skeletonbow: I've got Galaxy installed to its default location of C:\Program Files\GalaxyClient and my games are installed to E:\GOG Games. If I read you correctly, this could in theory blow away all subdirectories of C:\Program Files
timppu: If the Galaxy uninstaller would routinely do that, I think the whole forum would be apeshit. I'd find it surprising if lots of people wouldn't have tried to uninstall the client at some point (e.g. because they had some problem and wanted to re-install it, or whatever). I think I've uninstalled it a couple of times, and other subfolders were not affected.
Whether this is a new bug which has just appeared on the very latest versions... I guess it is easy to check. I'll be brave and try to uninstall Galaxy from this computer where I'm writing this. If you hear nothing from me for a few days, it might be my PC blew up.
Yes, one always needs to keep in mind that bugs in software are sometimes black and white issues of the nature "everyone will absolutely encounter this bug" or "nobody encounters that at all, it's a bug in your system", but more often than not bugs in software depend on unique factors such as where a program got installed, what hardware the system has (such as video specific problems), whether the person is using the default configuration or they have changed options that are configurable - and what options they changed. Other factors may include running out of disk space (knowingly or completely unknowingly) on one or more devices, malware/viruses/etc. Another type of bug is a transient bug - one that does not happen every single time but seems to be random and might require a specific set of circumstances to all line up at the same time for the problem to occur. Some bugs are easily reproduceable 100% of the time, while others are not reproduceable at all or might only happen 1 out of 10 tries randomly. Software often contains race conditions in which things are supposed to happen in the order A, B, C possibly with specific timing, but maybe once in a blue moon the timing of something is off and it results in B, A, C being the order that happens which causes the software to malfunction.
I would definitely have to agree that if this problem happened to every person every time they installed it, that it would be a massive problem and the forums would be up in fireworks from just about every single person though. We're not seeing that of course, but we are seeing numerous people reporting issues where either the installation of, upgrading of, or general usage of Galaxy client has somehow caused a directory or several directories on their hard disk to just get blown away for no apparently obvious reason. I have no doubt in my mind that this is a real problem people are reporting and that they haven't accidentally right clicked "Delete" on their own. If it was one person maybe, but there are many people reporting the issue and GOG has actually acknowledged the problem with the GalaxyClient directory being blown away confirming that if people install games into subdirs of that or put other things in there they will lose them at the moment. GOG has not yet confirmed the problem being described above, but if it's happened to one person it may very well happen to others too, and it might take something happening to 5/10/100 people until one person steps forward on a forum like this to mention it too. :)
In the end though, these types of issues are usually not of the "works for me so it works for everyone" or "works for nobody, everyone is effected equally" type of categorization but rather software bugs tend to be more about trying to see what is unique about a given person's system, installation, configuration and usage of an application to figure out whether it is a software bug and if so what the triggers are to cause reproducability and ultimately find a proper fix.
I've installed/uninstalled/upgraded Galaxy several times and have not encountered this specific bug. I have however encountered several odd bugs that nobody else has mentioned in the forums, some of which have subsequently been fixed too. I also experienced an issue that BKGaming reported that nobody else seemed to be having but I was able to reproduce here and unable to make it go away (game icons spinning as if loading but never actually loading, as well as client graphical errors/corruption). Completely uninstalling Galaxy client, then manually purging the leftover directories it left behind with files that did not actually get removed, then reinstalling it made the problems go away. It seems that the install/uninstall/upgrade of the client is not smooth in that it can possibly leave a mixed version laying around that contains some older files and some newer ones that interact with random behaviour the result.
Hopefully more people who experience these issues will come forward and share their details to help try and narrow down the cause of the issue though, or we ourselves might end up being the next to experience it. :)