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Try the DRM-free online gaming platform.

<span class="bold">GOG Galaxy</span>: our truly gamer-friendly, DRM-free online gaming platform. As we shared our vision with the world, we promised auto-patching, social functionality like chat, friends lists, and achievements. We promised our own multiplayer support and cross-play with Steam. Most importantly, we promised truly optional.

Today we deliver.
The <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy</span> client enters beta, open to anyone, with the most important functionality ready to try, test, enjoy (and break) at your leisure. We're proud to have gotten this far, and we know that we couldn't have done it without you all - that's everyone who spent months in alpha testing, that's those of you who talked to us about your needs and expectations, and it's every single one of you that has supported us since ever. So thanks, GOG Galaxy is for you!

With the <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy Beta</span>, you can install your games in one click and keep them up to date automatically, the beta currently supports this feature in all but a couple of titles available here. You can also perform backups easily by downloading a standalone installer through GOG Galaxy. The beta features a friends list, game time tracking, achievements, and chat. You can now talk to each other, connect with your group of friends, and see what everyone is playing. You can also try out our online multiplayer & matchmaking solution that, in select titles, includes cross-play: platform-independent multiplayer between gamers on and Steam. If you download a patch that breaks something or if you just change your mind, the app will soon feature a unique rollback option to restore a previous version of your game.

Best of all, GOG Galaxy is optional. If you don't want to use any additional software, your experience with us won't change at all. If you only want to take advantage of select conveniences, you can toggle them on and off. It's all totally up to you.

You can sign up for the <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy Beta</span> and find out more on <span class="bold"></span>, where we tell you about the features and answer many of the questions you may have. We'll be watching the forums carefully, so feel free to leave a comment if there is anything else that you'd like to know!
After reading through the Galaxy announcement page, I am less concerned about using it than I was. I will check it out and see how it works out for me.
Glad to see that there is offline support, as I'm heading for a part of the world where internet is slower and more expensive. Also good to see the pledge that there will be DRM-free backups available for all games.

I'd like to have the option to be 'invisible' when online or playing games - I prefer not to advertise my presence if I don't feel like it.
Wish GOG would add that feature to the site, as I often leave the computer running when I'm downloading games, but not actually monitoring the site. But that means that I show up as 'online' in all community threads, although I'm technically not present.
Quercus.724: Will GOG Galaxy eventually have Visual Novels and Eroge (erotic games) as well?
Asking this, because Steam refuses to sell Eroge.
I doubt it as eroge are rated AO(Adult Only).
What bothers me is that steam allows Hatred(Also rated AO) but still refuses eroge for no good reason.
avatar The <span class="bold">GOG Galaxy</span> client enters beta, open to anyone, with the most important functionality ready to try, test
When do you plan to publish the Galaxy protocol specification? You said in the past that you'll do it, to enable developing of open client alternatives to your closed Galaxy client. Or may be you want to open source yours?
Post edited May 05, 2015 by shmerl
I just received an e-mail but apparently something blocks it. A new URL pops up a millisecond then disappears.
Tinycloud: I doubt it as eroge are rated AO(Adult Only).
So are these two games on GOG:
Not sure if there is simply something wrong with me or my account, but going to the page and clicking the button promises an email. I have, however, not received one after a little over an hour. Perhaps I should just be patient? Just seems like as soon as this post went up people were getting it downloaded and running so I wasn't sure if there was just some reason I might not be receiving the email. I have checked spam folders and such as well. Of particular confusion is the email I just received which says "get it now" and clicking that takes me to the "join now" page, still lacking an actual download button? Is there something I'm just not seeing?
Post edited May 05, 2015 by Skorpeyon
Skorpeyon: Not sure if there is simply something wrong with me or my account, but going to the page and clicking the button promises an email. I have, however, not received one after a little over an hour. Perhaps I should just be patient?
Nothing here either Skorpeyon!
Quercus.724: Will GOG Galaxy eventually have Visual Novels and Eroge (erotic games) as well?
Asking this, because Steam refuses to sell Eroge.
Tinycloud: I doubt it as eroge are rated AO(Adult Only).
What bothers me is that steam allows Hatred(Also rated AO) but still refuses eroge for no good reason.
I'd chalk it up to the stereotypical American view on sex. Sex is bad but over the top violence is a okay. Why that is, not to sound like a douche but blame religious fundamentalism on that one.
Post edited May 05, 2015 by DCT
Quercus.724: But will they sell Eroge as well?
Unlikely, but time will tell. In the meantime though, if you didn't already know that JAST USA's VNs (18+ or not) are DRM-free, consider this a notice to go there and perhaps find a few you haven't already played.
Post edited May 05, 2015 by Maighstir
Nirth: I just received an e-mail but apparently something blocks it. A new URL pops up a millisecond then disappears.
Same. Seems to be a problem.
Skorpeyon: Not sure if there is simply something wrong with me or my account, but going to the page and clicking the button promises an email. I have, however, not received one after a little over an hour. Perhaps I should just be patient? Just seems like as soon as this post went up people were getting it downloaded and running so I wasn't sure if there was just some reason I might not be receiving the email. I have checked spam folders and such as well. Of particular confusion is the email I just received which says "get it now" and clicking that takes me to the "join now" page, still lacking an actual download button? Is there something I'm just not seeing?
As far as I know no one has received it yet. All those reporting, including myself, are doing so based on the closed alpha, which has been going on for months.

Someone please correct me if (when) you are able to see a version higher than

Bottom line: be patient.

P.S. To add confusion, GOG has also sent out a general announcement email about the beta (titled "The GOG Galaxy beta is here!"), which is NOT the "promised" email.
I wish they would clarify this statement:
"Best of all, GOG Galaxy is optional. If you don't want to use any additional software, your experience with us won't change at all. If you only want to take advantage of select conveniences, you can toggle them on and off. It's all totally up to you. "

As currently the titles which do have this supported come with non-optional install of the client components. I would like to stress, that whilst I see people want the option of online play and such like, I have absolutely no need or want of this in any shape or form. So keep it optional, i.e. not even installed unless expressly stated to include it. Best as a separate binary entirely, like that downloader client thing I don't use either.
Even if its benign, its then just bloatware to those of us that don't use it.
ZenWan: I'd like to have the option to be 'invisible' when online or playing games - I prefer not to advertise my presence if I don't feel like it.
Wish GOG would add that feature to the site, as I often leave the computer running when I'm downloading games, but not actually monitoring the site. But that means that I show up as 'online' in all community threads, although I'm technically not present.
Indeed, that's something that has always puzzled me personally.

I have a telephone and it is plugged into my wall and turned on 24/7 for decades now. Anyone can call my phone at any time and the ring lets me know someone is out there trying to get a hold of me, but I may or may not actually hear the phone ringing or be anywhere near it and the person calling doesn't have any idea whether I am at home or not, awake or a sleep, busy or available, they can call though and if I am available and willing to answer the phone we might be able to talk. If I'm unavailable for any reason, I have voicemail and they can opt into leaving me a message if they choose to do so. This paradigm is so common that just about everyone understands it without question.

With online digital realtime communications such as instant messaging I tend to use it exactly like that telephone. Just like my phone is plugged in and turned on all the time, my instant messaging almost always is too. The "skeletonbow is online" indicator is analogous to my telephone ringing essentially indicating to people that it is actually plugged in. It doesn't indicate that I am sitting there waiting for them to message me 24/7 however. It means that they can try to contact me if they like and if I'm there I may respond, and if I'm not - leave a message.

I have a certain number of technically sensible people who use it that way too and it works just fine, much like a telephone. But then there are those people who totally don't get it, and think that if your IM is running and you're showing online, that means that you are sitting right there and they can message you whenever they want and expect a response back in a very brief window of time, and if they don't hear back from you they think perhaps you're ignoring them or being an ass or something. I'll end up getting instant messages from such people like: "Hey, how's it going?" ... "Hey are you there?" ... "Hello?" ... "HELLO?????" ... "OK FINE THEN, BE A DICK!!"

I find that so friggen irritating that it isn't even funny. So when that is my experience with someone with instant messaging, whether they are a good friend, an acquaintance, a complete stranger or anyone else, I deal with it in a very simple manner. I'm pretty straight forward, open and honest with people - a straight shooter as people say, and I don't hide what I'm thinking or feeling about people. Nobody ever needs to ever ponder what I'm thinking or feeling about them or make any assumptions. If I've got a problem I'll tell them about it, and probably in a cordial manner with civility by default. But if someone ends up being a poor communicator that makes all sorts of assumptions about why you never responded to them when they messaged you and jumps to the conclusion that you're avoiding them or something and then acts upon those incorrect assumptions with uncivil communication, I may communicate how I feel about that to them and give them another chance, or I may simply lop them off my contact list on that particular form of communication so as not to have to deal with their negative hostile energy again. Having an "invisible" option can be very useful for managing such people too if you just want to avoid that sort of crap without completely losing the ability to communicate with them, so I'd prefer such an option also.

It seems that the people who communicate that way tend to be people who focus on drama and making negative assumptions about people and their motivations when they're unsure about something - rather than giving the benefit of doubt and waiting to ask the person. I don't have a lot of time in my life to give to such folks though, so <REMOVE> works in lieu of <INVISIBLE> just fine too though. :)
I haven't read or tested anything yet but here is my silly question anyway:

Does Galaxy have a changelog for patches?

Would be the sole reason I might install it.
Post edited May 05, 2015 by Wurzelkraft
vicklemos: Like this one or even "that" one :P ???
mrkgnao: Or this one?
He says visual, but if you say so :P