Magnitus: The market for DRM-free ebooks is already in motion.
Most technical IT books are sold DRM-free in ebook format (O'reilly, Manning, InformIT and a couple of others).
DrivethruRPG sells DRM-free ebooks for pretty much any roleplaying game you'd hope for (and for the few that are missing, you're likely to find DRM-free ebooks directly on the publishers' website).
They also have the DriveThruComics sister site for comics (probably not as complete a selection as the RPG one, but still some cool stuff).
Then, you got other kinds of ebooks that are DRM-free with various more obscure publishers (mostly non-mainstream stuff mind you).
The main players that have yet to join the DRM-free ranks:
- Academia (university-level textbooks and the like, wouldn't have minded getting my hands on some of my university stats textbooks in pdf format....)
- Mainstream novels and non-fiction books
- Comics from the big guys (Marvel, DC, etc)
So yeah, still a lot of inroads to make, but the DRM-free ebooks market is not exactly a virgin land ripe for the taking by a company that has never sold ebooks before. Other well established players are in a far better position to grab what remains.
Thanks for the Info.
However my suggestion or query, was not just about DRM Free Ebooks. I know many are out there. And I wasn't really suggesting IT Technical ebooks either, and as you say they are already out there, and the buyers for them are not going to think of GOG as their first stop for them ... or second or third etc.
I was specifically referring to game related ebooks, and while I know many of them also exist out there, many don't, and really in any business you need customers for survival, and GOG already has the customer base here of people who are interested in all things games. Many good Game Guides do contain great technical information in regard to a specific game, and many games are based on books, so perhaps helpful background info.
And I am sure, that many like me aren't that interested to go elsewhere for game stuff. I mostly come to GOG for my gaming needs, so a One Stop GOG Gaming Shop would be brilliant.
Selling Ebooks is like selling any other digital product, and there are no special needs compared to games (less in fact) ... unless GOG were not going to go down the DRM Free road, as then things do start to get complex.
So in my view, they are in the best position of all to provide Game Ebooks, but only if DRM Free.