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high rated

Always attach your logs when reporting bugs. You can find them at:
On Windows Vista or later: C:\ProgramData\\Galaxy\Logs
On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\\Galaxy\Logs
On MacOSX: /Users/Shared/


Hi, everyone!

The Galaxy team is hard at work to bring you the Client application that will let you manage your games library more conveniently. We’d love for the initial release experience to be as smooth and streamlined as possible for everyone, but releasing an app of this scope is no easy feat.

But before we jump in and hand out the alpha Client, we’d like to set some ground rules.

1) The key word here is ‘alpha’, which means that this is not the final app and not all functionalities are present. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the core tech in the Client on a wider set of computer configurations than what we can locally test on, so only core features are included. Below I will post a detailed list of what is present and what we plan to add in future releases.

2) Alpha also means that you can encounter some unexpected issues. If you have a metered connection (a bandwidth cap or payments per bandwidth used) or you’re currently playing and can’t afford a loss of game time, this might not be for you. In other words, if you want to avoid potential problems with the alpha Client, simply wait for the final release.

3) Please, please, please refrain from posting screenshots, reviews or first impressions, both on our forums or elsewhere, as this is not the final product and many changes will still be made.

If you’ve read all of the above proceed to the signup page:

We will be sending out invitations in batches (along with some more info on how to install the client and report bugs), so not everyone will receive one right away.
Post edited May 02, 2015 by Destro
high rated
Hi everyone,

we've released the 0.7 version a couple of minutes ago, here's the changelog:

- Back/Forward navigation in the Store section
- Import Folder - it is now possible to import a game which is not compatible with the client, by clicking the game in the Library section and choosing ‘Import Folder’ from the More dropdown
- Startup page option - it is now possible to decide if the client should start on LIBRARY page, STORE page, or continue previous session
- Search option - you can press enter in the search field to continue searching in the Store
- Option to Show Game Folder added to MORE menu
- New sidebar sorting options (sort by name)
- External links will now be forwarded to the system browser
- Wishlist option added to the LIBRARY menu
- Community option in the STORE menu
- Forum Replies option in the ACCOUNT menu
- Option to keep saves, when uninstalling a game
- Windows: starting the client when another instance is already running should now open the running instance (rather than displaying error message)
- Improved ‘Last Played’ information, which should now show the time of the user stopped playing the game, rather than started playing the game
- Fixed uninstallation issues on Windows
- Fixed an issue which prevented using Paypal, when buying a game
- Fixed an issue which prevented from displaying Terms and Agreements when registering new account
- Fixed some issues when installing and uninstalling DLCs
- Bugfix: client will now not allow dragging elements onto its window
- Fixed memory leaks, causing to crash the application when downloading lots of games
- Fixed a bug which was causing the client to crash on exit
- Fixed an issue, which sometimes caused the client to duplicate the news on game view
Post edited May 01, 2015 by Destro
high rated

1. For GOG games installed using installers from the last few months (so called Galaxy-compatible installers)
Click the "+" button on top of the sidebar and select "scan and import folders" - it will find all compatible games within that folder and add them to the Client.

2. For remaining GOG game INSTALLATIONS
Find the game in the Library, then click the More button and select "Manage" -> "Import folder" and point the folder selector into the folder where that game is installed.
Post edited May 01, 2015 by Destro
rodrolliv: OK, so I understand there is a new build available. What do I do to update over the installed one?
Just start the Client, it will update automatically.
Peanut_Butter57: Are there only a limited number of games available to download through the Galaxy Alpha?
I have 55 games but only 15 are showing up.
Not all games support Galaxy client yet.
Geralt_of_Rivia: Just start the Client, it will update automatically.
Thanks, I already had the client started, and was looking for a button, or other exe in the folder.

EDIT: that didn't work, I still have the same build and options, only the Library view has changed.
Post edited December 12, 2014 by rodrolliv
To the new people in the alpha test. Do check the bug tracker for currently known issues, and don't forget to report any problems you find there.
rodrolliv: EDIT: that didn't work, I still have the same build and options, only the Library view has changed.
Please do what JMich suggested above, this will better help us with tracking down the problem.
Geralt_of_Rivia: Just start the Client, it will update automatically.
rodrolliv: Thanks, I already had the client started, and was looking for a button, or other exe in the folder.

EDIT: that didn't work, I still have the same build and options, only the Library view has changed.
Perhaps the client can't update if it was open the whole time. Have you tried restarting the client?
Peanut_Butter57: Are there only a limited number of games available to download through the Galaxy Alpha?
I have 55 games but only 15 are showing up.
Yes, roughly a little more than a third of the catalog is available through Galaxy.
Geralt_of_Rivia: Perhaps the client can't update if it was open the whole time. Have you tried restarting the client?
Yep, and logging out and in again. Time to report it where needed, I guess. To the Mantis!
When installing games to my old GOG directory, should I uninstall the old installations first or will the client write over any changed/updated files?
Will the box art view return in future versions? Just curious =P
Just got this installed and it looks very pretty. Installed three games and not had any issues yet? if i get any i will be sure to report them. Thank you GOG for letting me join in the testing stage. I love gog. :)
anomaly: I'm grinning, I love testing new software.
Gersen: Be careful that not all GoG games are available through Galaxy yet; so you better check if they are before uninstalling them ;)
That's a good point. Where do I go to see which games are compatible? Or will that just show up through Galaxy itself?
Will test and play. I'll have backups so the worst that can happen is that I have to reinstall from the standalone installer again.
So I just got the alpha client, downloaded it, installed it, and got the MSVCP110 error.
I am on Win 7 32-bit.
I see that there is already a similar report #928, marked as resolved,
How do I reopen it? How do I add my comments to it?
capture.jpg (21 Kb)
anomaly: That's a good point. Where do I go to see which games are compatible? Or will that just show up through Galaxy itself?
Galaxy only display in the games list the ones that you own and that are compatible
I received an invitation email but it is empty.