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[EDIT: September 9th, 2pm GMT]

Update 1.1 to the GOG Galaxy beta is now available for everyone! Enjoy the new features and remember to submit your feedback in the dedicated GOG Galaxy Beta forum thread and report any bugs at

Rollback, friend search, pausing downloads, and more in the biggest update yet.

Have you tried the GOG Galaxy beta yet? This is an awesome chance to jump on board. Our DRM-free online gaming platform has already been tested by so many of you we can barely count, and today we're ready to roll out the first major patch with new features and plenty of quality of life optimizations.

Update 1.1 to the GOG Galaxy beta will bring the anticipated Rollback feature, allowing you to restore your game to prior states with just a single click. Game updates are now not only optional, but also reversible.

The weeks following our GOG Galaxy-powered release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt were a chance for the team to collect feedback and to work on perfecting the Client while addressing many of your top feature requests. The newest 1.1 update includes much-requested improvements to the friend system (making it easier to find and invite friends), pausing & resuming downloads, extended pre-installation options with more ways to configure your games, and an improved app UI and navigation. The entire client will now be more resource-friendly while also becoming faster.

The 1.1 update is available today for everyone enrolled to receive preview updates through GOG Galaxy, but it will also be rolling out very soon to the entire userbase. Those of you eager to test out the announced improvements today, can simply navigate to your GOG Galaxy settings screen and select the option to “Receive preview updates”.

To download the client and read about what’s new and improved in update 1.1, visit [url=][/url]. Make sure to subscribe to the preview updates to try them out yourself, and as always, you can submit your problems and find new solutions on the dedicated GOG Galaxy Beta forum thread.
Huinehtar: Bandai coming to GOG !

Personally I would love that ! ;)

Having Tales of Zestiria and Tales of Symphonia on GoG would be great !
aeruginosus: I'm debating whether or not DRM Free is even worth having if I can't have them properly installed.
aeruginosus: Windows isn't something the user owns, instead Microsoft owns it, and you pay for the right to use it, that is a fact and is why I use Linux.
You answered your own question vis a vis DRM-free.

That said, I don't use Linux and I don't use Galaxy, so is the problem you describe something that also occurs with gOg game files outside of Galaxy? In other words, can you accomplish what you want using either the Downloader ( or browser downloads? Just pointing out those options in case you're thinking that Galaxy is the only way to get your game files.

Best of luck with it.
Zurvan7: a quick Q. I have updated my withcer 3 with the latest patch (manually) but for some reason the galaxy doesn't recognize it. Every time I want to launch the game from the galaxy it says update is available....
That happened to me a few times too. Don't know why.
The way I fixed it is just by selecting the "Verify Game Files" or whatever it is in the dropdown menu.

Hope it helps :)
Post edited August 26, 2015 by Travo147
jorlin: I also want it, mostly because the website has such a short session duration since the last month or so.
Having to log again all the time is a bit tiresome...
Barefoot_Monkey: Actually that's not a short session duration - it's a bug with how the website handles leftover cookies from before the last major site upgrade, and you can fix it on your end so you aren't forced to keep logging in anymore. Just delete all your browser's cookies from and the next time you log in you'll stay logged in.
Thank you!, most helpful :-)
aeruginosus: When can we expect a Linux version? This is frustrating, as a paying customer. I won't buy any more games until it is. Tired of having to fight my OCD because the tarball isn't an installer, so the games don't get put where they belong, organized.

I'm debating whether or not DRM Free is even worth having if I can't have them properly installed. I'm debating wiether or not I even want to keep buying games here, and just go buy the same games I already own again on Steam, so I don't have to keep fighting my OCD... I do not use Windows and I will not go back to it. I don't care if others think I should, I don't like having something I don't own that I'm going to use regularly... Windows isn't something the user owns, instead Microsoft owns it, and you pay for the right to use it, that is a fact and is why I use Linux. I will not use Windows just to use a proper installer. I will move on if this doesn't get resolved. I've been waiting patiently.
spege: Calm down man, I haven't touched a windows/apple machine for years , and god knows I will never go back there.
So I know how you feel about this issue.
I have been making my own packages for pacman using the tarballs. Even worse is the lack of tarballs for some dosbox games & native ports... It could be better, OK.

But there' are a couple things I would like to point out...

1. You say Windows is a NONO because the user don't owns it (which is true) but just before that you were questioning the value of DRM free software (?)
2. There's no need to be hostile nor issue threats and ultimatums. It's useless, really.
This kind of behabior gives bad name to the (small) community of linux "gamers". And It's childish.
You misunderstood my post. I was not being hostile. I was simply expressing how I felt about there being no 'proper' linux support, when they could actually do it - but they aren't - so it seems, for quite a long time now.

Just because I express how I feel, doesn't mean I have to be hostile to do it. I understand how ridiculous it would be to be hostile. But I can still express my feelings on the matter, regardless of whether people don't think I should.

I questioned the value of DRM Free for me, my personal aspect of it. Not generalized in anyway - I can do that, regardless of what the world may think of it.

There was nothing 'childish' about my post. Not even the least bit. I have every right to express 'how I feel' without throwing a fit - which I didn't do. So I think we're good there.
aeruginosus: Windows isn't something the user owns, instead Microsoft owns it, and you pay for the right to use it, that is a fact and is why I use Linux.
HereForTheBeer: You answered your own question vis a vis DRM-free.

That said, I don't use Linux and I don't use Galaxy, so is the problem you describe something that also occurs with gOg game files outside of Galaxy? In other words, can you accomplish what you want using either the Downloader ( or browser downloads? Just pointing out those options in case you're thinking that Galaxy is the only way to get your game files.

Best of luck with it.
The download functionality isn't what I'm referring to. I am very easily able to download without it. What I'm concerned with is the fact that when I pay for something I can't install it properly, without building it myself from the tarball. If I paid for it, it should have an easy way to install it. If I didn't pay for it, then I could see it making sense for it to be considered 'okay' that I can't, and drop it.
Post edited August 26, 2015 by aeruginosus
aeruginosus: (...)
The download functionality isn't what I'm referring to. I am very easily able to download without it. What I'm concerned with is the fact that when I pay for something I can't install it properly, without building it myself from the tarball. If I paid for it, it should have an easy way to install it. If I didn't pay for it, then I could see it making sense for it to be considered 'okay' that I can't, and drop it.
*Building* it yourself from the tarball? That would imply source availability (which would be extremely cool 8-) ).
I think you are in fact referring to *extracting* the tarball as opposed to building it? Or am I mistaken here?
What game are you referring to? Lots of games here have .deb-packages rather than .tgz

btw, Tarball archives would be really fitting for a DrWho game: "Let's .sqz the tarball into the Tardis and extract ourself from this utterly dreary place" ;-)
Post edited August 26, 2015 by jorlin
aeruginosus: (...)
The download functionality isn't what I'm referring to. I am very easily able to download without it. What I'm concerned with is the fact that when I pay for something I can't install it properly, without building it myself from the tarball. If I paid for it, it should have an easy way to install it. If I didn't pay for it, then I could see it making sense for it to be considered 'okay' that I can't, and drop it.
jorlin: *Building* it yourself from the tarball? That would imply source availability (which would be extremely cool 8-) ).
I think you are in fact referring to *extracting* the tarball as opposed to building it? Or am I mistaken here?
What game are you referring to? Lots of games here have .deb-packages rather than .tgz

btw, Tarball archives would be really fitting for a DrWho game: "Let's .sqz the tarball into the Tardis and extract ourself from this utterly dreary place" ;-)
That was an interesting way of putting it.

I may not be right about the proper wording, but I do know that on Arch Linux which I am using, I'd have to build that tarball and make the directory for it, and basically build the whole thing myself in it. Because this isn't a debian based system and with Arch you add only what you need, so you build your entire system yourself. As much work that is involved, and I've been able to get this far, I have no doubt I can actually do it.

However, I shouldn't have to is my point - because I bought these games from here, they should be installed properly no matter the 'base' distro I have. Whether it be, Debian-based, Arch-based, or Fedora-based. Pacman is how we install things on Arch, and we have to build a lot of things from source, I don't think there is much at all that isn't that way here. That is what I was referring to.

If that cannot be done with the tarball, and as I stated I don't run a debian-based system - then how would I go about doing this on Arch, without a software that detected what I had and installed it for me? I wouldn't easily do it.

There is a very good practical reason for having this software for Linux and have it work on more than just Ubuntu and Debian based systems only. Yet they aren't doing it. That was my point, and I was expressing how I felt about it - without being hateful or intentionally disrespectful.

As for the games, I currently own from GOG the following: Pillars of Eternity, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, Shadowrun Dragonfall -Director's Cut- and Shadowrun Returns. Currently I am able to play Arcanum via Wine on here, because it has no Linux version - that's fine.

I can play Pillars of Eternity on here, by extracting the tarball and running it. But I cannot at all play Shadowrun Dragonfall or Shadowrun Returns - they flat out don't work and I'm not really sure why. In order to get my hardware to work properly (because of things out of my reach right now) I actually have to use Arch, it's the only distro that can solve the screentearing I get - it reduces it to almost none here, while other distros flat out don't do anything, no matter what I do. I spent a year trying to solve the issues, Arch was as close to solving it as I could get and that's because they only allow clean code.

Things would be so much easier if GOG would get the GOG Galaxy software working in Linux and have it detect what I have and provide what I need to make it work.
Post edited August 26, 2015 by aeruginosus
thx @gog for finally making the client usable! now it takes less than a minute to start :-)
Not sure whether this has been answered already, but will the same achievements from Steam be available for Gog?
italian language will be added?
If you need italian translators I can help
avatar Rollback, friend search, pausing downloads, and more in the biggest update yet.

Have you tried the GOG Galaxy beta yet? This is an awesome chance to jump on board. Our DRM-free online gaming platform has already been tested by so many of you we can barely count, and today we're ready to roll out the first major patch with new features and plenty of quality of life optimizations.

Update 1.1 to the GOG Galaxy beta will bring the anticipated Rollback feature, allowing you to restore your game to prior states with just a single click. Game updates are now not only optional, but also reversible.

The weeks following our GOG Galaxy-powered release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt were a chance for the team to collect feedback and to work on perfecting the Client while addressing many of your top feature requests. The newest 1.1 update includes much-requested improvements to the friend system (making it easier to find and invite friends), pausing & resuming downloads, extended pre-installation options with more ways to configure your games, and an improved app UI and navigation. The entire client will now be more resource-friendly while also becoming faster.

The 1.1 update is available today for everyone enrolled to receive preview updates through GOG Galaxy, but it will also be rolling out very soon to the entire userbase. Those of you eager to test out the announced improvements today, can simply navigate to your GOG Galaxy settings screen and select the option to “Receive preview updates”.

To download the client and read about what’s new and improved in update 1.1, visit . Make sure to subscribe to the preview updates to try them out yourself, and as always, you can submit your problems and find new solutions on the dedicated [url=]GOG Galaxy Beta forum thread.
When you guys bring multiplayer feature to galaxy which would support most of games from your game catalog?! Until this feature is not in galaxy I would not use it, because no point in that.
Post edited August 27, 2015 by Ingratus
Sometimes i get Galaxy Updater Error with the following content (see attachment):
"Instruction on address 0x<something> tried to access memory on address "0x<something>". Memory cannot be "read".".
S_H_Bouwhuis: Not sure whether this has been answered already, but will the same achievements from Steam be available for Gog?
Depends if the dev makes the same ones available.
Ingratus: When you guys bring multiplayer feature to galaxy which would support most of games from your game catalog?! Until this feature is not in galaxy I would not use it, because no point in that.
It is up to each developer to update their game in order to use Galaxy for multiplayer.
S_H_Bouwhuis: Not sure whether this has been answered already, but will the same achievements from Steam be available for Gog?
tfishell: Depends if the dev makes the same ones available.
And using the same ones is rather more likely than setting new triggers for GOG-only achievements.
Post edited August 28, 2015 by Maighstir