serpantino: I am unable to play multiplayer Shadow Warrior 2 due to requiring GOG Galaxy to play online. The reason I bought SW2 was to play co-op with my friend, who is in the same situation now.
GOG claims Galaxy is optional and always will be, yet this is clearly not the case as it's locking multiplayer behind it. Had I known that when I preordered ages ago I wouldn't have done so.
Let's rewind things a bit. Every single game that came to the GOG store is solely responsible for whether or not it provides multi-player at all, and how they go about providing it. Before GOG created the Galaxy client and backend services platform did not have any multiplayer service available at all, and if GOG wanted a game to come here, or if the publisher of the game wanted it to come here then these were the following options with regards to matchmaking service:
1) The game developer would have to implement the entire multi-player matchmaking service themselves from scratch, and host it with their own back-end servers. This was the most common approach in the 90s and early 00s prior to the uprising of online digital distribution platforms and the prevalence of the ubiquitous Steam API and back-end services and other alternatives. This is the most costly of all options as it is the "do it yourself" option. The upside of this option is that the game developer/publisher are in direct control of the multi-player matchmaking service and can keep it running as long as they are in business and decide to keep it alive. The downside of this, is that many companies end up shutting down their multi-player servers after a few years due to a decrease in active players because eventually the cost of keeping the multi-player component online grows larger than the revenue that is being produced by the game's sales. The companies generally kill the multi-player matchmaking eventually and gamers are left either with any other remaining multi-player options that might be present (ie: LAN or DirectIP if available) or a single-player-only game. As a result, a large number of games no longer have multi-player matchmaking available anymore because the game's developer/publisher owned servers went offline years ago and they wont bring them back online. Modern versions of some of these games still have the code for multi-player present it just doesn't work without the servers. Other games have had the multi-player just ripped out because it was no longer functional anyway.
2) The game developer chose to save a tremendous amount of time, effort and money and use a pre-existing service such as GameSpy to implement the multi-player matchmaking in their game. The upside is that this allowed them to essentially subcontract that part of the game to a 3rd party and be able to complete their game and get it into the marketplace sooner. The downside is that the game company is not in full control of the longevity of the game servers and the multi-player function and are relying on that 3rd party. Sadly GameSpy went out of business years ago, and with them went the multi-player matchmaking capability of any games that used that service, instantly making the game limited to single-player and any other multi-player modes the developer may have chosen to implement (LAN, DirectIP, etc.) The games that used GameSpy thus no longer have multi-player matchmaking unless the developer/publisher has decided it was crucial part of their game's business strategy and they spent the money and other resources to redevelop a new multiplayer back end or switch to some other available 3rd party service.
3) The game used the Steam API for matchmaking services, which in turn requires the Steam client to play multiplayer matchmaking. The developer would be required to replace this functionality with something else that does not require Steam to get it on GOG, or the multi-player matchmaking component would need to be replaced with either a 3rd party service like GameSpy, or a service developed and provided by the game developer themselves. GameSpy is defunct nowadays and the go-to solution is almost universally Steam API these days, which would mean such a game either doesn't come to GOG at all, or it comes as a single-player only experience.
All of the above scenarios are sub-optimal for GOG customers because all 3 of them have a reliance on a 3rd party service (from the respective of the GOG platform/storefront). They either require a publisher ran service, Steam, or a 3rd party service in order for multi-player to exist at all, and for it to be kept running over time. What this has resulted in over time is a lot of games coming to GOG without working multi-player matchmaking and often without any form of multi-player at all. The game "Full Spectrum Warrior" is a prime example. This game originally used GameSpy for multi-player but when it was released here after GameSpy died, they released the game as a single-player only game. The company re-implemented multi-player using the Steam API because that was the simplest, cheapest and fastest solution available to them at the time. Obviously a company is not going to want to incur a great expense of rewriting something like that entirely themselves with a game long since out of its prime, so Steam's API is a very attractive business proposition. In the end - GOG gamers lose out, and so does GOG. Worse, some game companies decide they do not want to release their game single-player only here single-player and fragment their audience with a sub-optimal product, and that they'd rather just have the whole experience with one simple solution - so the game ends up Steam-only with multi-player.
Over time, Steam has become the defacto way for publishers of PC games to implement multi-player match making. It is not the only way it is done but it is certainly the most common way, and it is because it is a solid reliable solution that is cost-free and saves developers a tonne of money, time and effort. It's hard to compete with that from a business perspective.
The problem with all of this is that GOG previously never had their own compelling solution to the problem that was attractive to developers/publishers and so many companies just simply would not even consider bringing their games here at all if they did not find the prospect of rewriting their entire multi-player matchmaking solution from scratch just for the small (relative to Steam) number of increased sales they might get by releasing their game here. They'd have to do 10 or more times the work for 1/10th to 1/100th or less the customers depending on the game. It just doesn't work for the bottom line.
GOG recognized this and set out to create the multi-player component of the GOG Galaxy platform in order to provide a new alternative to game publishers/developers. The purpose of Galaxy multi-player towards game developers is to provide a ready-made easy-to-use API and back end servers for handling multi-player games without the game publisher having to spend the time and resources to do all of that work themselves, thus making Galaxy multi-player a new potentially attractive option that publishers might decide to use instead of just not bothering to sell their games on GOG at all, or selling them here with multi-player matchmaking ripped out. Also, because GOG runs the service, like Steam - the longevity of the service is tied to the store/distribution instead of some short lived gaming service or developer, and the costs of running the service are lower being shared across various games and are on the store's bottom line not the publisher.
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