rjbuffchix: A million times
no to any sort of update, modernization, etc. For those of us who aren't webdesigners or insecure crowd-followers, and who look at things from a functionality perspective, no website has EVER improved by updating to a "modern" design. Unless you count more data collection and targeted ads to you as an "improvement."
When GOG "improved" the front page of the site, it took years for me to even have it functioning halfway correct.
The spambots are mainly bad from an "optics" perspective, which is more nonsense that people should stop weighing so heavily in their assessments. I don't think anyone is actually clicking on the damn things, calling their whatsapp numbers, etc. In a few hours a mod is usually around to nuke the posts. It's really not that big a deal.
I would be in favor of solutions that do not change the forum itself but put restrictions on new accounts such as limiting topic creation/comment posts per hour/day. That said, that is probably not that viable, as a dedicated spammer could make accounts, wait a month or however long, then spam.
But, if there is no viable solution, I would still keep the forums as they are. Love potions, spells, educational opportunities and all.
You're so right. All those security upgrades that protect users data and prevent spam and the like are so unnecessary. They've never fixed anything by upgrading software. It's all a scam. /s