Darvond: B1) If I had to take a [very] wildly unfounded guess, this stems from being formerly of the Soviet Bloc, where code ownership was a matter of the state nearly exclusively, and there were no secrets. The code was
forced open.
I'm not sure ownership of what code you mean as the supposed matter of the state nearly exclusively, because the way it worked was that in fact... there basically was no code ownership. Piracy was perfectly legal. People were legally selling pirated copies of games and programs. It was very common, and lasted quite a few years beyond overthrowing communism before matters were regulated (I believe in 1994). It's how pretty much 99.9% of gamers got their games in the early 90s. It's why piracy was never really frowned upon even afterwards around here. Well that, and the fact originals were absurdly expensive most times, that is once they started to appear at all. CD Projekt in fact got big in the first place as one of the first publishers to actually get people around here to transition to buying original games, by offering them at affordable prices, with cool extras and fully translated and dubbed. Their Polish edition of Baldur's Gate was basically what truly put them on the map and I guess started them on the long way to eventually making RPGs of their own.
Breja: I'd just like "my recent posts" page back.
Sachys: press f5 on the gogbear page of no-loading. thats been known for years.
It does... precisely nothing.