paladin181: I'm not so insecure of myself that others getting them illegitimately devalues my self worth. It's like a trophy case. Trophies aren't devalued because anyone can go to a trophy store and buy it. If you earned it, you know you did.
Imagine competitions\tournaments without any control of rules or cheaters because it's just "insecurity".. it would be a waste of time and nobody would partecipate.
P.s: I don't care about showing off achievs or getting too difficult ones, but I can understand the OP's point of view.
paladin181: I didn't want easy modes because "dammit, I'm good enough to play the harder content. It should be worked for. The devs wanted it to be this way!!! If any idiot can accomplish the ending of the game, then it's not
worth anything." Then I woke up and realized I don't care how you play your games.
I mostly play games on "normal" but I like when they have an option to choose difficulty.
To not devalue players efforts, however, the mode should be visibile somewhere (eg: UI, map\game ending).
So, anyone could complete the game as he likes, but bragging rights would be reserved only to the best players.
paladin181: It's too trivial. There are more important things to worry about.
Like always. It doesn't mean there shouldn't be any discussion about trivial things (like videogames in general..)