PoppyAppletree: Do we have any more input on the timing of the end of Day 1?
Additionally, not to cut the wind out of #53's sails, but has anyone started considering the next game yet?
a) It's terrible for me unless it fall on weekends, but that quickly starts blurring the line into convo that should be had in-game. But as raw fact, the 5pm PST time was challenging - 3:30 is...another height of hurdle altogether to even be physically present, much less have caught up on anything.
Edit - but I do recognize the pop of this game is different - I was spoiled by the number of games that were US heavy in modding/participation.
Edit edit - oh, and back when I was playing frequently I had a job where I could at least hope to participate some while working. Can't do that now.
b) No, though I tend to assume I probably wouldn't play two back-to-back without some break.