This pokemon's distinctive cheek pads are what give it its astounding ability: The pikachu stores electricity within these pads, and is able to release it at will, giving its predators powerful shocks. It uses its tail as a lightning rod to generate massive amounts of charge, but the majority of its power comes from static: groups of pikachus will move together in tight huddles, known as 'hugs', in order to create static charge. Hello SirPrimalform, you are Shanaiah the Pikachu
Special move: Thunderbolt
Team: Challengers
You always had to work hard for your trainer. You loved your trainer, and your trainer loved you. When you did well your trainer would feed you, and if you let your trainer down, you'd get a kick. Sometimes more than a kick. But it was to help you. You could never be the best if you kept losing all the time, and with your trainer's love, you always knew that you could try harder. You could always try harder. And now you've got do your best, because this time if you don't do your best, it won't ust be a kick. If you make a mistake this time, you'll never see your trainer again.
ABILITIES: Thunderbolt is a powerful, accurate move that has a decent chance to leave the enemy unable to fight back. Unfortunately you can't get out of the cage they lock you in, so you won't get a chance to use it.
The grimer's body is one of the most amazing biological forms in the world. It's organic structure is, in fact, many distinct genetic organisms, controlled by the grimer's complex neurosystem. These individual organisms feed web-like constrictors through other matter, incorporating it into the grimer's form. In this way, the vast majority of a grimer's almost-amorphous body is made up of necrotic and inorganic matter. Hello Vitek, you are Mortadella the Grimer
Special move: Poison Gas
Team: Challengers
Most people don't like you. Your trainer is different. When you first met your trainer was when the world first made sense to you. You both loved to get dirty; to wade in mud or splash in the sandy sea or explore grimy sewers. Your trainer was very small then. Now she's much bigger. You've had to wait a while before you get to play again. But soon she'll remember you, and she'll come and get you. In the meantime there's a game to play. You can easily slip through the bars of these cells. Maybe one of these other pokemon will want to play too.
ABILITIES: Once per action phase you can target another player. That player will receive notification of a repulsive smell; a result of your visit to their cell.
This pokemon has a highly developed brain which is remarkably similar in function to a human brain. The primape's hormonal responses are huge, triggering large adrenaline spikes in its body allowing it to fight without tiring. The frenzied rage of the primape is what this pokemon is most known for. As well as having a very short life-span compared to other pokemon of a similiar size and build, the primape is prone to depressive slumps if its natural routine is unavailable to it. Hello ZFR, you are Squidge the Primape
Special move: Low Kick
Team: Challengers
Other pokemon. Going to fight. Fight and claw and kick and scratch. Defend myself. Don't need to defend my trainer anymore. This is my space now. Send them all the way away. Get away from me. I don't need anybody. I don't need anybody. I can do this alone. If you don't get away from me I'll kick and punch and bite a shove until you start running. Because I never did need anybody. Now I'm alone. Good. I can show you all. I don't need anybody. I don't need you. I don't need you.
ABILITIES: Your Low Kick can bring down most pokemon in a single instant, but it's entirely ineffectual against iron bars.
Certainly one of the most heavily-researched pokemon, it wasn't until relatively recently that we have been able to understand just how remarkable the ditto is. More than just a mere mimic, this pokemon's amorphous body is capable of processing minute amounts of pokemon DNA, and replicating it throughout it's system, effectively cloning an entire organism in a bafflingly small timeframe. Geneticists continue to learn more from this pokemon's biology every day. Hello Flubbucket, you are pokemon Dit069 the Ditto
Special move: Transform
Team: Killers. Your teammates are McHack and Lifthrasil. In the action phase you can talk with them here: Record: Won 14 Lost 18 Kills 40 KOd 21
You know the game, you relish the kill. But it's a fickle game, and so often recently you seem to be getting the short straw. Pokemon with a record like yours stop playing the tournaments after a while. You don't like to think what might happen to them... Losing this game isn't just going to be missing out on a few meals and being up in the cages without daylight. It might be that if you lose another tournament, they'll turn you into pokemon feed. But that can't be true. Can it?
You've got to do everything you can to make this one count. If you're not killing, you're damn well going to be doing something. Understand the enemy. That's where you've failed before. You're not going to fail again.
ABILITIES: Once per action phase, you can perform the team's kill. Only one member of the team can perform this action per action phase. Target another player to kill, and that player will be removed from the tournament. Alternatively, you can target a player to investigate. You will learn whether that play has any special abilities or not.
Certainly one of the most heavily-researched pokemon, it wasn't until relatively recently that we have been able to understand just how remarkable the ditto is. More than just a mere mimic, this pokemon's amorphous body is capable of processing minute amounts of pokemon DNA, and replicating it throughout it's system, effectively cloning an entire organism in a bafflingly small timeframe. Geneticists continue to learn more from this pokemon's biology every day. Hello McHack, you are pokemon Dit135 the Ditto
Special move: Transform
Team: Killers. Your teammates are Flubbucket and Lifthrasil. In the action phase you can talk with them here: Record: Won 3 Lost 1 Kills 2 KOd 1
This is your 5th tournament. The rest of the team has been doing this a lot longer than you. You can sense the confidence of the big one. It's got a real mean streak to it. You'd better get that way too, if you want to do well. You've won before because your team was looking out for you. These guys old pros. They don't seem to have the community spirit. There's a lot they can teach you, if you keep your eyes open.
ABILITIES: Once per action phase, you can perform the team's kill. Only one member of the team can perform this action per action phase. Target another player to kill, and that player will be removed from the tournament. Alternatively, you can target a player to investigate. You will learn which other players targeted that player, if any.
Certainly one of the most heavily-researched pokemon, it wasn't until relatively recently that we have been able to understand just how remarkable the ditto is. More than just a mere mimic, this pokemon's amorphous body is capable of processing minute amounts of pokemon DNA, and replicating it throughout it's system, effectively cloning an entire organism in a bafflingly small timeframe. Geneticists continue to learn more from this pokemon's biology every day. Hello Lifthrasil, you are pokemon Dit044, Ditto
Special move: Transform
Team: Killers. Your teammates are Flubbucket and Mchack. In the action phase you can talk with them here: Record: Won 37 Lost 11 Kills 79 KOd 14
You've been doing this longer than the others. Your one of the longest surviving tournament fighters. You'd have the scars to prove it, if you were a different pokemon. And you've learned to love it. You love the kill. You love the tearing flesh and snapping bones. You love how soft and stupid and naive the prey is, and you love the moment when they understand the world for what it is. You've learned a lot from doing this. And you can put your skills to good use. If you're not going to kill, you're certainly not going to wait around doing nothing.
ABILITIES: Once per action phase, you can perform the team's kill. Only one member of the team can perform this action per action phase. Target another player to kill, and that player will be removed from the tournament. Alternatively, you can target a player to block. Any abilities that player attempts to use that phase will fail.
out of interest - here are some other pokemon I was considering for the game:
alternate - Farnsborough the Zubat , Camille the Graveller, Hodgepodge the Ponyta, Shorty the Ratticate, Sweetcheeks the Snorlax, Matey the Dratini, Lil the Nidorina, Vindaloo the Rhyhorn, Latoya the Seel, Morrisey the Lapras, Lucy Liu the Farfetchd, Blondie the Exeggcutor (doctor), Mirabell the Kangaskhan, Fatty the Clefairy (jack of all trades), Badpillow the Tentacool, Yoko the Porygon (tracker), Mafsud the Poliwag (watcher), Ruffles the Haunter (Roleblocker), Babs the Oddish,