zeogold: As much as I want to criticize him for being critical, he's right.
They're notorious for stirring up general upsetness based off of flimsy or inaccurate information. They're willing to sign petitions and talk loudly on the internet, but never actually get anything done and openly admit that they usually have social issues. If you need an example of how they work together, look up pictures of DashCon.
And this, mind you, is coming from somebody who usually tries to not hate on people.
Tumblr Dash Con Video Bwahaha, thanks for this mention.
So many clichés at once!
Also take a look at 10:30, I guess it's the reason why you can't find many pictures of the DashCon via duckduckgo/google image search, those people are some of the most censorship happy authoritarians around.
I wonder why they are making "fun" of their ideological cousins, although I'm still not sure if this is humour since it's so awkward.
Hunter65536: Didn't some Tumblr spill into twitter as well? (The part you described) I mean, look at how some people overreacted at a backer's joke in Pillars of Eternity last year.
Yep, same people. They seem to be trying to take over every social network by being the loudest and categorically most offended ones while dishing out the meanest harrassment all the time on the go, it's like a crusade with tumblr and twitter being their holy ground and base of operations.
You can just wait for them to be recognized as a religion.