death by the deadline. So I read it such that there wouldn't be any modkill at all. It's also a bit vague who would be in that pool - would it be scene automatically for fewest votes in the game overall, or a draw amongst all with the fewest votes in that particular stage?:
"9. Hard "Day" endings will be posted in thread after each death. If there hasn't been a death by this deadline, a player who hasn't attempted to fire the gun (or who has the least attempts) will be chosen at random to die."
2) If this game doesn't wrap up today (as appears the case), I'm really not likely to be online most of the day tomorrow, which is a bit problematic all around.
There's also the issue that even targeting my wolfiest pick, there's a 75% chance they're town anyway (and with the 6th shot they'd be dead in this scenario), so it's only really of value if I hit maf that 25% (2 in 8) of the time. So not much of value to analyze, probably.