Erick_BR: The game rating system is not used with responsibly and several games are rated with one star for the most absurd reasons, from the russian war to the use of the Unity platform, among many others.
I suggest implementing a simple like disliked system like the one seen on Steam.
Steam's "thumb up" for games I like and recommend, and "thumb down" for games I dislike and don't recommend, are too limited.
At the very least a "thumb sideways" would be needed for games that fall in the gap inbetween.
But even then: as it is now, I've seen lots of Steam user reviews, that gave a game a "thumb up", but then thrashed said game in the text of their review.
The same goes for "thumb down". At first sight, someone gives a negative review...but if you bother to read, the review is (almost) only positive.
As long as people aren't conistent in what they want to express, this won't change.
I agree with you in that "the engine used", or "this is made by someone from this nationality", or "one of the devs posted something I don't like on Twitter, five years ago" shouldn't be factors in a review.
But that flaw is
(at least partially) on GOG, because they don't remove these "reviews".
phaolo: I'd like more stars than 5 here..
I never understood that argument. Five is the perfect number.
Can be used to express "total dislike" (1),
"wouldn't recommend, but has some interesting/nice stuff for people generally interested in this genre" (2),
"an overall 'meh' game" (3),
"not the hottest shit,. but definitely worth the money
(for genre lovers)" (4)
and "absolute 'must-buy'
(for genre lovers)" (5)
(or whatever levels you may come up with for yourself). Three would already suffice.
"overall bad (1),
"some good parts, some bad parts" (2), and
"overall good" (3).
phaolo: or
an option to choose your preferred system at least.
Yeah, "at least"...why not let everyone have a toolbox to rebuild the whole webpage according to their liking?
Sometimes I really have to wonder if people actually read what they write, before they click on "post my message".
Edit: typos