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low rated
Hmmmm..... maybe... it could be...
low rated
u2jedi: I permanently disabled all Windows 10 Pro updates. I control the horizontal and the vertical.

Since Microsoft decided to stop selling to Russia I can already predict what the #1 OS in Russia will be very soon.

A big win for Ubuntu, Mint, FreeBSD, Arch, Mandrake, Kali and all the other flavors.
L00nix hasn't made a lot of progress in the last 30 years. I doubt it'll do much more in the next 30 unless it's the only OS left. Even if it ends up being the only operating system, it's still unlikely to ever catch up to Windows, as far as gaming goes. Linux having more "flavors" than Baskin-Robbins doesn't help. A handful of Linux developers are doing most of the work. The rest are posers that couldn't even develop a rash in an insulation factory. Herding cats would be more productive.
low rated
u2jedi: I permanently disabled all Windows 10 Pro updates. I control the horizontal and the vertical.

Since Microsoft decided to stop selling to Russia I can already predict what the #1 OS in Russia will be very soon.

A big win for Ubuntu, Mint, FreeBSD, Arch, Mandrake, Kali and all the other flavors.
I am not an opponent of Linux, but I have to upset you. There will be no major changes. And this is explained by just one word - piracy. The fact that many software and game manufacturers are now leaving the Russian market will not deprive Russians of access to their products. These companies simply pushed users back to the old days when piracy was an integral part of the lives of so many people. Years spent on getting people to buy music, movies, OS, games and other was just crossed out
low rated
filenotfoundx404: Lets transition into your latest virtue signal. You ban all Russian gamers from buying/playing their games, and virtue signal about donating and supporting Ukraine. You're a company which sells video games... Why the hell are you getting involved with contemporary politics? People play games to escape reality, and here you are being tone deaf again. What goes on around the world, no matter how good/bad you think it is, literally, i mean literally, is none of your F-ing business.
Foreign companies can do whatever they want within their contracts and if they don't want to see any remitted sales taxes going to fund Russia's invasion, as small as it may be compared to the Kremlin's other revenue streams. It's no different than not wanting your tax dollars to go into public art, golf courses or bad infrastructural choices and moving somewhere else.

Respect their choice or go use some other business that still choose do business with Russian citizens. Of course, Russian citizens have a lot more priorities right now than blowing whatever savings they have left on video games when their economy is going down the shitter.
Post edited March 10, 2022 by UnashamedWeeb
low rated
filenotfoundx404: Your business is selling games. Nothing more. But to F-ing DARE to come out against Russia, when you have already capitulated to China, makes everything you say, completely hallow.
No more games for you, Sashka, get over it.
low rated
StingingVelvet: It's a shame, early on this forum was a great way to connect with other old school PC gamers.
I remember that. I also remember the generosity, the friendliness, the... exuberance and playfulness people here had.
low rated
u2jedi: Since Microsoft decided to stop selling to Russia I can already predict what the #1 OS in Russia will be very soon.
Pirated Windows?
low rated
Crosmando: Why can't companies have political/moral/ethical principles? Who says they can't? What law says they can't?
Many companies do have moral and ethical principles. It isn't uncommon for larger companies to specify and detail them in statements solely for that purpose. Such can often be seen in annual reports and the like.

These are not contrary to the primary purpose of for profit companies to maximize profit. Rather, they can and often do increase profits from persons that share those ideals.
low rated
The GOG community has completely lost the plot. And that's not new.

But yes GOG has some strong responsibility in that. It allowed the worst to fester in it, out of neglect or profit calculation. Now, it's left with... well... this.

I have no idea whether the GOG staff has specific opinions, sensitivities and ideologies, or just coldly attempts to calculate which trending ideas and image benefits them most at a given point. But in both cases, by either deliberately or frivolously encouraging a certain worldview in their boards, this community management has lead to a forum population at odds with GOG's current public stances (be them genuine expressions or marketing strategies).

That's why I refuse to pity GOG for its current community. Responsible moderation and technical updates (the rating system is just a background noise of toxicity in itself, and ffs how old is this untouched/untouchable forum engine) would have spared them this.

And would probably have spared the wonderful GOG community of so long ago.
low rated
u2jedi: Since Microsoft decided to stop selling to Russia I can already predict what the #1 OS in Russia will be very soon.
Rineux: Pirated Windows?
phantom OS?
low rated
But doesn't one have to have it to begin with, to then be able to lose it ?...
low rated
jonridan: Is the same with companies sharing "the fight" with oppressed minorities like for gay pride day and things like that. If you're a company, a business whose only purpose is to make money by selling stuff, no one expects you to speak or even "share in" on political or societal subjects. And if they do, they completely missed the point of what a business is.
Crosmando: Why can't companies have political/moral/ethical principles? Who says they can't? What law says they can't?
because you end up with this sort of thing just to start with.

Post edited March 10, 2022 by §pec†re
low rated
News: The EU has imposed economic sanctions on both Hungary and Poland for undermining the EU's values.

"Inaction towards oligarchic structures weakens the entire European Union, says the text, insisting that taxpayers’ money needs to be protected against those who undermine the EU’s values." ely-initiate-proceedings ries-welcoming-1-6-million-refugees-in-a-fortnight/

(Add the https:// at beginning of the links)

Note that Poland and Hungary have accepted the largest number of Ukrainian refugees reported at 1,412,503 and 214,160 refugees respectively.

If any GOG staff is reading please take this time to realize that sanctions on a national level are wrong and they mostly hurt regular people while not stopping any of the bad players from doing whatever bad things they are doing.
Post edited March 10, 2022 by darkdoom1
low rated
darkdoom1: News: The EU has imposed economic sanctions on both Hungary and Poland for undermining the EU's values.

"Inaction towards oligarchic structures weakens the entire European Union, says the text, insisting that taxpayers’ money needs to be protected against those who undermine the EU’s values." ely-initiate-proceedings ries-welcoming-1-6-million-refugees-in-a-fortnight/

(Add the https:// at beginning of the links)

Note that Poland and Hungary have accepted the largest number of Ukrainian refugees reported at 1,412,503 and 214,160 refugees respectively.

If any GOG staff is reading please take this time to realize that sanctions on a national level are wrong and they mostly hurt regular people while not stopping any of the bad players from doing whatever bad things they are doing.
So we just allow PUtin to do whatever he wants?
Get real. It either sanctions against Russia or allow PUtin to do what he wants.
low rated
darkdoom1: News: The EU has imposed economic sanctions on both Hungary and Poland for undermining the EU's values.

"Inaction towards oligarchic structures weakens the entire European Union, says the text, insisting that taxpayers’ money needs to be protected against those who undermine the EU’s values." ely-initiate-proceedings ries-welcoming-1-6-million-refugees-in-a-fortnight/

(Add the https:// at beginning of the links)

Note that Poland and Hungary have accepted the largest number of Ukrainian refugees reported at 1,412,503 and 214,160 refugees respectively.

If any GOG staff is reading please take this time to realize that sanctions on a national level are wrong and they mostly hurt regular people while not stopping any of the bad players from doing whatever bad things they are doing.
dudalb: So we just allow PUtin to do whatever he wants?
Get real. It either sanctions against Russia or allow PUtin to do what he wants.
Well, for some reason we let the US do what they want. Why is Putin worse? Because he shed a lot less blood?