Posted March 21, 2023

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Post-core gamer
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GOG Veteran
Registered: Jun 2014
From United Arab Emirates
Posted March 21, 2023
i've always wondered if GoG could release a lightweight version of the galaxy client that only served as a cloud save manaager for their games.

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted March 21, 2023

New User
Registered: Jul 2020
From France
Posted March 21, 2023
From what I heard before, GOG doesn't seem to have a "Linux guy" anymore. By that I mean they obviously have someone continuing to make the old MojoSetup installers, but not someone that can do a new system. Apparently this is why many games are marked like "Support: Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04" even though they're now on Ubuntu 22? With Customer Service being understaffed, I can't see them hiring a team just to do a Galaxy for Linux to be honest. And doesn't the Heroic Launcher given them less incentive?
"A web technology company should have a deliberately bad website to attract more people. Anything else is arrogance" - StingingVelvet.
^ Honestly, this is just mindless shit-posting now.
"A web technology company should have a deliberately bad website to attract more people. Anything else is arrogance" - StingingVelvet.
^ Honestly, this is just mindless shit-posting now.
Post edited March 21, 2023 by ListyG

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted March 21, 2023
Just note that GoGalaxy is a convenience tool for people that want it. Pretty sure most don't here. I don't know anyone that uses it. I understand you aren't going to get any achievements unless you use it, but does anyone really pay attention to those in Steam too?
I don't think GoG is doing anything wrong at this point. I am fine with their model and hope they never change. As long as they don't change, I am happy to route my money their direction. I just wish they had better Linux support which seems to be less and less lately. I can live without Linux support, but it was nice at one time but it is not going to make me not shop here.
I don't think GoG is doing anything wrong at this point. I am fine with their model and hope they never change. As long as they don't change, I am happy to route my money their direction. I just wish they had better Linux support which seems to be less and less lately. I can live without Linux support, but it was nice at one time but it is not going to make me not shop here.

People that lie about Zoom Platform can FOAD.
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 21, 2023
There are only so many older games they can release without significant risk. Lots of the games I'd want might not be very popular here or at any other store. Others might not be able to run well enough to release. How does one determine how much time and money should be spent on a maybe?
13ison: How would they make it work on the large number of distributions?

Post edited March 21, 2023 by DoomSooth

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted March 21, 2023
All ill say is, if the OP likes comparing to Steam so much, they might as well go and frequent that store and use their forums. GOG is GOG not steam. Many have reasons why we are here. New customers users are important but repeat/regular customers are more so. And many of us are used to the GOG short comings especially the forums. We all understand its using an old proprietary system which has limitations and frankly they have said a few times they will do something but its something way down their priority list.
xman1: Just note that GoGalaxy is a convenience tool for people that want it. Pretty sure most don't here. I don't know anyone that uses it. I understand you aren't going to get any achievements unless you use it, but does anyone really pay attention to those in Steam too?
I don't think GoG is doing anything wrong at this point. I am fine with their model and hope they never change. As long as they don't change, I am happy to route my money their direction. I just wish they had better Linux support which seems to be less and less lately. I can live without Linux support, but it was nice at one time but it is not going to make me not shop here. Im pretty happy with it for what it is and accept its limitations. Dont use GOG Galaxy myself either (do many of the long time users ?)

I don't think GoG is doing anything wrong at this point. I am fine with their model and hope they never change. As long as they don't change, I am happy to route my money their direction. I just wish they had better Linux support which seems to be less and less lately. I can live without Linux support, but it was nice at one time but it is not going to make me not shop here.
Post edited March 21, 2023 by Niggles

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted March 21, 2023

And i agree the public staff interactions (of those we get replies here) are polite and professional.
But at this point i really don't care. I'm more inclined to tell them to buy from Epic or Steam or anywhere else except here at this point. I wish they'd complied 2 years ago when i requested a full refund (with appropriate exceptions) so i could just close out and never look at GoG again and this chapter of using this site would be done with.

Survived the human apocalypse
Registered: May 2011
From Italy

New User
Registered: Dec 2018
From Russian Federation
Posted March 22, 2023
Also, do not forget about this list, which is constantly growing. There is no quality control.

Properly unholy
Registered: Nov 2014
From Vatican City
Posted March 22, 2023
As much as I've pointed the finger at GOG and CDPR in this topic, for some things, I don't think there is that much GOG can do regarding the lack of updates or lack of feature parity in some titles - at least with a number of cases. They don't exactly have the weight or market share to throw a "get it sorted or else" kind of ultimatum... and sometimes there's legal stuff involved.
That said, I agree that it is a problem and it would be good to see the list shrink rather than grow.

New User
Registered: Dec 2018
From Russian Federation
Posted March 22, 2023

As much as I've pointed the finger at GOG and CDPR in this topic, for some things, I don't think there is that much GOG can do regarding the lack of updates or lack of feature parity in some titles - at least with a number of cases. They don't exactly have the weight or market share to throw a "get it sorted or else" kind of ultimatum... and sometimes there's legal stuff involved.
That said, I agree that it is a problem and it would be good to see the list shrink rather than grow.