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After starting my PC and Gog-Galaxy this morning, all installed games vanished.
Fist i thought about broken HDDs or partitions, but all games were fine in their folders.
So importing them manually und noe it takes alot of time, 'cause all games want to take updates :(
Anyone else made this experience lately ?

And all installed mods will be deleted, so that has to be done again too :/
Post edited March 02, 2022 by gabbawokky
I don't use Galaxy, but isn't there a 'Scan'/'All' option hidden somewhere ?...
Never used Galaxy but if all the games are there and not corrupt could be your registry got messed up somewhere and now Galaxy can't see them. Do you use any auto clean up software that could have done that by accident?
thraxman: Never used Galaxy but if all the games are there and not corrupt could be your registry got messed up somewhere and now Galaxy can't see them. Do you use any auto clean up software that could have done that by accident?
I don't use any tools, which could have caused this accident.
It's ok, if only my pc is involved ;)
If you've got games on an external drive, and start Galaxy while the drive is unplugged or otherwise disconnected, that will cause it to "forget" the games on that drive. Any chance that happened?

And yes, re-importing a massive chore.
low rated
Sometimes you need to tell Galaxy to re-scan your games folder in order to find your games again.

That has always been the case.

But your games should all appear again once you do that. It's a simple and easy process.
Thanx so far, for your help and sugetions ! :)