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Ganni1987: I find this a little funny and ironic, usually there's the "lack of notification" comments floating around, now that we're getting them you're complaining xD
Only because notifications appear in the most annoying place possible and can sometimes not get removed even after viewing them there. It needs to be relocated to somewhere convenient and never appear on that bar again.

I'm sick of the cycle of "Ooh, new update...." "...Oh."
babark: I don't mind notifications at all. Nice to know that gog is trying to keep things up-to-date and working properly.

Now if it could just disappear once I've seen it, THAT would be great...
Uhh ya. If the updates disappeared after you went to the library page that would be good, it's them sticking around that's a problem (for me at least).
babark: I don't mind notifications at all. Nice to know that gog is trying to keep things up-to-date and working properly.

Now if it could just disappear once I've seen it, THAT would be great...
Leonard03: Uhh ya. If the updates disappeared after you went to the library page that would be good, it's them sticking around that's a problem (for me at least).
When I refresh the page after I click on the game, the update notification is gone.

Does that work for you?
low rated
amrit9037: ...aaannnddd here comes one more update for El Capitán

Dear GOG,
I really want to beat shit out of person who programs these El Capitán notifications.
Thank you.
Ooooh,a tough guy and I wet my pants at such a violent post.
ooh, I wondered who and what the capitan is ... now I know :)
I don't find it nearly as annoying as most people here do but it would be a neat feature to have.

Meanwhile just be thankful gog and game devs are fixing stuff.
DampSquib: ... I'd be happy with no notifications at all option.
I added this as a comment to the wish, so they might see it when processing it (whenever this will be).
Mnemon: And if you rewrite the code a little, could you also please add an option to manually dismiss updates, rather than have the flag be removed automatically when you click on the game in the library?

I'd like to be able to only read the changelog without losing the flag as a reminder. I might plan to download at a later date.
I added this as a comment to the wish and I hope they can take this important feedback into account.

So basically the system could go as follows:
- For each game you get not only the latest changes in the changelog but actually a complete changelog.
- For each game you get easily the date of the latest change.
- For all of these you can filter by OS (for example decide to disregard a certain OS).
- Notfications/Flags can be cleared automatically or (optionally) also manually. (Setting)
- ... (possibly more)
Ganni1987: ... usually there's the "lack of notification" comments floating around, now that we're getting them you're complaining ...
I guess there is always the danger of being too spoiled and feeling entitled but then this is only a wishlist entry (what more humble could there be) and we are in 2015, long after the invention of the internet and things like databases, php or so.

Basically the problem with notifications is that you only want to get the useful ones. Indeed there can be too many. This wishlist entry tries to deal with this problem.
Post edited November 17, 2015 by Trilarion
Pardinuz: ... Meanwhile just be thankful gog and game devs are fixing stuff.
Sure, it could be worse. I also like that they are doing stuff and they certainly will set their priorities but I also want them to give their best everywhere, so that one day they might be even better than Steam. With this regard a bit of feedback and a wish surely cannot hurt.
Ingsoc85: Voted. I'm sure it would only need little, they already have a script to opt out from updates (like when a wishlisted game is one sale). You should just create a specific tag for it.
Of course I can. But it'd be nice if I wouldn't have to :).
Pardinuz: Meanwhile just be thankful gog and game devs are fixing stuff.
Oh, we are. I'm not a Mac user myself, but I'm happy for those that are that GOG are fixing their problems. I just don't want notifications about it in a steady stream when it doesn't concern me.

It's like being at work and constantly being CC'ed on every email about a project I have no involvement in whatsoever. I have to read the damned things to make sure they actually don't concern me, which is just a waste of my time. Same thing here.
Most updates in the changelog in last time was just Windows 10 compatibility or system integrity protection so kind of pointless notifications for me since I use Mint or Win 8.1

Signed +1
Post edited November 17, 2015 by Matruchus
+1 times a thousand.

Just logged into GOG, saw notification, clicked games page "NOX updated".
Five minutes having searched through the GOG forums to find the "what just updated thread" only to see it was sod all. Well, something for MAC, which equates to sod all ;p

Can we PLEASE have a function that tells us on the game page (even if just a but of text & a time/date stamp) that tells us what/why changed, rather than the current way things are...?

fishbaits: +1 times a thousand.

Just logged into GOG, saw notification, clicked games page "NOX updated".
Five minutes having searched through the GOG forums to find the "what just updated thread" only to see it was sod all. Well, something for MAC, which equates to sod all ;p

Can we PLEASE have a function that tells us on the game page (even if just a but of text & a time/date stamp) that tells us what/why changed, rather than the current way things are...?

We have a changelog feature available right from your account :) Just click "More" and then select "Changelog" from the drop down menu :)
fishbaits: +1 times a thousand.

Just logged into GOG, saw notification, clicked games page "NOX updated".
Five minutes having searched through the GOG forums to find the "what just updated thread" only to see it was sod all. Well, something for MAC, which equates to sod all ;p

Can we PLEASE have a function that tells us on the game page (even if just a but of text & a time/date stamp) that tells us what/why changed, rather than the current way things are...?

JudasIscariot: We have a changelog feature available right from your account :) Just click "More" and then select "Changelog" from the drop down menu :)
Not on the game page for everyone though. :P