Posted November 08, 2014

I am curious about something, though; Now that Painkiller has been removed from sale, is it possible to ask a multiplayer key for it from GOG? Searching for the game in support produces no results which means that it's impossible to ask a key for it through the "Technical Issues with games" section.
I attached a screenshot of the welcome screen to Tales of Maj'eyal. I was a little sloppy with my testing process. It went as follows:
1/ Install game
2/ Register account and use code - doh!
3/ Check add-ons and notice the following: ToME add-ons dev tools, Items Vault and Stone Wardens bonus class.
4/ Realise that I hadn't checked the game WITHOUT the code. Uninstall(including save data), reinstall, don't log in and the add-on screen shows the identical thing with a reinstallation and me not logging in.
I haven't checked the difference with patch installed but was surprised to see the same 3 items in my add-on section with a reinstall and not being logged in. Registry change leftover perhaps?