yogsloth: Balance:
The only exception was the Seraph Knight, whose action would only have been detected by his target had it gone into play, i.e, if he had to sacrifice his life to save someone, that someone would have known it. It's just hellish happenstance that the tracker tracked the Seraph... to himself... the first bloody night!
Town's weakness, however, was that if they worked separately and didn't coordinate, they would suffer - and I think we saw some of that.
Some of that was my "fault" certainly, but there were a number of traps in the setup. Having two role cops, and the bad luck of RW flipping N1 made it really hard for me to claim solo. Several voices proclaimed that a 2nd role cop must be scum (in the same way I thought the role blocker was). On top of it, my first two investigations were the two other cops.
You noted in our PM chats that I was working my butt off to try and set up a way I could claim safely and it never really came together. My other major mistake was assuming that all the cops meant all the scum roles would be hidden - I was 2/3 right (3/4 if you count Lift) but wrong on the major piece.
The precise reason I pushed for mass claim on D2 was to get everything out there and piece things together while we still had roles in play, but there was no interest from the rest of the table, though Lift was the strongest opposition, actual town didn't exactly step up to the plate to agree that we should piece together our knowledge.
Considering I was already the "2nd" role cop, and I had copped the other two cops, it was just really dicey without the rest of the table for me to do anything too early without either getting myself lynched or NKed either.
It was a bit too easy for town to kill its own, and conversely the scum team was pretty much entirely reliant on Hijack staying hidden. So balanced in the sense that both sides had a major achilles heel.
I think the piece that makes the least sense to me is Trent's role - as you note it was bad luck he was tracked N1, but if he leaves a trace, or if Dedo's visit was more apparent in his flavor PM, that's survivable. And as scum chat notes, Hijack was in position to strongman the kill on dedo which may have lead to Trent's death the next day. At best it maybe buys town 1 day for a power role in endgame, but that's assuming he lives that long, saves it, and doesn't use it on the alignment cop or doctor. [Edit - and doesn't get strongmanned anyway]
But in a game where town start with 8 (and are pretty much guaranteed to kill one of their own D1) against 3 + 1 anti-town, a role that saves someone else at the cost of his own life isn't really that useful, imo. Especially if his action is "different" than everyone else's.
Despite that, I did quite enjoy playing and trying to sort out what in the flavor was relevant and what wasn't.