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low rated
Several months later figuring I might not notice it.

Had some Van Helsing rip-off game (forget the title) from a key shop
GOG finally confessed they yanked it because they were not sure if it was sold by someone using a stolen card.

Stopped purchasing anything GOG from that point on.

Now they're doing a double take and pulling other key shop items I've purchase six months back.

Why don't they just pull them all at once so I can take a final inventory here, back up the rest of my library and pull out?

They pulled Legend of Kay this time. $20 when you can emulate it for free.
Post edited January 02, 2016 by carnival73
high rated
carnival73: Several months later figuring I might not notice it.

Had some Van Helsing rip-off game (forget the title) from a key shop
GOG finally confessed they yanked it because they were not sure if it was sold by someone using a stolen card.

Stopped purchasing anything GOG from that point on.

Now they're doing a double take and pulling other key shop items I've purchase six months back.

Why don't they just pull them all at once so I can take a final inventory here, back up the rest of my library and pull out?

They pulled Legend of Kay this time. $20 when you can emulate it for free.
Yes, why dont they do that - so you can quit btching about buying obviously illegitimate keys every couple of months and getting them yanked from your account because you're too fucking dumb to listen to anyone - like the last few times!

Fucking hell!

Post edited January 02, 2016 by Sachys
Sachys: O____o
Huh? You understood the problem?
Are we back on this again? OP causes his own problems...
Why don't you bring your concerns to your seller instead?
high rated
The other day GOG pulled my copy of Diablo 3.

They had the gall to throw this lame excuse at me: We've never sold that.

Bunch of backstabbing fuckers!
carnival73: Snip
You can't really blame gog when you know that the game was stolen, i mean, what was gog suppose to do, accept the chargeback and give you the game for free? On the other hand, gog really needs to have an automatic message system that warns the user that a game was removed.
tinyE: The other day GOG pulled my copy of Diablo 3.

They had the gall to throw this lame excuse at me: We've never sold that.

Bunch of backstabbing fuckers!
I know, right? They pulled my Half-Life 3.
low rated
carnival73: Snip
Cyraxpt: You can't really blame gog when you know that the game was stolen, i mean, what was gog suppose to do, accept the chargeback and give you the game for free? On the other hand, gog really needs to have an automatic message system that warns the user that a game was removed.
And why are they pulling them once every six months?

Once they pulled the first one, they should've scanned my library for more and removed the several others then.
Cyraxpt: You can't really blame gog when you know that the game was stolen, i mean, what was gog suppose to do, accept the chargeback and give you the game for free? On the other hand, gog really needs to have an automatic message system that warns the user that a game was removed.
carnival73: And why are they pulling them once every six months?

Once they pulled the first one, they should've scanned my library for more and removed the several others then.
Could it be because there's no magical scanner for fraud and they have to receive a complaint for each instance first? Just sayin'...
Post edited January 02, 2016 by sunshinecorp
Gotta love these threads, it's either some guy buying from a shady website and blaming GOG or the other guy claiming GOG closed his account because he has gifts only.

Some people just won't get it in their minds, GOG is not like Steam, they don't distribute keys to 3rd party websites. To my knowledge there are only 2 games that make an exception of this which are Witcher 3 and Defender's Quest. Buying from unofficial websites will lead you to game removals and account issues.


All OP is doing is blaming GOG without giving more details like:

Where did he get the keys from?
Were they a gift from someone else and if yes where did this someone else buy them from?

If all there's rage and finger pointing then I don't know what are you (OP) doing here in the first place.
Post edited January 02, 2016 by Ganni1987
low rated
carnival73: And why are they pulling them once every six months?

Once they pulled the first one, they should've scanned my library for more and removed the several others then.
sunshinecorp: Could it be because there's no magical scanner for fraud and they have to receive a complaint for each instance first? Just sayin'...
Or maybe if three or four games were smitten from my library at once I might not have bought anything from the holiday sales?
sunshinecorp: Could it be because there's no magical scanner for fraud and they have to receive a complaint for each instance first? Just sayin'...
carnival73: .
Or maybe if three or four games were smitten from my library at once I might not have bought anything from the holiday sales?
Whaaa? Was that an argument? OK, I fail to see any logic in this. Gonna stop replying now.
low rated
Ganni1987: or the other guy claiming GOG closed his account because he has gifts only.
Holy crap! Some dude was gifted an account with some free games and they pulled it??

This place is too spoiled rich kid for me.

Sounds like a 'Two free refills for your Iced-tea and then we're going to toss you out." kinda bar.
Ganni1987: Gotta love these threads, it's either some guy buying from a shady website and blaming GOG or the other guy claiming GOG closed his account because he has gifts only.

Some people just won't get it in their minds, GOG is not like Steam, they don't distribute keys to 3rd party websites. To my knowledge there are only 2 games that make an exception of this which are Witcher 3 and Defender's Quest. Buying from unofficial websites will lead you to game removals and account issues.


All OP is doing is blaming GOG without giving more details like:

Where did he get the keys from?
Were they a gift from someone else and if yes where did this someone else buy them from?

If all there's rage and finger pointing then I don't know what are you (OP) doing here in the first place.
From a key shop - for f***s sake are you guys only reading the first three words in the OP and assuming that you know the rest?
Post edited January 02, 2016 by carnival73
Ganni1987: or the other guy claiming GOG closed his account because he has gifts only.
carnival73: Holy crap! Some dude was gifted an account with some free games and they pulled it??

This place is too spoiled rich kid for me.

Sounds like a 'Two free refills for your Iced-tea and then we're going to toss you out." kinda bar.
Ganni1987: Gotta love these threads, it's either some guy buying from a shady website and blaming GOG or the other guy claiming GOG closed his account because he has gifts only.

Some people just won't get it in their minds, GOG is not like Steam, they don't distribute keys to 3rd party websites. To my knowledge there are only 2 games that make an exception of this which are Witcher 3 and Defender's Quest. Buying from unofficial websites will lead you to game removals and account issues.


All OP is doing is blaming GOG without giving more details like:

Where did he get the keys from?
Were they a gift from someone else and if yes where did this someone else buy them from?

If all there's rage and finger pointing then I don't know what are you (OP) doing here in the first place.
carnival73: From a key shop - for f***s sake are you guys only reading the first three words in the OP and assuming that you know the rest?
Actually I do, but saying "from a key shop" there aren't many details, you could specify which one.