liquidsnakehpks: What i am hoping is gog add something meaningful to it like if you check out ubisoft uplay for certain games you unlock bonus for doing certain things or collecting thins and the client tracks it well or greenmangaming has the playfire system where they add monetary awards for achieving certain things in games , they have also started adding discount coupons for doing stuff in games as well.
I dislike this idea, and I think that Steam is better than such systems for
not attaching any "external" motivation to its achievement system. This is because, once you attach an external motivation, the achievements are no longer a way to enhance the game, but instead become the object of playing the game in the first place.
It also creates incentives to cheat for them, which in turn creates people complaining about its lack of fairness, which in turn motivates the development of restrictions on how they work.
...which is antithetical to GOG's being a platform based in the idea of freedom of choice.