snowkatt: dont be a tunahead
the microwaved hamster is smarter and less liable to do the same thing over and over and over again and they cry foul about it
Haven't seen you around for awhile, good to have you back :)
BillyMaysFan59: Side note: when I saw the title of this thread I thought it was referring to another removal from the catalog. (aside from the Duke Nukem series)
I am relieved :p
I thought GoG had removed something without warning (and it wouldn't be the first time) but instead got this hilarious thread.
I don't know how anyone can defend buying second hand keys, knowing full well that even at best they aren't strictly legal (and GoG would be within their rights according to their Policies to withdraw even those bought legitimately) and that 50% of them are bought with stolen cards.
And that you're probably at risk of having your details stolen to buy the next batch once you buy one...