Posted September 10, 2018

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted September 10, 2018
@Joe exact time for the hammer tomorrow? This one will goto the wire
@Trent/Hunter we need one of you on Team Vitek Wagon if we're going to win. I'm 100% on Vitek but not 100% on Lift and if he is town it's game over. This is yet another suspicious post.
I'm actually unsure whether hammering lift or going for a no selection is best right now. If we no hammer do we automatically lose or not? Because if not we may get more info.
Vitek: Why do you need my claim? No one else than people voting me has expressed their will to vote me so it's not like I am imminent danger of lynch and in need of lynch.
It's not going to help me neither there is much it could do to harm me so I ma not sure what use it will be.
I was never fan of claiming just because someone reaches some quota instead of it being it tied to real events and necessities. We need your claim to get more info about you. I don't see why you wouldn't at end stage. Town clearly is not getting any use in the night regardless so roles don't matter now. The only reason you wouldn't is because you don't know how the town post is constructed because your PM has a Scum post.
This is yet another scummy post
supplementscene: Why can't Trent be a bluffing Mafia player making a sacrifice? Why would the game be already over?
Lifthrasil: Because if trent were regular scum who knows who the remaining other scum is, he wouldn't have started the day with saying that he was blocked. Instead he would have said that he got a read on one of the townies. Everyone would have followed that cop-read and the game would be over. So the only possibility how trent could not be town is Hunter's Traitor-scenario, where trent is scum-aligned but doesn't know who the other scum is. That is possible but I don't think that is likely. Will if someone had explained that earlier I wouldn't have upset Trent accusing him.
Having said that the traitor theory (which I've only just read up on) makes sense when combined with the fact:
1. It is said Joe likes to be creative with roles
2. Trent's reads seem like bad townee, so he could be scummy
3. Some moderators allow for Mafia teams to kill their Traitors with the factional kill. Other times, the Traitor is immune to kills from their Mafia (in which case if the Mafia tries to kill them there is no kill that Night). Still other times, if the Mafia attempts to kill their Traitor the Traitor is instead recruited into the Mafia, allowing it to talk to the rest of the faction and perform the factional kill. All of these have been seen regularly.
But then Trent would be offering up a likely town player for day time execution and would have won. "Because the Traitor cannot perform the Night-kill and may lose if the main scum die, the "bad Townie" strategy may be a good one to consider. Try fakeclaiming an incriminating result on some random Townie in order to score a free mislynch."
Trying to think of a scenario where Trent wouldn't do this. Otherwise he's confirmed, which is annoying because he isn't helpful.
The only scenario I can think of is if either Trent or Team think Trent mislynching will risk the rest of us not believing him. Is this plausible? I tend to think no. I'm puzzled
@Trent/Hunter we need one of you on Team Vitek Wagon if we're going to win. I'm 100% on Vitek but not 100% on Lift and if he is town it's game over. This is yet another suspicious post.
I'm actually unsure whether hammering lift or going for a no selection is best right now. If we no hammer do we automatically lose or not? Because if not we may get more info.

It's not going to help me neither there is much it could do to harm me so I ma not sure what use it will be.
I was never fan of claiming just because someone reaches some quota instead of it being it tied to real events and necessities.
This is yet another scummy post

Having said that the traitor theory (which I've only just read up on) makes sense when combined with the fact:
1. It is said Joe likes to be creative with roles
2. Trent's reads seem like bad townee, so he could be scummy
3. Some moderators allow for Mafia teams to kill their Traitors with the factional kill. Other times, the Traitor is immune to kills from their Mafia (in which case if the Mafia tries to kill them there is no kill that Night). Still other times, if the Mafia attempts to kill their Traitor the Traitor is instead recruited into the Mafia, allowing it to talk to the rest of the faction and perform the factional kill. All of these have been seen regularly.
But then Trent would be offering up a likely town player for day time execution and would have won. "Because the Traitor cannot perform the Night-kill and may lose if the main scum die, the "bad Townie" strategy may be a good one to consider. Try fakeclaiming an incriminating result on some random Townie in order to score a free mislynch."
Trying to think of a scenario where Trent wouldn't do this. Otherwise he's confirmed, which is annoying because he isn't helpful.
The only scenario I can think of is if either Trent or Team think Trent mislynching will risk the rest of us not believing him. Is this plausible? I tend to think no. I'm puzzled

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted September 10, 2018

@Trent/Hunter we need one of you on Team Vitek Wagon if we're going to win. I'm 100% on Vitek but not 100% on Lift and if he is town it's game over. This is yet another suspicious post.
I'm actually unsure whether hammering lift or going for a no selection is best right now. If we no hammer do we automatically lose or not? Because if not we may get more info.

It's not going to help me neither there is much it could do to harm me so I ma not sure what use it will be.
I was never fan of claiming just because someone reaches some quota instead of it being it tied to real events and necessities.

This is yet another scummy post

Having said that the traitor theory (which I've only just read up on) makes sense when combined with the fact:
1. It is said Joe likes to be creative with roles
2. Trent's reads seem like bad townee, so he could be scummy
3. Some moderators allow for Mafia teams to kill their Traitors with the factional kill. Other times, the Traitor is immune to kills from their Mafia (in which case if the Mafia tries to kill them there is no kill that Night). Still other times, if the Mafia attempts to kill their Traitor the Traitor is instead recruited into the Mafia, allowing it to talk to the rest of the faction and perform the factional kill. All of these have been seen regularly.
But then Trent would be offering up a likely town player for day time execution and would have won. "Because the Traitor cannot perform the Night-kill and may lose if the main scum die, the "bad Townie" strategy may be a good one to consider. Try fakeclaiming an incriminating result on some random Townie in order to score a free mislynch."
Trying to think of a scenario where Trent wouldn't do this. Otherwise he's confirmed, which is annoying because he isn't helpful.
The only scenario I can think of is if either Trent or Team think Trent mislynching will risk the rest of us not believing him. Is this plausible? I tend to think no. I'm puzzled

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted September 10, 2018
Has anyone played with Trent before? If so how does he play town and mafia? What did you think of his play when playing with him?
supplementscene: @Joe exact time for the hammer tomorrow? This one will goto the wire
@Trent/Hunter we need one of you on Team Vitek Wagon if we're going to win. I'm 100% on Vitek but not 100% on Lift and if he is town it's game over. This is yet another suspicious post.
I'm actually unsure whether hammering lift or going for a no selection is best right now. If we no hammer do we automatically lose or not? Because if not we may get more info.
We need your claim to get more info about you. I don't see why you wouldn't at end stage. Town clearly is not getting any use in the night regardless so roles don't matter now. The only reason you wouldn't is because you don't know how the town post is constructed because your PM has a Scum post.
This is yet another scummy post
Will if someone had explained that earlier I wouldn't have upset Trent accusing him.
Having said that the traitor theory (which I've only just read up on) makes sense when combined with the fact:
1. It is said Joe likes to be creative with roles
2. Trent's reads seem like bad townee, so he could be scummy
3. Some moderators allow for Mafia teams to kill their Traitors with the factional kill. Other times, the Traitor is immune to kills from their Mafia (in which case if the Mafia tries to kill them there is no kill that Night). Still other times, if the Mafia attempts to kill their Traitor the Traitor is instead recruited into the Mafia, allowing it to talk to the rest of the faction and perform the factional kill. All of these have been seen regularly.
But then Trent would be offering up a likely town player for day time execution and would have won. "Because the Traitor cannot perform the Night-kill and may lose if the main scum die, the "bad Townie" strategy may be a good one to consider. Try fakeclaiming an incriminating result on some random Townie in order to score a free mislynch."
Trying to think of a scenario where Trent wouldn't do this. Otherwise he's confirmed, which is annoying because he isn't helpful.
The only scenario I can think of is if either Trent or Team think Trent mislynching will risk the rest of us not believing him. Is this plausible? I tend to think no. I'm puzzled
trentonlf: Not voting Vitek and I’m not voting Hunter, already made this clear. You can also take me not being helpful and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Your play has been all over the place this game and you’re the last one to be criticizing someone elses play. You keep saying that but you ignore posts, don't analyse, don't re-read the thread and don't answer questions directed at you.
You also come out with irrelevancies like 'not voting Hunter' when no one asked you to. Could it be that you're wanting to buddy upto the one player who said you maybe Traitor in order to look less like a Traitor? That would also explain you being the only player having no suspicion over Vitek. You can't afford for him to be taken out. But maybe it's just an issue with reading comprehension on your part.

@Trent/Hunter we need one of you on Team Vitek Wagon if we're going to win. I'm 100% on Vitek but not 100% on Lift and if he is town it's game over. This is yet another suspicious post.
I'm actually unsure whether hammering lift or going for a no selection is best right now. If we no hammer do we automatically lose or not? Because if not we may get more info.
We need your claim to get more info about you. I don't see why you wouldn't at end stage. Town clearly is not getting any use in the night regardless so roles don't matter now. The only reason you wouldn't is because you don't know how the town post is constructed because your PM has a Scum post.
This is yet another scummy post
Will if someone had explained that earlier I wouldn't have upset Trent accusing him.
Having said that the traitor theory (which I've only just read up on) makes sense when combined with the fact:
1. It is said Joe likes to be creative with roles
2. Trent's reads seem like bad townee, so he could be scummy
3. Some moderators allow for Mafia teams to kill their Traitors with the factional kill. Other times, the Traitor is immune to kills from their Mafia (in which case if the Mafia tries to kill them there is no kill that Night). Still other times, if the Mafia attempts to kill their Traitor the Traitor is instead recruited into the Mafia, allowing it to talk to the rest of the faction and perform the factional kill. All of these have been seen regularly.
But then Trent would be offering up a likely town player for day time execution and would have won. "Because the Traitor cannot perform the Night-kill and may lose if the main scum die, the "bad Townie" strategy may be a good one to consider. Try fakeclaiming an incriminating result on some random Townie in order to score a free mislynch."
Trying to think of a scenario where Trent wouldn't do this. Otherwise he's confirmed, which is annoying because he isn't helpful.
The only scenario I can think of is if either Trent or Team think Trent mislynching will risk the rest of us not believing him. Is this plausible? I tend to think no. I'm puzzled

You also come out with irrelevancies like 'not voting Hunter' when no one asked you to. Could it be that you're wanting to buddy upto the one player who said you maybe Traitor in order to look less like a Traitor? That would also explain you being the only player having no suspicion over Vitek. You can't afford for him to be taken out. But maybe it's just an issue with reading comprehension on your part.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted September 10, 2018
Info for what use?
You are 100% sure (some could say you know it:-)) I am mafia and everything I say, no matter how innocent it is, you interpert as scummy. Here if I won't claim you'll consider it scummy. If I claim claim vanilla it will be seen as scummy by you and any role I claim you will consider some sort of scum play.
You refuse to accept any arguments and I don't think this will help me to influence you in any way.
supplementscene: Town clearly is not getting any use in the night regardless so roles don't matter now. What?
supplementscene: The only reason you wouldn't is because you don't know how the town post is constructed because your PM has a Scum post. You are aware there were already many claims in this game, right?
You tell me. I don't remember who you consider to be my buddy.
Or did you too claim to be my buddy? Damn, I am popular.
You are 100% sure (some could say you know it:-)) I am mafia and everything I say, no matter how innocent it is, you interpert as scummy. Here if I won't claim you'll consider it scummy. If I claim claim vanilla it will be seen as scummy by you and any role I claim you will consider some sort of scum play.
You refuse to accept any arguments and I don't think this will help me to influence you in any way.

You tell me. I don't remember who you consider to be my buddy.
Or did you too claim to be my buddy? Damn, I am popular.

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom

New GOGlin
Registered: Apr 2014
From India

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted September 10, 2018
I don't understand why you did it.
I don't understand why you did it.

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted September 10, 2018

You are 100% sure (some could say you know it:-)) I am mafia and everything I say, no matter how innocent it is, you interpert as scummy. Here if I won't claim you'll consider it scummy. If I claim claim vanilla it will be seen as scummy by you and any role I claim you will consider some sort of scum play.
You refuse to accept any arguments and I don't think this will help me to influence you in any way.

Or did you too claim to be my buddy? Damn, I am popular.
And yes you could copy and paste from the thread. But that would take a little effort. And are all vanilla posts the same anyway?
What do you mean 'eh'? We're roleblocked at night. So Trent can not act if he isn't in fact a traitor anyway.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted September 10, 2018
Hunter, I just don't understand.
I expected scene to lose us this (after dragging the game to nolynch, killing you or trent and then needing only 1 wrong vote) but you were deliberate with your vote before, never expressed suspicion of me and suddenly you hammer me out of the blue.
What was the logic in it?
I expected scene to lose us this (after dragging the game to nolynch, killing you or trent and then needing only 1 wrong vote) but you were deliberate with your vote before, never expressed suspicion of me and suddenly you hammer me out of the blue.
What was the logic in it?

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted September 10, 2018
I'm pretty sure, my main doubt is Flub's role reading that points a finger at 2 different players. I tend to think this may mean something different or merely be Joe typing inconsistently.
You're awfully quite in your final moments though V.......don't you want the limelight one last time?
You're awfully quite in your final moments though V.......don't you want the limelight one last time?

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted September 10, 2018
Oh my! Eliminated by a surprise blow!
Battle Update!
4 - Vitek is being attacked by supplementscene, flubbucket, Lifthrasil & Hunter65536
2 - Lifthrasil is being attacked by trentonlf & Vitek
0 - Flubbucket
0 - Hunter65536
0 - trentonlf
0 - supplementscene
aren't being attacked.
it takes 4 attackers to eliminate a participant
Vitek was at the centre of a ring of fighters, when supplementscene leaped up with roaring fury and VOTE attacked him right into the ground. Such was the power of the attack that it left a smouldering crater in the ground. Vitek barely had the time to get his wits together when flubbucket threw himself into the hole and hit Vitek with a VOTE that flung him far into the air. Lifthrasil saw his chance, sucked in air, and blasted Vitek with a mighty FREEZE attack at the apex of his flight. Vitek splatted onto the ground, lifted himself up, and let out a rippling fart of SMOG. The arena was thick with smoke, and in the confusion, Vitek was able to let of a POISON GAS attack that had many contestants chocking and spluttering. Vitek was about to continue with a vomitous SLUDGE attack, when Hunter65536 identified his silhouette. Springing forward, Hunter65536 ignited his leg, and brought his foot into Vitek's vulnerable area with shocking force: The BLAZEKICK had made its mark; Vitek was down.
With a harsh alarm, the lights went out in the arena, and the cage doors surrounding the ring swung open. An enticing food smell wafted from the cages, and the pokemon returned. The cage doors snapped shut after a few moments.
The crowd bellows with excitement!
I myself am among the people who had a bet that MORTADELLA THE GRIMER would be eliminated! I hope the rest of you feel as happy as I do right now! MORTADELLA was totally unconstrained by the cage bars, and targeted various participants with his special move, POSION GAS. It didn't produce much effect, but those participants would certainly have been aware that they'd been targeted! You had a good try Mortadella, but ultimately you didn't do very much for the challengers at all.
It is now the action phase, which will last as short a time as possible.
Battle Update!
4 - Vitek is being attacked by supplementscene, flubbucket, Lifthrasil & Hunter65536
2 - Lifthrasil is being attacked by trentonlf & Vitek
0 - Flubbucket
0 - Hunter65536
0 - trentonlf
0 - supplementscene
aren't being attacked.
it takes 4 attackers to eliminate a participant
Vitek was at the centre of a ring of fighters, when supplementscene leaped up with roaring fury and VOTE attacked him right into the ground. Such was the power of the attack that it left a smouldering crater in the ground. Vitek barely had the time to get his wits together when flubbucket threw himself into the hole and hit Vitek with a VOTE that flung him far into the air. Lifthrasil saw his chance, sucked in air, and blasted Vitek with a mighty FREEZE attack at the apex of his flight. Vitek splatted onto the ground, lifted himself up, and let out a rippling fart of SMOG. The arena was thick with smoke, and in the confusion, Vitek was able to let of a POISON GAS attack that had many contestants chocking and spluttering. Vitek was about to continue with a vomitous SLUDGE attack, when Hunter65536 identified his silhouette. Springing forward, Hunter65536 ignited his leg, and brought his foot into Vitek's vulnerable area with shocking force: The BLAZEKICK had made its mark; Vitek was down.
With a harsh alarm, the lights went out in the arena, and the cage doors surrounding the ring swung open. An enticing food smell wafted from the cages, and the pokemon returned. The cage doors snapped shut after a few moments.
The crowd bellows with excitement!
I myself am among the people who had a bet that MORTADELLA THE GRIMER would be eliminated! I hope the rest of you feel as happy as I do right now! MORTADELLA was totally unconstrained by the cage bars, and targeted various participants with his special move, POSION GAS. It didn't produce much effect, but those participants would certainly have been aware that they'd been targeted! You had a good try Mortadella, but ultimately you didn't do very much for the challengers at all.
It is now the action phase, which will last as short a time as possible.

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted September 10, 2018
"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you had a bet on SWEENEY THE MAGIKARP to be the fourth victim of the kiiiiiilllleeeeer pooooookeeemon, please collect your winnings from any one of the betting booths. Magikarp is a water type pokemon, well known for being horribly weak and ineffectual. Sweeney's special move SPLASH, does absolutely nothing but flap about pitifully."
supplementscene has been killed.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this tournament is nearly over! It's time to go to endgame!"
The buzzer sounds and the cages swing open.
The fat little pokemon sits in its cage, sitting human-like; its legs crossed before it, its arms resting on its belly, and its head slumped forward, breathing softly, a thin trail of drool hanging from his lips. One of the pink, amorphous dittos sees the easy target and TRANSFORMS into the flame pokemon charizard. It stretches his wings, lifts off into the air and dives toward the sleeping challenger. Before it reaches, the sleeping pokemon - abra - vanishes suddenly. The flying lizard spits fire, and glares round, angry, confused. The other ditto spies the abra in the centre of the arena. The charizard TRANSFORMS into the bull pokemon tauros and charges at the sleeping abra, whipping three tails furiously. Again, moments before the raging bull reaches him, the abra TELEPORTS elsewhere. The killers look round, their rage beginning to boil. The tauros spots him in another cage, looks to the ditto, TRANSFORMS into the moth pokemon venomoth, and flies up above. Just as his shadow passes overhead, abra TELEPORTS away. The ditto quivers all over, TRANSFORMS into the dragon pokemon dragonite, spots the tricky abra and bellows a THUNDERWAVE attack which shakes the whole arena. The abra spasms and twitches, as venomoth, gently flutters above him, before TRANSFORMING into the enormous bear pokemon snorlax, pile driving onto the little pokemon, and receiving a satisfying crunch as its neck breaks.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you had a bet that MISS TICKLE THE ABRA would survive to the endgame, you've just earned yourself a bit more cash! The odds were very favourable, but still, you've got to be wise enough to take them! Please collect your winnings from any one of the betting booths. Abra is a psychic type pokemon, that spends the majority of its time asleep! This doesn't impede its awareness though! The pokemon has extrasensory perception, which allows it to sense incoming danger, at which point its special move TELEPORT allows it to escape perfectly! Miss Tickle was using this strategy in the game to avoid being targeted by any other participants, but our kiiiiiiilllllleeeeeeeeeeeeer pooooookeemoooon outwitted her in the end!"
Hunter63356 has been killed.
The only pokemon left is sat in the corner, staring at the wall. A small, yellow pokemon with a big round head, wide glassy eyes, and a duck-like beak. It barely notices as the two dittos slither closer. The first ditto, the bigger, more bloodthirsty, TRANSFORMS into the fighter hitmonlee, and readies a devastating MEGA KICK attack, when a searing pain rips through its head, piercing at its brain. It falls back, clutching its face. The remaining ditto looks about for the unseen attacker. It sees nothing, but suddenly spasms and tumbles over as pain needles at its brain. The first ditto bellows, angrily, TRANSFORMS into the rock-serpent onix, and signals to its partner. They both look to the little yellow pokemon. It hasn't moved. Its eyes are still fixed somewhere far in the distance. But there's no-one else. The second ditto TRANSFORMS into the shadow pokemon gengar, and immediately another wave of mental anguish overcomes it, and it shrieks and falls to the ground. The onix lashes out a powerful SLAM with its tail, but the fluffy little psyduck suddenly leaps aside, and counters with another PSYCHIC attack. The onix lets out a SCREECH, and writhes, as the psyduck suddenly sprints toward an emergency door in the far wall of the arena. Onix twists round, and with a snake's unbelievable swiftness, darts after the fleeing psyduck. Without looking round, still running, the psyduck grips the rock pokemon's mind with a CONFUSION attack. The onix thrashes, and twists in a different direction, unable to understand the information it senses. The psyduck makes it to the door, and feels the locking mechanism. It doesn't seem to open from this side, but the little pokemon rattles a panel and dislodges it, giving it access to the locking mechanism. It sticks a flipper into the mechanism, and twiddles. Something goes click. Just as the psyduck lays hands on the door to pull it open, its eyes fall on its own shadow, cast on the door; sharp and deep, deep black. Too late, the psyduck recoils as the disguised shadow pokemon gengar leaps from the door and LICKs the yellow pokemon right across the face. The ghostly attack works perfectly, and the psyduck collapses to the ground, shivering. The killer onix bears itself above it, triumphantly glares down at the helpless challenger, and brings its heavy stone jaws around it. There is a moment of resistance, then the stone jaws clamp shut. The onix lifts its head again, its mouth full of flesh, leaving the psyduck in two distinct pieces on the ground.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you had a bet that DORCAS THE PSYDUCK would be the final challenger surviving, my warm congratulations to you! Please collect your winnings from any one of the betting booths. Psyduck is a water type pokemon, with a distinctive vacant stare, but don't be fooled! These intelligent pokemon have keen brains perfectly suited to psychic-type attacks! Dorcas was an exceptional specimen, picking the lock on her cage and investigating other participants, using her special move MEDITATE to help her understand whether they were killers, or challengers. Dorcas was hugely valuable to the challengers team, but she didn't quite achieve enough to secure them victory!"
trentonlf has been killed.
The rock serpent finishes chewing its prey, and puddles back down into a amorphous blob. The gengar dances gleefully, before reforming into a similar shape. The pokemon handlers enter the arena, and remove the two killer pokemon.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the two remaining participants are our very own kiiiiiiiiilleeeeeeeer pokemon! Once again we see the crowd favourite POKEMONDIT144 THE DITTO secure an astonishing win for the killers team. As well as the special move TRANSFORM allowing 144 to take any number of ferocious forms, 144 has seen so many tournaments, it's able to effectively analyse its opponents, and judge whether they have any abilities that would be useful in the action phase, or not. But, of course, its preferred tactic is to kill kill kill! Give our bloodthirsty Pokemondit144 a big cheer as it leaves another tournament victorious!"
flubbucket has left the game.
"Now POKEMONDIT069 the ditto hasn't been doing very well, but I think we can all agree it's really turned this game around in this tournament! It used its TRANSFORM to great effect, drawing on a number of skills to incapacitate its opponents, and preventing them from acting in the action phase. Let's hope we see more stunning performance from this witty pokemon. Give 069 a final cheer to let it know we appreciate it!"
Lifthrasil has left the game.
"Ladies and gentlemen, that's the end of tonight's tournament! We hope your bets were fruitful, and remember, if you didn't win tonight - there's always next time! Goodbye."
The game is over! Killer Pokemon Win!
ZFR wins the Go me! award for Surviving marginally longer than he did in the prologue.
Bookwyrm627 wins the You're The Best award for complimenting the moderator.
Mchack wins the Most Deputised award for Getting sh** done.
yogsloth wins the Worse than useless award for repeatedly trying to roleblock the commuter.
SirPrimalform wins the Pika pika pikachuuuuu award for thinking pikachu was significant.
adaliabooks wins the THERE'S NOTHING BETTER THAN CATERPIE award for getting it.
Vitek wins the most horrible choice of targets award for his terrible strategy.
supplementscene wins the many have tried... award for getting Vitek lynched.
trentonlf wins the Better cop than bler ever was award for 3/4 correct targets, and excellent reads throughout.
Hunter65536 wins the Cold-hearted award for most brutal hammer.
Lifthrasil wins the Right in the Roke! award for most enthusiastic bkoking.
flubbucket wins the Don Bucket award for 150th mafia-team role on gog forums.
d3adb01t wins the How To Lose a Game of Mafia: In Ten Words or Less award.
Sage103082 wins the Blow This for a Game of Soldiers! award.
JoeSapphire wins the amusement over functionality award for the innovative replace-votes-with-attacks system, which never failed to make him laugh
and All players win the A Team Sticks Together award for most double-posts in a gog mafia game to date.
Thanks everybody for playing!!
supplementscene has been killed.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this tournament is nearly over! It's time to go to endgame!"
The buzzer sounds and the cages swing open.
The fat little pokemon sits in its cage, sitting human-like; its legs crossed before it, its arms resting on its belly, and its head slumped forward, breathing softly, a thin trail of drool hanging from his lips. One of the pink, amorphous dittos sees the easy target and TRANSFORMS into the flame pokemon charizard. It stretches his wings, lifts off into the air and dives toward the sleeping challenger. Before it reaches, the sleeping pokemon - abra - vanishes suddenly. The flying lizard spits fire, and glares round, angry, confused. The other ditto spies the abra in the centre of the arena. The charizard TRANSFORMS into the bull pokemon tauros and charges at the sleeping abra, whipping three tails furiously. Again, moments before the raging bull reaches him, the abra TELEPORTS elsewhere. The killers look round, their rage beginning to boil. The tauros spots him in another cage, looks to the ditto, TRANSFORMS into the moth pokemon venomoth, and flies up above. Just as his shadow passes overhead, abra TELEPORTS away. The ditto quivers all over, TRANSFORMS into the dragon pokemon dragonite, spots the tricky abra and bellows a THUNDERWAVE attack which shakes the whole arena. The abra spasms and twitches, as venomoth, gently flutters above him, before TRANSFORMING into the enormous bear pokemon snorlax, pile driving onto the little pokemon, and receiving a satisfying crunch as its neck breaks.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you had a bet that MISS TICKLE THE ABRA would survive to the endgame, you've just earned yourself a bit more cash! The odds were very favourable, but still, you've got to be wise enough to take them! Please collect your winnings from any one of the betting booths. Abra is a psychic type pokemon, that spends the majority of its time asleep! This doesn't impede its awareness though! The pokemon has extrasensory perception, which allows it to sense incoming danger, at which point its special move TELEPORT allows it to escape perfectly! Miss Tickle was using this strategy in the game to avoid being targeted by any other participants, but our kiiiiiiilllllleeeeeeeeeeeeer pooooookeemoooon outwitted her in the end!"
Hunter63356 has been killed.
The only pokemon left is sat in the corner, staring at the wall. A small, yellow pokemon with a big round head, wide glassy eyes, and a duck-like beak. It barely notices as the two dittos slither closer. The first ditto, the bigger, more bloodthirsty, TRANSFORMS into the fighter hitmonlee, and readies a devastating MEGA KICK attack, when a searing pain rips through its head, piercing at its brain. It falls back, clutching its face. The remaining ditto looks about for the unseen attacker. It sees nothing, but suddenly spasms and tumbles over as pain needles at its brain. The first ditto bellows, angrily, TRANSFORMS into the rock-serpent onix, and signals to its partner. They both look to the little yellow pokemon. It hasn't moved. Its eyes are still fixed somewhere far in the distance. But there's no-one else. The second ditto TRANSFORMS into the shadow pokemon gengar, and immediately another wave of mental anguish overcomes it, and it shrieks and falls to the ground. The onix lashes out a powerful SLAM with its tail, but the fluffy little psyduck suddenly leaps aside, and counters with another PSYCHIC attack. The onix lets out a SCREECH, and writhes, as the psyduck suddenly sprints toward an emergency door in the far wall of the arena. Onix twists round, and with a snake's unbelievable swiftness, darts after the fleeing psyduck. Without looking round, still running, the psyduck grips the rock pokemon's mind with a CONFUSION attack. The onix thrashes, and twists in a different direction, unable to understand the information it senses. The psyduck makes it to the door, and feels the locking mechanism. It doesn't seem to open from this side, but the little pokemon rattles a panel and dislodges it, giving it access to the locking mechanism. It sticks a flipper into the mechanism, and twiddles. Something goes click. Just as the psyduck lays hands on the door to pull it open, its eyes fall on its own shadow, cast on the door; sharp and deep, deep black. Too late, the psyduck recoils as the disguised shadow pokemon gengar leaps from the door and LICKs the yellow pokemon right across the face. The ghostly attack works perfectly, and the psyduck collapses to the ground, shivering. The killer onix bears itself above it, triumphantly glares down at the helpless challenger, and brings its heavy stone jaws around it. There is a moment of resistance, then the stone jaws clamp shut. The onix lifts its head again, its mouth full of flesh, leaving the psyduck in two distinct pieces on the ground.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you had a bet that DORCAS THE PSYDUCK would be the final challenger surviving, my warm congratulations to you! Please collect your winnings from any one of the betting booths. Psyduck is a water type pokemon, with a distinctive vacant stare, but don't be fooled! These intelligent pokemon have keen brains perfectly suited to psychic-type attacks! Dorcas was an exceptional specimen, picking the lock on her cage and investigating other participants, using her special move MEDITATE to help her understand whether they were killers, or challengers. Dorcas was hugely valuable to the challengers team, but she didn't quite achieve enough to secure them victory!"
trentonlf has been killed.
The rock serpent finishes chewing its prey, and puddles back down into a amorphous blob. The gengar dances gleefully, before reforming into a similar shape. The pokemon handlers enter the arena, and remove the two killer pokemon.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the two remaining participants are our very own kiiiiiiiiilleeeeeeeer pokemon! Once again we see the crowd favourite POKEMONDIT144 THE DITTO secure an astonishing win for the killers team. As well as the special move TRANSFORM allowing 144 to take any number of ferocious forms, 144 has seen so many tournaments, it's able to effectively analyse its opponents, and judge whether they have any abilities that would be useful in the action phase, or not. But, of course, its preferred tactic is to kill kill kill! Give our bloodthirsty Pokemondit144 a big cheer as it leaves another tournament victorious!"
flubbucket has left the game.
"Now POKEMONDIT069 the ditto hasn't been doing very well, but I think we can all agree it's really turned this game around in this tournament! It used its TRANSFORM to great effect, drawing on a number of skills to incapacitate its opponents, and preventing them from acting in the action phase. Let's hope we see more stunning performance from this witty pokemon. Give 069 a final cheer to let it know we appreciate it!"
Lifthrasil has left the game.
"Ladies and gentlemen, that's the end of tonight's tournament! We hope your bets were fruitful, and remember, if you didn't win tonight - there's always next time! Goodbye."
The game is over! Killer Pokemon Win!
ZFR wins the Go me! award for Surviving marginally longer than he did in the prologue.
Bookwyrm627 wins the You're The Best award for complimenting the moderator.
Mchack wins the Most Deputised award for Getting sh** done.
yogsloth wins the Worse than useless award for repeatedly trying to roleblock the commuter.
SirPrimalform wins the Pika pika pikachuuuuu award for thinking pikachu was significant.
adaliabooks wins the THERE'S NOTHING BETTER THAN CATERPIE award for getting it.
Vitek wins the most horrible choice of targets award for his terrible strategy.
supplementscene wins the many have tried... award for getting Vitek lynched.
trentonlf wins the Better cop than bler ever was award for 3/4 correct targets, and excellent reads throughout.
Hunter65536 wins the Cold-hearted award for most brutal hammer.
Lifthrasil wins the Right in the Roke! award for most enthusiastic bkoking.
flubbucket wins the Don Bucket award for 150th mafia-team role on gog forums.
d3adb01t wins the How To Lose a Game of Mafia: In Ten Words or Less award.
Sage103082 wins the Blow This for a Game of Soldiers! award.
JoeSapphire wins the amusement over functionality award for the innovative replace-votes-with-attacks system, which never failed to make him laugh
and All players win the A Team Sticks Together award for most double-posts in a gog mafia game to date.
Thanks everybody for playing!!

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States