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Every time I use GOG, which admittedly isn't as often as I think I'd like it to be, I'm reminded of how tedius it is to use.
(GOG Galaxy 2.0, I think it is? All it says is " - Beta" in the lower-left corner of the Settings page).

Also I'm a bit confused as to how to navigate it. I find it cumbersome.

I want to see the forum for a game I own? Have to hit the top-row right-most "game settings" button, choose "View in store" from the drop-down menu, then wait for that page to load and then I can find the "forum" link.

I put something in the shopping basket, and I'm presented with a list of other games under "You might also like". Yes I might like those, but I can't look at ( = click on) those games to see their store page and read about them. They are unclickable. (Oh you can click on the Price Tag thing of those games, which just adds them directly to the shopping basket. I'm sure someone thought that was smart...).

No, you have to search using the magnifier-glass icon at the top. And type in the title, since marking text and right-click (copy-paste) is disabled. Because ofc it is. Then I click on a search result, and I'm taken to a page which, okay, describes the game. But no link, except the top "Buy" button which does finally takes me to the store page (possibly after some 18+ warning for the game.. which when I think about it, might be the reason for this clumsiness?)

On the store, I click on say Weekly sales "Browse deals". A list of game covers and titles, okay, nice. But howering over them, there's no further details (except a repeat of the title, and oh yes there's _some_ other info, like the overall user review score and included free goodies like wallpapers, music etc).

There's a large empty space just right of that list, which could provide some more details, a bit of description, game type etc, what have you. I have to click to get to the store page of the game itself, making browsing tedious.

Also the store page "More offers" filter list is a bit lacking, it could include game types at the least, but details, details.. for another time I guess.

It's basically tedious (I'm sure someone will point out some glaringly obvious links I've overlooked now...)

Well that's all. I think.
Post edited September 27, 2021 by Scifikomori
Have you consider that maybe GOG Galaxy is just a badly designed experience?

I mean, it doesn't even exist for Linux...
Darvond: Have you consider that maybe GOG Galaxy is just a badly designed experience?

I mean, it doesn't even exist for Linux...
Well, I guess I'm not the only one to have this bad experience? Maybe? Half the reason I wrote the post. The other half is free tips for GOG to consider :p Not that I think they take notice. Seems GOG Galaxy have been like this since it got out a few years back. It's still Beta, apparently. Or maybe they forgot about it.

Indeed it doesn't exist for Linux users. I guess we have to just use a web browser for the store and forum, and just regular links (or third party game manager things like Lutris) for the games (I have a whole box assigned to Linux Mint atm, don't use it that much for gaming any more but it happens).
Post edited September 28, 2021 by Scifikomori
Darvond: Have you consider that maybe GOG Galaxy is just a badly designed experience?

I mean, it doesn't even exist for Linux...
why would gog waste resources on something nobody cares about? 1% market share doesn't make sense for a business.
Scifikomori: Well, I guess I'm not the only one to have this bad experience? Maybe? Half the reason I wrote the post. The other half is free tips for GOG to consider :p Not that I think they take notice. Seems GOG Galaxy have been like this since it got out a few years back. It's still Beta, apparently. Or maybe they forgot about it.

Indeed it doesn't exist for Linux users. I guess we have to just use a web browser for the store and forum, and just regular links (or third party game manager things like Lutris) for the games (I have a whole box assigned to Linux Mint atm, don't use it that much for gaming any more but it happens).
Yeah; the thing that I tend to see Gog Galaxy is that it's all gloss and no function. It looks great, but the functionality as you say, is lacking.
Ofc I managed to post this in the wrong forum somehow.. not that it matters (Should be in the GOG GALAXY 2.0 discussion ofc..).

And now a mere ~2 weeks after my OP, this thread doesn't even show up under my posts.. Apparently I haven't posted recently (Yes I have, 2 weeks aren't that long!). So there's room for improvements on the forum side of things too.
Every time I use GOG, which admittedly isn't as often as I think I'd like it to be, I'm reminded of how tedius it is to use.
(GOG Galaxy 2.0, I think it is? All it says is " - Beta" in the lower-left corner of the Settings page).

Also I'm a bit confused as to how to navigate it. I find it cumbersome.

I want to see the forum for a game I own? Have to hit the top-row right-most "game settings" button, choose "View in store" from the drop-down menu, then wait for that page to load and then I can find the "forum" link.

I put something in the shopping basket, and I'm presented with a list of other games under "You might also like". Yes I might like those, but I can't look at ( = click on) those games to see their store page and read about them. They are unclickable. (Oh you can click on the Price Tag thing of those games, which just adds them directly to the shopping basket. I'm sure someone thought that was smart...).

No, you have to search using the magnifier-glass icon at the top. And type in the title, since marking text and right-click (copy-paste) is disabled. Because ofc it is. Then I click on a search result, and I'm taken to a page which, okay, describes the game. But no link, except the top "Buy" button which does finally takes me to the store page (possibly after some 18+ warning for the game.. which when I think about it, might be the reason for this clumsiness?)

On the store, I click on say Weekly sales "Browse deals". A list of game covers and titles, okay, nice. But howering over them, there's no further details (except a repeat of the title, and oh yes there's _some_ other info, like the overall user review score and included free goodies like wallpapers, music etc).

There's a large empty space just right of that list, which could provide some more details, a bit of description, game type etc, what have you. I have to click to get to the store page of the game itself, making browsing tedious.

Also the store page "More offers" filter list is a bit lacking, it could include game types at the least, but details, details.. for another time I guess.

It's basically tedious (I'm sure someone will point out some glaringly obvious links I've overlooked now...)

Well that's all. I think.