immi101: GOG deserves all the blame for that total lack of effort to make things better for their customers.
Petrell: Why haven't the Germans put the effort to fix their laws during the god only knows how many years they've been in place if it's such an issue?
Because it is a youth protection law and the youth protection is part of our constitution (article 5) and article 1-20 are protected by something called the "Ewigkeitsklausel" and can't be changed.
The freedom of art (which is also part of article 5) is affected by the restrictions of the youth protection but those restrictions are not allowed to lead into censorship this is the reason you can order a magazine from the Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors which lists all indexed (if indexed on the public list a or b) and confiscated media from childporn to nazi propaganda and this is also the reason adults are allowed to buy and own nearly all kind of media with the exception of youth- and childporn (which was also allowed a few years back). The youth protection laws restrict the selling, the index which is part of the youth protection law restricts the public commercials and selling and confiscated (by court) media is even more restricted when it comes to selling and commercials are banned. Buying including import and owning is always legal, parents on the other hand can let their children have access even to pornography or violent movies, games and so on there is a specific exception in the laws allowing this.
Short form:
Freedom of art and the youth protection are both guaranteed by our constitution.
Freedom of art can get restricted by the youth protection = The reason why selling and commercials can get restricted.
The youth protection however is not allowed to lead into censorship = The reason adults can buy nearly everything including Nazi propaganda.
Back in the days it wasn't a big deal you bought a retail copy and played it but nowadays you can still buy a retail copy but sometimes it is regionlocked as example I can buy Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition in a store near by I can do this for the consoles only because the publisher decided to geolock the game in the way that you can't activate, install or play it with a German IP if you buy the PC version. As a console player I wouldn't have that problem.
One of the main problem is also that our laws are very old and our politicians are lazy c*nts. The youth protection law for digital media as example has time restrictions which were originally designed back in the 1970s for cinemas also our politicians missed the Internet rise so Germany is a third world country when it comes to this.
There are several lawsuits going on atm one is against the criminal code for the glorification of violence because this criminal code has no exception for art and also several other lawsuits against the index one is from the group Rammstein if you know them. Let's say it like this every lawsuit against a confiscation or the index was won in the last years but because our politicians are also old and conservative (besides being lazy c*nts) the Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors will stay.