Posted September 03, 2018

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

more than enough!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Germany
Posted September 03, 2018
I'm getting a bit exasperated if it takes 2+ hours to hammer a copped scum >:
*quit stalling!*
I'm getting a bit exasperated if it takes 2+ hours to hammer a copped scum >:
*quit stalling!*

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted September 03, 2018
Unless I miscounted, Flub just hammered.
Your unvote doesn't count mchack, you've already been lynched. Unless Joe doesn't count self-votes?
Your unvote doesn't count mchack, you've already been lynched. Unless Joe doesn't count self-votes?

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted September 03, 2018
It should be too late, flub voted before mchack unvoted

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted September 03, 2018
Well, if we're all in agreement about the votecount, let's start writing the lynch scene between us.
I'll start:
I'll start:

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted September 03, 2018
If I somehow survive the night is there anyone in particular y'all think needs to be investigated. I will go with my own gut on it again, but I want to hear opinions if there is time and why y'all think what you do.

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted September 03, 2018
It's gone! Another pokemon knockout!
Battle Update!
6 - mchack is being attacked by trentonlf, SirPrimalform, mchack, supplementscene, Vitek & flubbucket
1 - SirPrimalform is being attacked by Lifthrasil
1 - Hunter65536 is being attacked by yogsloth
1 - yogsloth
1 - adaliabooks
1 - Vitek
0 - Lifthrasil
0 - Flubbucket
0 - trentonlf
0 - supplementscene
aren't being attacked.
and Hunter65536 & adaliabooks aren't attacking anybody.
It'll take 6 attackers to eliminate a player.
The battle took a sudden turn as trentonlf pointed at Mchack, opened his mouth and shook the unsuspecting pokemon to it's core with his VOTE attack. SirPrimalform followed suit and discharged a THUNDERSHOCK through Mchack's quivering flesh. Mchack, clearly rattled, folded in on himself, TRANSFORMing into a powerful rhyhorn. He attempted to HORN DRILL trentonlf, but, confused by the his attackers, he lashed wildly and embedded his attack into his own thigh. supplemenscene, the first to follow up on this moment of weakness, narrowed his eyes, and managed to aim a VOTE attack perfectly! A critical hit! Mchack TRANSFORMED again into the ghost pokemon gastly, and attempted to disappear into the gloom. For a moment, no-one new where he was, until a sudden jet of high-pressure water forced him back into the light; Vitek had seen him and stunned him with a HYDRO PUMP. Mchack fell to earth at flubbucket's feet, wobbled, then leapt at flubbucket who, with lightning-fast reflexes, disgorged a crowd-pleasing VOTE which spun Mchack twice round in the air. This time, there was no way Mchack was getting up again. He was clean unconscious.
With a harsh alarm, the lights went out in the arena, and the cage doors surrounding the ring swung open. An enticing food smell wafted from the cages, and the pokemon returned. The cage doors snapped shut after a few moments.
The crowd bellows with excitement!
They've done it ladies and gentlemen! The challengers have eliminated the first kiiiiiiiiiiiilllleeeeeeeer pokemon!!! Congratulations to all who had bets that one would be eliminated, and special congratulations to the person who had POKEMONDIT135 THE DITTO to be eliminated in the second round! Your gutsy bet has paid off, and we love to see somebody walking away happy! Some of you may have seen POKEMONDIT135 fight in a tournament before, and you may know that, as well as its special ability TRANSFORM allowing it to adapt perfectly to any situation, POKEMONDIT135 was particularly skilled at keeping watch on other pokemon from the shadows, learning which other participants targeted that pokemon in the ability phase. A clever tactic, but it hasn't helped you this time round 135! Looking forward to seeing you in your next tournament!
It is now the action phase, which will last 24 hours.
Battle Update!
6 - mchack is being attacked by trentonlf, SirPrimalform, mchack, supplementscene, Vitek & flubbucket
1 - SirPrimalform is being attacked by Lifthrasil
1 - Hunter65536 is being attacked by yogsloth
1 - yogsloth
1 - adaliabooks
1 - Vitek
0 - Lifthrasil
0 - Flubbucket
0 - trentonlf
0 - supplementscene
aren't being attacked.
and Hunter65536 & adaliabooks aren't attacking anybody.
It'll take 6 attackers to eliminate a player.
The battle took a sudden turn as trentonlf pointed at Mchack, opened his mouth and shook the unsuspecting pokemon to it's core with his VOTE attack. SirPrimalform followed suit and discharged a THUNDERSHOCK through Mchack's quivering flesh. Mchack, clearly rattled, folded in on himself, TRANSFORMing into a powerful rhyhorn. He attempted to HORN DRILL trentonlf, but, confused by the his attackers, he lashed wildly and embedded his attack into his own thigh. supplemenscene, the first to follow up on this moment of weakness, narrowed his eyes, and managed to aim a VOTE attack perfectly! A critical hit! Mchack TRANSFORMED again into the ghost pokemon gastly, and attempted to disappear into the gloom. For a moment, no-one new where he was, until a sudden jet of high-pressure water forced him back into the light; Vitek had seen him and stunned him with a HYDRO PUMP. Mchack fell to earth at flubbucket's feet, wobbled, then leapt at flubbucket who, with lightning-fast reflexes, disgorged a crowd-pleasing VOTE which spun Mchack twice round in the air. This time, there was no way Mchack was getting up again. He was clean unconscious.
With a harsh alarm, the lights went out in the arena, and the cage doors surrounding the ring swung open. An enticing food smell wafted from the cages, and the pokemon returned. The cage doors snapped shut after a few moments.
The crowd bellows with excitement!
They've done it ladies and gentlemen! The challengers have eliminated the first kiiiiiiiiiiiilllleeeeeeeer pokemon!!! Congratulations to all who had bets that one would be eliminated, and special congratulations to the person who had POKEMONDIT135 THE DITTO to be eliminated in the second round! Your gutsy bet has paid off, and we love to see somebody walking away happy! Some of you may have seen POKEMONDIT135 fight in a tournament before, and you may know that, as well as its special ability TRANSFORM allowing it to adapt perfectly to any situation, POKEMONDIT135 was particularly skilled at keeping watch on other pokemon from the shadows, learning which other participants targeted that pokemon in the ability phase. A clever tactic, but it hasn't helped you this time round 135! Looking forward to seeing you in your next tournament!
It is now the action phase, which will last 24 hours.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted September 03, 2018

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom