tinyE: I've decided I'm never going to buy any more games here either.
The 750 I already bought should last me a while, so I'm not buying any more.
Well Majesty. I'll get that and that will be it.
And Rogue Squadron. Majesty and Rogue Squadron. No more.
Majesty, Rogue squadron, and Sins of the Solar Empire. And that's it.
After I buy Majesty, Rogue Squadron, and Sins of the Solar Empire I am never buying another thing here.
Unless of course Stasis goes on sale. But that's it.
Majesty, Rogue Squadron, Sins of the Solar Empire, and Stasis if it goes on sale. Or even if it doesn't. But that's it.
And Turok.
Maybe I might buy several JRPGs here too and also there's The Elder Scrolls games and then I'm done.
But I also need to complete my WIng Commander collection as well as Tomb Raider,the Lucas Arts adventure games,System Shock and get the Might and Magic series plus have all of the Bullfrog games.