Sargon: Seven Kingdoms 2 is missing all the in-game music.
SLP2000: That's strange - there's the soundtrack with in-game music available as a goodie.
Indeed so, but don't ask me why it why it was omitted from the digital release of the game. This is not a very big problem (unlike Divine Divinity) since I assume the music works the same way as in Seven Kingdoms I where the songs are just played from a playlist during the game. You can just play the songs in Winamp while you play the game to get pretty much the same effect, except that there will be no win, lose, menu or mission music.
I haven't listened to this soundtrack yet (I want to save it for when I play the game) but the soundtrack to Seven Kingdoms 1 by the same composer (Bjørn Lynne) is very, very good and a staple for my Civ II, Civ III and Civ IV playlists.