Lin545: And finally, censoring someone's history is improper, because those without history have no future and without free thought and free access will feel oppressed/controlled/manipulated.
mistermumbles: Well, that argument holds no water whatsoever. I know for a fact that WWII is a pretty well covered part of German education. Germany doesn't hide away its (bad) history like Japan likes to do, which makes that kind of censorship (self-inflicted or not) even more baffling.
Yes, it's true that WWII and everything around is very well covered by German education. The ban of swastikas isn't about covering up at all.
Keep in mind, these laws aren't new. Germany had to go on after the war and banning all Nazi related stuff was a) demanded by the Allies and b) necessary to make a clear cut and a new beginning. Whether this ban is still appropriate as it is, is another story. However, I'm not keen on seeing extremists legally waving Nazi banners in the streets either.