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Try the DRM-free online gaming platform.

<span class="bold">GOG Galaxy</span>: our truly gamer-friendly, DRM-free online gaming platform. As we shared our vision with the world, we promised auto-patching, social functionality like chat, friends lists, and achievements. We promised our own multiplayer support and cross-play with Steam. Most importantly, we promised truly optional.

Today we deliver.
The <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy</span> client enters beta, open to anyone, with the most important functionality ready to try, test, enjoy (and break) at your leisure. We're proud to have gotten this far, and we know that we couldn't have done it without you all - that's everyone who spent months in alpha testing, that's those of you who talked to us about your needs and expectations, and it's every single one of you that has supported us since ever. So thanks, GOG Galaxy is for you!

With the <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy Beta</span>, you can install your games in one click and keep them up to date automatically, the beta currently supports this feature in all but a couple of titles available here. You can also perform backups easily by downloading a standalone installer through GOG Galaxy. The beta features a friends list, game time tracking, achievements, and chat. You can now talk to each other, connect with your group of friends, and see what everyone is playing. You can also try out our online multiplayer & matchmaking solution that, in select titles, includes cross-play: platform-independent multiplayer between gamers on and Steam. If you download a patch that breaks something or if you just change your mind, the app will soon feature a unique rollback option to restore a previous version of your game.

Best of all, GOG Galaxy is optional. If you don't want to use any additional software, your experience with us won't change at all. If you only want to take advantage of select conveniences, you can toggle them on and off. It's all totally up to you.

You can sign up for the <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy Beta</span> and find out more on <span class="bold"></span>, where we tell you about the features and answer many of the questions you may have. We'll be watching the forums carefully, so feel free to leave a comment if there is anything else that you'd like to know!
BTW, about when can we expect keys to be sent out? I'm currently on version 0.70.860 of the alpha.
HiPhish: As long as Galaxy does not allow me to download Windows games on my Mac the downloader is a must. I play all my Windows games in Wine, and while I don't expect GOG to support that I think it's reasonable to expect them not hinder it either.
The current version of Galaxy ( does allow you to download the Win/Linux/Mac version of a game, in whatever language you wish, to whichever platform you are running Galaxy.

1) Find the Game you want to install and click on it
2) Go into More->Download Extras
3) Select OS and LANG as you desire
4) Click on Game (or SPIEL if your in Germany) and the download will start.
I'm extremely happy of your progress on GOG Galaxy!!! It looks really good!! Can't wait for the linux version!!! :D
tfishell: BTW, about when can we expect keys to be sent out? I'm currently on version 0.70.860 of the alpha.
From the sounds of it, if you are already on the Alpha then you don't need to apply for Beta keys, your app will be automatically updated.
It's a huge day for GOG! The first two published games and the start of the Galaxy beta! Just waiting for my alpha client to update. Can't wait to test out some of these new features.
avatar The beta features a friends list, game time tracking, achievements, and chat. You can now talk to each other, connect with your group of friends, and see what everyone is playing. You can also try out our online multiplayer & matchmaking solution that, in select titles, includes cross-play: platform-independent multiplayer between gamers on and Steam.
Snif snif!!! :(

I quickly launched Galaxy but the client doesn't update so the "social features" are not available :sadpandaface:

PS: Why didn't you use this news to make some publicity for tonight multiplayer twitch stream?
Post edited May 05, 2015 by catpower1980
tfishell: Maybe there's a way they could open-source the downloader so fans/users can keep it up-to-date? I don't know how that works, but it's an idea.
I think that they said they will allow "mods" of some kind.
I hope for one that could enable download&updates for "standalone installers" and "bonus content" (in custom paths).
Gearmos: Please, do keep supporting GOG Downloader as an option. It would be good for your useres and, by extension, good for you.
DCT: Why? not being snarky., I am honestly curious as to the reasoning since you can download the installers through Galaxy and just about every thing in it is optional and so if you choose so it's basically a fancy downloader so outside of the stigma of the term Client I fail to personally see what the reason for having the downloader and a other application that does the same thing.
Simple as this: The more options, the better.

Like you said, there are may people that don't like clients and only needs a simple program for a batch downloading of their DMR-Free installers. And they don't need to create a new standalone downloader from scratch, they already have one and I'm sure it's easy to keep updated if it's already embedded in Galaxy client.
low rated


Just threw up in my mouth a little bit...

I can feel my GOGness slipping away.
Post edited May 05, 2015 by budejovice
tfishell: BTW, about when can we expect keys to be sent out? I'm currently on version 0.70.860 of the alpha.
tarasis: From the sounds of it, if you are already on the Alpha then you don't need to apply for Beta keys, your app will be automatically updated.
Oh okay. Maybe there's just nothing to update yet.
Wishbone: Is it odd that I feel much more comfortable about using this client going forward, knowing that I don't actually have to? Conversely, using Steam makes me feel annoyed that it is necessary.
Not at all. It's all about freedom ultimately. Nobody likes to be forced to do things a certain way, but if we're presented with options we may very well choose them on our own fruition if we perceive a personal benefit in doing so such as having our own needs met. I think smart companies realize this and let their users decide, much like GOG is doing. It's just the most consumer and human friendly way of doing things IMHO, and I love it when companies "get" that. Few seem to, but is IMHO one of them at least. :)
Will test the beta. The alpha was quite nice. Clean.
anyone? XD
Something that would be of most interest to me:

What about a feature to redirect all savegames to a single folder within the GOG games folder? Or at least have gog galaxy keep track of where all the save game destinations are.
RIP Steam, fuck off back to the depths of hell you came fr- *ahem*

I mean, I'm very excited for GOG Galaxy.