serpantino: I actually wrote a little shout out to you in the N.B at the bottom already lol. Feel free to post your views on the matter, I do think it'd make for an
interesting, less charged discussion. Couldn't agree more.
Sometimes the only outcome of a discussion, which is still valid, I think we just agree, the we disagree ;)
Just using a bit semantic and similar:
You know that the first games were MP only? Being programmed on student/university networks? Later this was replaced by serial connections. (
WTF is this?)
So, if you would complain that GOG (good OLD games) are not here and hence MP isn't here, yes we agree ;)
But later this MP section was only a small percentage of the market-share anyway (think C64/Amiga here mainly)
Even in the days of old PC games MP was exception rather than the norm, I think we agree here as well, or? (And Yes there are/were some really good MP games, MoO2 jumping to mind ;) )
For those to young to know, a network card or a private network was anything but usual! You really had to be a real nerd to have NIC). And even Internet was anything but casual as you had to dial in via modems. So it came with a hefty price. What was a bit later quite normal was support for LAN MP, which was later in the days.
This really changed with the advance of quicker Internet-access and flat prices. Devs took advantage of this and started to implement Internet MP.
So there was a break from the old idea to the new medium.
Ok enough of background info ;)
If we now look at gOg (Old) we have roughly 400 games pre 2000 release, falling under the above, 250 pre 2005. Were I assume that mainly IP based solution were applied (if applicable). For pre 2000 only 1/4 had MP (according to GOG), this is just to show that MP was always only a minority of those games. Hence the definition of old games means no MP, you are with me? (and take a mental note of it, will ya ;) )
So after a certain point in time devs went Internet and implemented centralized servers (first one jumping to my mind gamespy), those servers which could get defunct on a whim. gamespy went online 96, defunct 12, so just 16 years lifetime, right? (and I see quake as the first of its kind there)
So with the introduction of this principle it changed also how devs implemented MP and became the norm (although devs sometimes still supported the old IP-based solution)
For DRM-definition: Is gamespy/uplay/whatever DRM, the way they implemented it, yes, no connection too server no MP. (Which I think is your main point concern, right ? ;) )
Is the industry to be blamed for this shift, mood point as it is clear ;)
You complain about misinformation:
Galaxy being non-optional. It was the industry pushing for the solution mentioned above. To fulfill this requirement, GOG would need to come up with a solution of their own unless opting for cut versions of those games, which pisses off people as well ;)
I think the main problem is a trust thing, we already know how much other platforms have screwed users over, we went to this side, just because of their emphasizes, right?
Were I do agree with you, if they go for the same approach for local MP-games as those others, it is not longer optional, but we don't know yet, as we are not yet there, correct?
And now: coming back to the mental note: YOU went to this side with certain expectations, right?
After reading this and keeping the mental note in front of you: Are you not to be blamed a bit as well? Only because you expected that everything can/will be done in the good old way, don't you think that was too much off a unreachable dream, albeit a nice one ? ;)
Till now GOG always tried to find/implement workarounds to keep to their promises. Unfortunate it is not always in their hands. But do I trust them, that they will try to keep their promises, yes, you bet ;) (If we will be satisfied with it though... ;) )
Back to you
EDIT: Yes I saw your reply ;) hope my/your point is better put to words, now ;)