Zrevnur: And it would be fair and sensible to make the update history available to potential buyers and not just make it available after the fact. Them not doing this indeed gives a "scammy" impression in combination with the fact of "update lag" in comparison with Steam.
I agree the update history should be available, though the OP thread title is misleading.
It literally says "Gog is a scam"......not a possible scam, or might be scamming, etc....just a flat out "accusatory" title.
People should call out GOG for it's shortcomings, yes, but they not make such misleading/possibly fear laden titles when doing so.
(I am not saying I am 100% certain the OP made the thread for bad reasons, but it can come off as such based on wording. Also as OP is a UK citizen they likely know english well enough to avoid making such misworded titles)
mrkgnao: No. As mentioned in the link, I mean games updated in galaxy months ago, but not yet updated in the offline installers. Happens a lot.
Then something is missing from non-galaxy versions, and people seem to have good reason to complain.
Also what is missing in said updates(in general) usually? Anything needed to play said game/extra game content or just minor fixes?
mrkgnao: No, it won't. MaGog does something similar (comparing galaxy and offline installer versions) four times a day for months now, with zero work from me. That's what computers are for. You program them to do the repetitive, error-prone work.
Someone still has to do that bit of programming, though
**, and integrate it with the site.....thus it is a bit of work.
(It's not like Magog just appeared out of thin air and started going to work....it had to be made/tested, tweaked if need be, etc)
**Thus either requiring GOG to hire someone to do that bit of work or to relegate someone to the task and off some other task, and pay that person as well