nightcraw1er.488: Gwent, cyberpunk, no mans sky (might be fixed now), absolver, selling epic games, there others. Cyberpunk was built from the ground up as a microtransaction multiplayer platform.
Steam is also drm free by you reckoning, there are other options to download games, and lots do not have CEG or other drm in. In fact, GOG agree with you as GabeN was on the front page of that site.
So yes, drm free is starting to take a backseat, no matter how much people like to defend them.
JakobFel: Gwent and Cyberpunk have zero DRM. I don't know about the others and as for Epic, that's literally just a partnership. Furthermore, Cyberpunk has absolutely zero mutliplayer OR microtransactions.
As I've said many times on this site, DRM does not automatically equal whatever you don't like about a game or its publisher. People have applied those three letters as a catch-all to describe whatever they don't like about something and frankly, it's ridiculous.
If I am not able to play it offline on my machine, with no connection, then it is not under my control, someone else is controlling it. DRM has never been a good phrase. Third party control mechanisms is better, as this includes all forms of online requirements such as online checks, install limits, rights control modules, gambling, telemetry (another thing gog cares nothing about), online locked content etc.
The fight against DRM is the fight against third party control over you, note how many posts complain about things messing with their library, no comprehension of offline, totally controlled by third party, and if they don’t allow it, just as broken as drm infested games, in fact streaming is one step further down that route, where the user doesn’t even have content to hack later on, total abstinence of any form of ownership or control.